Chapter IV - Welcome to Happy Harbour

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| Star City
| July 17 23:17 PDT

KAMILA DIDN'T KNOW how or even why, but Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad had convinced her to try and help them convince Roy to join the team. She already knew where he stood, how he felt about the league at the moment and even the team itself. She tried to explain that to the boys, but they wouldn't listen.

Now, they were at one of Star City's shipping docs. She'd seen Roy dodge the shots being fired at him, and Kamila also saw the arrow he shot at the gun.

6/10, impressive but the flips felt forced she mentally joked.

"-Schoch the earth, boys."

That was her cue. Without another word, Kamila left her hiding spot and shot a small amount of electricity at the two thugs in front of her. Just a high enough voltage for their muscles to seize up, resulting in them dropping their weapons.

As she was helping Robin quickly tie up the thugs, Brick picked up a big chunk of the pavement and threw it at Speedy - Roy Harper.

He manages to get out of the way, allowing Kaldur to take his place and cut the stone in half. At the same time, Roy shot a smoke arrow to the man as well, temporarily blinding him.

"The cave is perfect," Aqualad said, "it has everything the team will need."

Kamila made her way up to where the boys were standing through the light on the floor to laminate the isles of crates.

"For covert missions! You know, spy stuff," Robin reasoned.

Once she reformed next to the group, Wally also sped up the wall. "And wait till you see Superboy and Miss Martian!"

The smoke eventually disappeared and Brick grabbed another chunk of pavement to throw at the group.

The group all scattered as Aqualad sliced through the concrete once again. Roy shot two explosive arrows at Brick, but they didn't seem to do much damage.

"Tell Arrow he shouldn't send boys to do a man's job" the red man yelled.

Kamila glared at the man, and with a boom of thunder appeared behind him.

"Lucky for you, they brought me along," she glared at the man, his hair started to stand up and the cloud above began to swirl. Brick's eyes widened as he looked at the girl, a spark of lighting flashing behind her eyes, though it could have been a reflection from the clouds above. Then, a bright light struck the man, barely six feet away from her.

When the lighting stopped, Roy fired another arrow, trapping the man in a sort of foam.

Kamila made her way back up to the boys, Wally stopping next to her.

"Do I seriously look like a guy?" Kamila pondered, a hand on her hip as she looked at the man in the foam "I mean, is it the short hair? Because there's no way I'm going back to fighting with long hair!"

Wally rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke, "I mean, maybe? The jacket isn't helping and you're not that girly-" Kamila sent him a glare through her mask "-but it suits you and you're the strongest girl I know..!?"

Kamila nodded at him and turned to face Roy and the others. She didn't see Wally let out a sigh of relief when she turned her back.

"So, Speedy, you in?" Asked the boy wonder.

Roy simply walked by him before stopping in between the shipping containers.

"Pass," he said, "I'm done letting Arrow and the league tell me what to do. I don't need a babysitter, or a clubhouse to hang out with the other kids. Your 'Junior Justice League' is a joke, something to keep you busy and in your place,"

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