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| August 12, 11:04 CST

"-YEAH, META HUMAN," Kamila had been telling Wally about the her last mission. One part that really stuck with her was what the king called her.

A meta human.

There was no name for humans with powers up until now. People like Kamila - people with inexplicable powers that seemed to be genetic - were rare enough. Dinah, Barry, Jay, Wally... most of her rogues... not to sound like a wanna be cultist, but it felt good to have something like that connecting her to people like her.

"So, that's what we're calling ourselves?" Wally asked, to which the girl nodded as she jumped up to sit on the kitchen counter top. The boy was boiling water on the stove top, the two of them had gotten bored and what better to do when you're bored with a speedster boyfriend than cook and eat an entire pot of macaroni and cheese?

"Yeah, has a nice ring to it honestly. I mean, beyond human. Not to inflate my ego or anything, but it's fitting," she shrugged and looked over at Wally just to meet his gaze looking at her. She gave him an odd look as she laughed, "what?"

"Nothing," the boy said, as he looked back at the pot, "you're just awesome."

Kamila grinned, "you say that a lot, pretty boy." Wally blushed at the name. Despite her calling him pretty boy whenever they were alone (which was surprisingly often) it still managed to make him blush.

"Because I mean it," he casually said, because despite his blushing, he stopped stuttering on every word when Kamila called him by the nickname, "and I'm gonna keep calling you amazing, awesome, beautiful-"

The girl felt a blush creeping up her neck, as the speedster walked away from the stove and stood in front of her, "shut up, your all those things and more Wally."

"Really," he smirked as he placed his hands on her hips, "you think so?"

Kamila smiled as she leaned in close to him. There was a small gap between them, and she placed a hand to cup his jaw before she spoke, "the water is boiling over."

"Yea- wait what?" Wally turned around and saw the pot of water bubbling over and spilling onto the stove top, causing it to steam up and evaporate from the heat. He turned back to glare at the girl before grabbing a towel that rested on the counter next to him.

As the boy cleaned up the spilled water and added the noddles to the pot, the girl older girl continued to laugh at the looks he threw her way.

"You suck," Wally told her as her stirred the water and noddles.

"Really? Because I thought I was just... soooo amazing and awesome and beautiful and smart-"

"I never said smart!" She raised an eyebrow at him, "but... okay yeah, you are smart."

Kamila continued to grin as she looked at him, "See, you do think I'm amazing, awesome, beautiful and smart," she teased as he checked the noddles to see how cooked they were.

Wally rolled his eyes in fake annoyance and looked at her with something vaguely familiar in his eyes, "I hate you."

Kamila rested her weight on her hand and shook her head, "no you don't."

"Yeah you're right, I don't," he smiled at her.

"That's because I'm always right, Flasher," she jumped off the counter and walked out to the fridge to grab the rest of the ingredients they'd need.

Just as Kamila was about to pull out the milk, she was startled by a yelp of pain from behind her. She spun to look at Wally, who was holding his hand to his chest as pain began to spread across his face.

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