Chapter III - Breaking Loose!

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|Central City
|July 9, 12:48 CDT

KAMILA WOKE UP the next morning, well afternoon - It's summer! Give me a break! - to the sound of knocking on her bedroom window. Her third story bedroom window. After dismissing it to be her mind playing tricks on her, the girl went back to sleep... is what she wished would've happened.

The knocking became louder and more rapid so she silently moved over to the window and pulled the curtains back, scowling at the light now streaming into her room. Once her eyes adjusted to the light, she looked over at her best friend who was sitting on one of the branches which belonged to the big oak tree in her backyard. She lifted the window open and helped Wally climb into her room.

"What are you doing here?" She walked over to her nightstand to check the time, realizing that her phone was dead. Quickly using a small amount of her powers, she charged her phone and saw the dozen of missed calls from Wally and the amount of unread messages from the group chat herself and the others (Wally, Dick and Kaldur) made. She even had a few calls from Dick.

"You weren't picking up so I decided to run over and see if you were alright," the ginger jumped onto the bed in the middle of the room, twisting in the air so he'd land on his back with his hands behind his head.

Kamila smiled slightly down at her phone and quickly read over the texts between the three boys.

12:19 pm
Bird blunder - guys, meet up at central, kinda hacked the bat cave and got sum for us to do
Bird blunder - we never had a mission just us 4 before the team was formed soooo..?

12:22 pm
Water boy - I believe this excursion would be a good exercise for us if we're to be working as a team.
Water boy - where shall we meet?

12:24 pm
Kidiot - DUDE! Ofcs!!!!!!! Ik a place we could meet
Kidiot - Me&Sparky go there alt
Kidiot - Cafe Sugar
Kidiot - when??

12:24 pm
Bird blunder - why are you spamming sm?
Bird blunder - anyways, meet at Cafe sugar at 1?

12:25 pm
Water boy - I'll be there
Water boy - has anyone heard from Kamila?

12:26 pm
Kidiot - it's b4 1 in summer, KC's prob sleeping
Kidiot - I'll call her

After that message, the conversation died off, so Kamila checked the message that Dick had sent her (saying Wally's freaking out because she wasn't answering, how the speedster was going to be running over to her place soon and asking if they could stop dancing around each other) then returned her attention to the red head.

"You really ran here because my phone was dead?"

Wally gave her a deadpan look, "Kam. You have lighting powers. Literally you holding your phone charges it. Obviously if it was dead I'd be worried"

Looking away, Kamila smiled a bit to herself "So apparently we're meeting the others at Cafe Sugar in like 45 minutes... I'm going to get ready because I just woke up, and we can leave after that, 'kay?"

She saw him nod and left to the bathroom.

Kamila and Wally had been friends for years. When they had met, she'd been Astra publicly for a year (and a year of learning how to control her powers and hand to hand training on top of that) when the Carter-Fisher family had been invited to the West-Allen wedding and Kamila was appointed the role of flower girl. At the wedding, she met Iris' nephew - a boy only a few week's younger then her named Wally West.

At 13 years old, Wally had a bad habit of flirting with every single girl his age, sometimes even girls who were several years older then him. So naturally, when he saw the blonde girl wearing a light blue dress with recently cut short hair, he decided to introduce himself.

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