Chapter I - Independence Day

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|Central City
|July 4, 11:00 CDT

JULY FOURTH IS well known across the United States of America. It's a day of celebration where Americans show their pride for their country and celebrate its independence.

But for Kamila Carter, it was more than that. For her it's the most important day of her life... because today is the day. Her first step in becoming a member of the Justice League. This day, along with the day she got her powers, are the most important days of her life. Nothing can go wrong. It's going to be-

"Mom! Where's my jacket?! I can't find my jacket!" The 16 year old shouted,  "I'm going to be late! We're supposed to be there already! Did Barry call yet? Is the Captain Cold situation handled?"

She was wearing a tight blue suit with yellow electric trimming around the collar, sleeves and matching gloves. The trimming extended the middle of her back, and around her ankles which stopped just above her Star Labs modified combat boots. In one hand, she held her matching blue mask while the other tried to secure the lighting bolt shaped belt around her waist.

"Kamila I swear if I come up there and find your jacket.." the girl heard from the bathroom down the hall  a few moments later, her mother, Hannah Carter, walked into her room with her hair still wrapped up in a towel.

"I've looked everywhere mom, I can't find it-" as Kamila turned around, her mother closed the door and pulled off a black and white leather jacket with two lighting bolts on either side. "Oh.. thank you."

The blonde quickly ran up to her mother and put on the jacket, while checking the pockets to make sure her back up weapons were still safely put away. After she was certain everything was where it's supposed to be, she went to put on her mask but was stopped by her mother.

"Here, let me?" The elder gently put on her daughter's mask and took a small step back, as if to admire her.

"I'm so proud of you honey," she pressed a quick kiss on her daughter's four head and quickly fixed her short wavy hair to somewhat cover the left side of her face, parting the grey prices of hair that came with her powers as she developed them.

Kamila gave her mom a small smile, and pulled her into a short hug before checking the time on her phone, along with the new message from her best friend.

11:03 am
Kidiot - WHERE RU??? I do t wanna b late KC! CC is w/ the cops rn & we're goin so meet @ the hall!!!

"Shoot, I'm gonna be late, the others have already left! Love you bye!" She quickly kissed her mom on the cheek and seemingly disappeared into sparks of electricity.

Kamila - now Astra, one of Central City's favourite heroes - used the electric wiring of the city to quickly travel through the other side and in the rough direction of Washington, DC. Once she arrived, she reformed into her original form and with a boom of thunder and sensing the energy coming from the passing cites, quickly made her way to the Hall of Justice.


|Washington, DC
|July 4, 14:00 EDT



"I'm here! I'm here! Sorry I took so long! KF and Flash-" Said Astra as she came to a stop with another boom of thunder, cutting off what Aquaman was saying beforehand, "aren't even here yet...? I left after them!"

"Awe man!" The girl heard from behind her, "I knew we'd be the last ones here!"

The girl of the group quickly made her way over to her partner/mentor and best friend, crossing her arms over her chest and giving them a pointed look.

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