Chapter X - Respect.

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| August 7, 20:37 PDT

ASTRA ARRIVED IN a back alley photo booth in Star City, the exact coordinates which Roy said to meet, dressed in her hero attire. She hadn't spoken to him much since the night at the shipping docs where the boys tried to convince the archer to join the team. But once the boy actually decided to call her to patrol the city with him, she eagerly agreed. She also wanted to mention her promotion from Barry, and her role as team leader.

She just missed her friend honestly and there was a lot to catch him up on.

The girl had an insulated comm in her ear and she pressed her finger to the button to contact Roy. "Yo, Speedy where the hell are you?"

The comm beeped and Roy replied "it's Red Arrow now. And look up."

Sure enough, standing on the ledge of the building adjacent to her, a smirk plastered on his face, was Roy in his new hero suit. The girl quickly used her powers to fizzle up to the roof next to him.

"You seriously went with Red Arrow?" She asked with a smirk, "That's original, Red."

The boy rolled his eyes under his domino mask. 'Red' was a nick name she'd given the boy because of his auburn hair and the red uniform he wore as speedy. Roy had expressed many times his dislike for the name.

"Shut up," the boy replied, shoving her shoulder, "honestly I'm surprised you're even allowed to meet up. Dosen't Flash have a rule about his protégés never leaving his sight?"

Kamila crossed her arms, "dude, that's literally bull shit he let do whatever as long-"

"As you don't end up hurt, dead, wanted or lost. Yeah I know." Kamila noticed how he was scanning the city, because technically they were supposed to be patrolling. She decided to sit down and swing her legs over the edge of the ten story building, knowing there really wasn't any arm in doing so.

"Besides," she continued, "I'm not his protégé anymore."

She wasn't looking at the archer, but that didn't mean she couldn't feel his shock as he proceeded her words. It was common knowledge among their friend group (consisting of Dick, Kaldur, Wally and the two of them) that she loved working with Barry. Kamila often talked about all the missions they went on, like fighting Abra Kadabra and figuring out his magic was all fake, or really any of their typical rouges - like Captain Cold, who Kamila is pretty sure was in attendance to the West-Allen wedding...

Anywho, it would come as a shock to anyone that Astra and Flash parted ways. Which is why Roy's half frozen reaction was easily predictable to the girl.

"You actually went solo?!" He eventually asked.

Kamila shook her head and explained the situation to him, much like she had to Wally the other day.  She explained what her and Barry had agreed to, and what it would mean in the eyes of both the Team and the Justice League.

After having to explain it to her mom, step-dad, Wally and now Roy, Kamila was seriously just sending an email to the rest of her teammates and the JLA about the situation. Much less time consuming.

"-so yeah, that's it," she finished.

Roy had eventually taken the spot next to her, and he nodded his head, "yeah okay... so you got promoted to a solo hero basically?"

"I guess? Barry said I out grew his teaching or whatever that means."

Roy hesitated, like he was organizing his thoughts as if they were small folders on a desktop. He had a weird look on his face and then shook his head.

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