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Lilith's pov

After Kadence and I showered we changed and left the bathroom. My dad and Kaylen were on the couch. Kaylen was grading papers as she leaned into my father.

"Rune said he'll see you later," my dad says. I nod my head.

"So can I get an extension?" I asked. Kaylen looked at me.

"I gave you weeks. I thought you were doing the work tonight?" Kaylen asked. I pursed my lips.

"I was but then I fell asleep and then collapsed right over there," I say. Kaylen shook her head.

"I want it tomorrow, Lilith."

"You know you're making it hard to like you right now," I mutter. Kaylen reached into her bag and pulled out papers. She held them out to me. "Extremely hard to like you. You just got bumped right back up there with the other teachers," I grumble while taking the papers from her. I grab the pencil she handed to me. I sit on the ground. I scatter the papers out in front of me. I lay on my stomach.

With a deep dramatic sigh I put my name on all the papers. Kadence sat next to me. She rubbed my back as I wrote a few answers. I let out another sigh.

"Lilith," Kadence chuckles. I look up at her. I push a strand behind her ear. "Keep looking at me and you won't get anything done."

"Damnit Kadence. Distance yourself from me. I just started and you are already distracting me," I say. Kadence laughs before moving away from me. After a few worksheets Brezin shifts and takes over. She loves history and technically she is a part of me so I'm still doing my work. Brezin finished the rest of the work quickly. Brezin gave me back control. I gather my work and jump up.

"Yes! Finished," I say. Kadence, Kaylen, and my dad look at me. I quickly shift back into my human form. "Yep I did all this," I say and hand the papers to Kaylen. She looked at me before looking at the paper. "Should have been more specific about which part of me did the work," I smirk before pulling Kadence to stand. We walked out of the house.

"Did you really make Brezin do your work?"

"Kadence, my love, Brezin loves history. She gladly took over," I say. Kadence looked up at me as we walked through the woods.

"You really are a fucking princess," Kadence mutters. I look down at her with a smile. We stop walking and I turn to her.

"What did you expect? I had servants at my beck and call. I didn't have to lift a finger if I didn't want to," I mumble.

"I don't know. Since we've been together I didn't realize how much you rely on other people until recently. You no longer hunt for your blood. You have Rune harvest it and send it over. You don't do your work and when you do I'm almost positive that you copy our friends' work or mine," Kadence says. I chuckle while cupping her face.

"I have Rune harvest my blood so I'm not away from you. You have a habit of thinking I left you if I'm gone longer than a few hours. Sometimes it's not an easy hunt. Of course I copy off you guys. I've never been to a public school, a day in my life. I was only expecting to be there for two weeks before my mom dragged me out or I quit. You are the reason I stayed. The things I was taught in my studies are nothing like human school. It isn't useful. Sure I could actually pay attention in class and go from there but it's boring. I'd rather cheat. Brezin loves it because it's torture to me," I mutter. Kadence rolled her eyes.

"You don't seem to hesitate to do anything for me. Why can't you apply that to yourself?" Kadence asked.

"I don't feel the need to. With you I will do anything for you. You are my princess, Kadence. You managed to turn me into your own servant and you haven't even realized it. I'm at your beck and call whenever you need me," I exclaimed. Kadence's lip slowly curls into a smile. She chuckles

"I love you, Lilith," Kadence says before connecting our lips. Our lips move in sync. My ears pick up on a twig snapping in the distance. My arms wrapped around Kadence's waist. My wings shot out and wrapped around Kadence. I move slightly causing Jack's wolf to land on the ground next to us. I roll my eyes as I continue to kiss Kadence. My feet moved again when he jumped back up. He lunged at us again.

My tongue swiped Kadence's bottom lip. She slowly opened her mouth causing me to groan. She chuckled lightly. My tongue slid into her mouth and brushed hers. I spun us out of the way of Jack again. My teeth lightly grazed Kadence's bottom lip as I pulled her bottom lip back before letting it go.

"Damn, not gonna lie. That was hot," Kayla says. Kadence looked over to her friend. I let Kadence go as I spun around. Jack lunged at me again. I grab his wolf by the throat and slam him onto the ground. Brezin shifts.

"I will turn your fur ass into a fancy rug. Keep testing our patience," Brezin sneered. Jack whimpered when our nails dug into his neck.

"Brezin!" Ryland shouted. I shift back. I smirk down at Jack.

"I'm with Brezin on this one. Try something like that again and I'll actually use your fur as a winter jacket," I say before letting him go. I stand up and tilt my head down at him. "Aw you are actually pretty cute when you're my bitch," I mutter. Jack growled at me. "Rune control your mutt of a mate."

"How did you know I was here?" Rune says, jumping down from the tree.

"I felt your presence. You might have been upwind and I couldn't smell you but I can feel your heartbeat when I shift," I remarked. Rune shook his head and tossed clothes at Jack. Jack picked the clothes up in his mouth before running behind a tree. He comes back out fully dressed.

"Damn, Did you have to choke me?" Jack grumbled rubbing his neck. He had a few puncture wounds from my nails.

"Depends, did you have to try and lunge at Kadence and I multiple times?" I asked. Jack looked at me before shaking his head.

"I wanted to know how prepared you were if you were attacked. Damn, you dodged my attacks and still managed to not break that kiss with Kadence," Jack says.

"I am the best," I brag. Kadence shook her head while leaning into me.

"Tomorrow is Friday. It's been a while since we hung out. Do we have any plans for the weekend?" Kayla asked. We all looked at each other.

"I got an idea. Kadence and I will meet you at the pack house after school tomorrow," I state. 

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