Chapter XIV- Cold Case

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| August 13, 15:22 EDT

"WHEN YOUR MISSION relies on subterfuge, resist the urge to go on the offensive..." Captain Atom lectured the team. The Justice League decided that the team - being a covert operations team - should have some idea of what espionage entails. The pros and cons, what to do and what not to do, how to avoid blowing up something or someone during a mission and what use that could be in fights.

Based on past missions slash adversaries the team has encountered and their 'explosions per missions' ratio (ten explosions in three official missions) being a red flag for the team as it is... they definitely could use a class like this.

Only problem was, the class was so beyond boring that Kamila would rather be single handedly fighting Eobard Thawne - Aka the Reverse Flash - than sit in this cave listening to the hero talk any longer.

To entertain herself for the past hour, she's been scribbling down small notes and passing them to either the speedster on her right, or the archer to her left. A few moments earlier, before Wally had sneakily speed off, the three of them were talking about plans to hang out at big belly burger in Star City then go patrolling around the city.

When one person would be writing, or whenever they'd need to pretend to pay attention because Captain Atom was looking their way, Kamila would feel her eyes turn blue and she'd start 'erasing' a few words on the holographic whiteboard.

"... last thing you wanted is to risk exposing yourself and the team..." the hero continued as Kamila started to draw different hero logos on the board, including the Superman shield, the Batman crest, the Flash's lightning bolt, and many others.  The sketches would disappear every time the man turned, so he of course didn't know.

Wally had made more than a few trips to the kitchen during the class. His latest trip brought back a banana. The one before that two of M'gann's cookies that the girl had made the night before.

Kamila had glared at him until he gave her one.

Kamila looked over at Artemis and noticed the girl had a piece of gun that she was stretching out, biting down on one end and pulling the other with two fingers. Kamila hit the side of her stool and caught the girl's attention, nodding to the gum to ask what she was doing.

The girl shrugged and looked back to the hero in front of her as he kept speaking, "...because a covert operation means keeping to the shadows..."

Kamila rested her cheek on the palm of her hand as she looked around at the rest of her team. Robin had probably gone over a similar lecture like this from Batman while in training - like Kamila had when Canary took her out on her first stealth mission in Star City years ago, and like Batman had before her mission a few days prior. The girl then leaned forward a but and noticed that her atlantean second in command was actively falling asleep as he was taking notes.

"... concealing your identities, infiltrating your targets, and that means advanced research," Captain Atom continued as he wrote down a few key words on the board. Kamila sighed and looked over to M'gann, silently hoping the girl would hear her mental plea to set up a mind link so she could talk to someone. Sadly, M'gann was otherwise occupied and looking at a very bored Superboy as he extended his arms over his head, and let out loud yawn, cutting off the captain as he explained how you must always remain alert on stealth missions.

"This is boring, isn't it?" Captain Marvel asked, snapping the attention of the team back to focus. M'gann nearly jumped as she looked away from Superboy, and Kaldur's head snapped up as if he'd been awake the entire time.

The Martian was quick to reassure the man, "oh no, Captain, it's quite-"

"Yeah, this is boring," Superboy interrupted.

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