Chapter XV - Denial

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| August 19, 19:39 EDT

Three, Two, One.

Superboy and Kaldur circled each other on the sparring mat while Kamila, Wally, Artemis and Megan watched from the sidelines. All of them were wearing civvies - save for Kaldur who was in his uniform and superboy who wasn't even wearing a shirt - and they were starting to get bored being in the cave with nothing to do.

Wally and Kamila had already made three Taco Bell runs since they arrived at three in the afternoon, and the boy was still eating one of the many burritos they had gotten. Kamila made sure that the boy wouldn't drown in his own food before she walked over to the other girls on the team and stood in the middle of the two of them, putting her arms around the backs of both the shorter girls' necks.

"So," Kamila dragged out, "what's up with you guys? Y'know, aside from how the two of you are obviously checking out Superboy and Kaldur."

The two girls have her drastically different reactions to Kamila's words.

Megan had blushed a bright red against her forest green skin, immediately denying the fact that they both were observing the way each of the boys' muscles tensed as Superboy threw a punch or as Kaldur flipped to avoid the hit.

Meanwhile, Artemis immediately went on the defensive, crossing her arms and looking away. She kept a tight look on her face and ducked from under Kamila's arm to give her more distance.

"We weren't-"
"What makes you-"

"I'm kidding," Kamila laughed out as she removed her arm from Megan's shoulders and placed one hand on her hip as the other ran though her hair before resting at her side.

Artemis seemed to get and idea and looked at the two girls, "Hey, what do you two think about Kaldur? I mean, he's nice, right? He's handsome, commanding... you should totally ask him out, Megan."

M'gann shook her head and spoke in her usual bubbly tone, "he's like a big brother to me! But you know who would be the cutest couple?"

Artemis and Kamila sent her a questioning look, hopping the girl would elaborate, "Kamila and Kaldur!"

Oh honey that's not...

Artemis' eyes widened to Kamila's right. For some reason, she thought Artemis would laugh at the idea like Kamila almost did. But instead, the archer said something she... never thought anyone would say, "I always thought Red Arrow and Kamila would make a cute couple," it got worse as she continued to explain her thought process, "I mean, they've known each other for how long? And you remember my first day on the team right? How they just came back from fighting the league of shadows? I might not like Speedy - Red Arrow, Roy, whatever - all that much, but you can't deny that there's something there!"

They're most definitely is not?! Kamila thought, but Megan decided to state her reasoning for team Kaldur.

"Okay, but Kamila and Kaldur are both super good leaders, they've definitely got some sort of connection between them from that alone! Plus, years of friendship! Oh! Kamila- " The Martian then light up as he remembered something, "-remembered the beach day? How he held your hand so you could join us in the water? That was so romantic!"

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