Chapter XI - Infultrator

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| August 7, 23:49 ECT

KAMILA AND ROY speed along the waves of the water at a quick pace. Kamila was decked out in her stealth suit as to not stand out against the black sea around the boat and the shadows of Infinity Island. Her main job was to cut the power to any Cameras, and if she got the chance to, short circuit any tech based weapons before the league of shadows has a chance at using them it.

The elder boy was driving the rented boat, and as they approached the safe guarded island he shut off the engine and allowed the boat to start cruising along the water. The waves pushing the boat in the direction of the island.

"Hand me that rope," he asked, and the blonde girl complied, passing it to him as he dove under the water.

Kamila watched as he re-emerged a few feet away and began guiding the boat to the island. Kamila was simply glad that she automatically got out of swimming in the water because of her powers. Sure, Wally and her were in the rain together a few days prior and nothing had happened to him, but it was Wally. Whether she was Kamila or Astra, the girl could never use her powers to hurt him.

Didn't mean that after years of training her powers she was fully confident in her self restraint that way.

So to be useful on the boat ride there, Kamila insisted on the (albeit small) electric boat so she could consistently power it on their ride.

Kamila blinked her eyes, sensing them change to blue with yellow flecks of lightning in them.

Electro-Sight? Volt-Vision? Current Clarity? I'll work on it, she thought.

She spotted something that resembled motion sensors not too far off the coastline. They probably run off heat signatures. She would also see small objects with wiring leading up to them on the side of the walls a few miles inland. Cameras.

She blinked her vision back to normal, "red," she whispered shouted as the hero tried to spin the boat around for their inevitable escape to be quicker. "They have motion sensors and cameras all over the place."

The boy scoffed with a shit eating smirk as he walked along the bottom of the shore, seeing a tree root to tie the boat to, "No shit, it's infinity island. They're gonna have security Sparky."

Kamila glared, "hey, only KF can call me that," she didn't notice the way his smirk faltered, "it's the shadows head quarters. I know that they were gonna have security dip shit, just thought I should tell you where they are. Blind spots."

Roy raised an eyebrow as he secured the rope to the tree, "you can't possibly see them from here Astra."

The girl pushed back her hair back, the grey streak along her parted hair shimmering in the moon light. She rolled her eyes and blinked her eyes to their enhanced blue and yellow colour.

"Yes I can. New power I sorta developed on our team's mission," she explained as Roy raised an eyebrow in shock (from what she could tell, it was kinda hard to see his face when mostly everything was a dark blue. Except for the blue glow of his tech enhanced arrow tips and their electric yellow power sources.)

"You're developing more powers?! Dude," the boy smirked as he helped Kamila down onto the sand while they covered the boat with a camouflage printed tarp, "you know some of us don't have any right? Care to share?"

The girl let out a quiet laugh as she landed on the packed sand, "I'm also like, 90% sure that I can control electronic to some degree. I'm having Flash and some friends at StarLabs set up a training exercise for me to see what else. Might get the JLA involved apparently."

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