Chapter VII - Meteor Shower

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|Augest 2, 14:37 CST

"KAMILA COME DOWNSTAIRS, please! I need you to make sure Gemma and Daniel don't stick forks in the outlets trying to get superpowers again!" Hannah Carter called from the kitchen downstairs.

Kamila was messing around with her electric guitar - she started playing shortly after she got her powers, for the irony of it all of course - when here mom called her down, and not being one to just ignore her mother, Kamila yelled back, "coming mum!"

She placed her guitar on its stand and grabbed her favourite zip up hoodie to wear over her sport bar before she left her room and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Where you going?" She asked her mom after giving her a kiss on the cheek and passing her the sugar for her coffee.

"Thank you sweetie, I'm going shopping downtown to grab some things for the party tonight-"

Kamila placed a hand on her mom's shoulder as she turned to sit on the countertop to her left side, "woah- wait what party? Are we having a party? Who's coming?"

Hannah smile and grabbed the zipper on kamila's hoodie and zipped it up to her sportbra's neckline. Kamila smiled sheepishly at her mom.

"just a few people," her mom said, "Alex's parents are back in town and they want to see the kids. Plus, you're Aunt Cassidy is-"

"Wait Aunt Cassidy is coming too?!" Cassidy Carter-Moore was her father's sister, and Kamila's favourite extended family member. She works as a fashion photographer and a freelance journalist for magazines like fashion nova, and it's not even day she leaves her New York apartment to come see her niece in central city. "Is Cindy coming or is she staying with uncle Rick?"

"She's staying in New York because of her broadway audition is next week- can you pass me my keys? they're right behind you, thanks sweetie - um, oh! Barry and Iris are coming, obviously. And the West family is too so you and Wally need to promise me not to hide out in your room please? And," she furrowed and then snapped her fingers, "oh! The neighbours are sending Hailey over to play with Dani and Gem so you don't gotta worry about keeping an eye on them."

"Isn't Hailey like, thirteen?" Kamila asked, swinging her legs and crossing her arms.

"She's fourteen and she needs volunteers hours for school. Not everyone gets five hours a week fighting crime Kamila."

She rolled her eyes at her mom affectionately, "fair enough, what time?"

"Uh, at like six maybe? Okay I gotta go sweetie, love you," she kissed her daughter on the cheek "okay, bye sweetie, watch your siblings please!"

"Okay okay, I will. Bye mom, love you," Kamila responded and watched her mom put on her shoes and run out the door, calling goodbye to Gemma and Daniel Fisher who sat at the dining table and coloured in their superhero colouring books.

Kamila loved her half siblings, but when left home alone they could start a fire with a bucket of water and pure spite.

Case in point, twenty minutes after her mom left, she was running around outside with the two kids chasing after her with a garden hose and a pair of scissor. This was a very fun game where Kamila had to make sure not to electrocute her half siblings while they sprayed her with a hose. The scissor are to scare her into running away so she won't just grab the hose and turn it on the kids.

Never say that Gemma and Daniel Fisher weren't the smartest seven and six year olds ever. Because they adapt and they improvise every chance they get to make as much chaos as possible.

"Kami! Come back!" Gemma giggled and trated the scissors for the hose and let Daniel run after the girl, "Dani run! Go go go!"

Another example of why her siblings were freakishly smart was that now Kamila was cornered against the wall to the house and with the water surrounding her, she couldn't use her power to escape.

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