Chapter XVII - Downtime

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| August 26, 05:56 CST

KAMILA WAS FREAKING out as she paced back-and-forth the inside of her living room. Barry was (as usual) running late. They needed time to not only make their way to the zeta tubes, which were oh so conveniently on the other side of the city - okay, sure, it wouldn't take them long to make their way over, but it didn't exactly calm her nerves about the whole thing - and they needed time for Barry to grant her access.

Now, you might be asking yourself one of the following questions, 'access? Access to what? Kamila, you're the leader of your team, surly you'd have the same amount of access as everyone else, right? What could you possibly not have access to after years of working with the Flash?'

And to answer that question, Kamila would like to bring attention to the words of the infamous Wonder Woman herself, because she needed a favour.

A favour, that after which it was asked, she was told not to talk about with anyone. Not the team, not her family, not team flash, not even Wally, and definitely not Roy. Though, that last addition to the list was Kamila's own personal addition. If Roy found out what she was needed for...

As a result of her secrecy, Kamila has taken to messaging Barry about any and all information she could get beforehand. And of course, because Barry is an asshole, his responses only ever consisted of 'you'll see's and a few' and 'I can't wait to see your face's (which were usually accompanied by some sort of laughing emoji).

He did, however, let one thing slip. One thing, that if it were true, could make this The Day. A day that would outshine her, Wally, Dick, and Kaldur's rescue mission for Superboy on Independence Day. A day that would make the official formation of the team seem like a small hop compared to this leap in her hero career. It would get her more recognition among her superiors, make her stand out to the Justice League.

Today might be Her Day. One of the last few steps she'd need in order to be considered ready to join the ranks of the Justice League. Proof to the world (and possibly to herself) that Astra is more than a sidekick, or just the Flashes partner. Proof that she's getting the respect she deserves.

Today was the day that she'd be granted access to-

The sound of light footsteps interrupted Kamila's thought process. She knew they weren't Barry's. He'd only just messaged Kamila that he'd left, and he wouldn't be running around at top speed this early in the morning. Besides, the footsteps came from the staircase, and not only were they far too light to be anyone older than the age of thirteen, there were two sets.

Kamila let a small smile tug at her face as she turned to face the stairs, pulling off her mask and putting it in her jacket pocket. Gemma and Daniel turned the corner and peeked inside of the living room. Daniel had on his Superman pyjama bottoms, and wrapped around his upper body and Batman t-shirt was a soft blue blanket that Kamila remembered him getting for Christmas two years ago. He looked like at any given moment he'd fall asleep, and the only thing holding him up was Gemma.

Gemma was the complete opposite of Daniel energy wise. She was practically bouncing on her bunny slipper covered feet. She too was wearing mismatched hero themed pyjamas, with red Wonder Woman pants littered with small double Us, tiaras, and a few blue and white stars. Her top, on the other hand, was purely a neon green colour with a singular white circle, which held the symbol of the green lantern corp.

"Kami?" Gemma asked in a relatively quiet voice, "why are you up so late?"

Kamila made her way over to her two half siblings and kneeled down to their hight, "what am I doing up so late? What are you two doing up so early!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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