Chapter XVI - Starling

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| August 23, 22:32 PST

THE LAST TIME Kamila and Wally had been in the dazzling street lights of Star City, they were trying to recruit a red clad archer for their team. Now, as they jumped from roof top to roof top with the newest addition to the team, Kamila didn't mind the rotation in their 'two speedsters and an archer' night out.

Kamila let out an occasional laugh as she jumped and rolled from one roof top to another, following after Artemis as they run though the youngest teen's city. Kamila looked over to see Wally zipping though the streets below, mainly because he fell on his face three rooftops ago and Artemis and Kamila kept laughing at him.

In the distance, maybe a few alleyways in front of them, Kamila heard a shrill scream that echoed off the walls of two apartments building and into the open air. Kamila looks over at Artemis and nods, then pressed a finger to her comm to contact Wally, "Flasher, you heard that?"

"Yeah," the boy said, "let me circle back, be there in like forty five seconds."

Kamila shut off her comm and jumped over to the next building, "you think we can handle this is thirty?" She asked her friend to her left.

Artemis sent her a smirk as she pulled out her collapsible bow, then proceeded to nock an arrow on the string, "I'd say twenty five."

The two girls made the last jump, they ran over to the other side of the building and looked over the edge only to find a young woman - only a few years older then Kamila herself - and three men. Two of them held knives while the last of the trio had some sort of sedative or drug in a small syringe.

Kamila nodded at Artemis and fizzled out into one of the open outlets of the roof top access. Once she reappeared on the ground floor, the man closest to the woman had his knife knocked out of his hand by a green arrow. Kamila put a hand to his head and sent a small shock - enough to knock him out.

She turned to the second man with a knife. He smirked at the heroine, a cocky way that she found laughable, and charged at her. Kamila's fast reaction time allowed her to pull out her own dagger, which was much better equipped for fighting than the dulled kitchen knife the man was using.

She ducked under his first swing, and countered by hitting the handle of his knife with the hilt of her dagger, causing the man's grip to loosen. Kamila had minimal experience with knife combat, but it was clearly much more than the petty mugger before her.

She took a step back as he swung at her again, attempting to cut across her chest. Kamila then pushed her blade against his own, and like a snake, she managed to wrap the knife to trap it in the guard of her dagger. She twisted her wrist and the man's blade clattered to the floor.

Kamila smiled as she noticed the arrow flying over her shoulder, landing on the man's chest and trying him up against the lowered fire escape ladder. Kamila looked over at the third man, only to see him running out of the alleyway.

Kamila shouted, "Artemis!" To catch the girl's attention, and just as Artemis was about to pull back another arrow, a yellow blur pulled the man back into the alleyway. With Wally blocking the man's only exit, Kamila's hands twitching with electric voltage, and Artemis pulling back on an arrow, ready to fire at a moments notice, the man raised his hands above his head.

"Smart move," Wally said with a smirk, crossing his arms and letting his guard down, "now, how about you give me the needle too, just so we cover all our bases."

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