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6years ago

" I love you, you love me?" I laughed at her she was eyeing me, challenging with only her eye. Slowly her frown turned into smirk as she held the ball tightly on her hand,

"Girl move!" I laugh as she crouch a little, pointing her index finger, before she throw the ball. I laugh and heard her smack her teeth

She missed.

"Shut up, let's just go there" she mumbled, her face is flushed from embarrassment. I grab her hand to stop her and stand on my tippy toes to kiss her lips,

"It's okay long neck, I'm just really good at everything." She smiled this time, shaking her head,

"You win twice, stop being cocky" I just laugh at her as she lead me to another game that she wanted to play. We played more, and ate some cotton candy that she stole from a kid that pushed her hard causing her own food to fall. Instead of buying she stole a candy from a kid,

"This shit hit so hard when you know you made that kid cry" she said to herself, smiling, she won a pink elephant plushie from a game that shoot water,

We named our first baby, Uno.

I throw another pillow at her as she laughed holding her stomach,

"Stop. It's not funny anymore" she let out another loud laugh and throw the pillow back at me

"BEY!" I hit her hard on her shoulder when she lay next to me. She groaned and held Uno tightly on her chest,

"Uno, your mom hit so hard" she pouted, I couldn't help myself, i smiled at her and peck her lips. She's so cute without doing anything,

"Why do you name him uno again?" I whispered and snuggle more into her, she smelled so good. Like a warm vanilla,

"Because he's our first son" she said with a proud smile, I smiled and her cuteness and kissed her cheek,

"I love you and uno, onika" she whispered, kissing the top of my head. Smiling i peck her lips,

"I love you too...and our first son uno"


"Hello earth to onika." I jump a little after I heard a finger snapped, I rolled my eyes at my annoying friends. After a long work of posing and being pretty Infront of camera we decided to eat some sweets, yes I'm a model and I do whatever I want especially with my body, I'm not like some models in Victoria's secret or Balenciaga runway. Yes I do runway but I'm not a regular model, I don't have a manager, so i managed myself and I own a perfume company, and do some other job more than modeling.

"I don't want to ruin this!" Solana whined, looking at her food. She ordered some vanilla mochi ice cream with hello kitty design, I don't even know they have mochi here.

Before we heard another complaint from solana she yelled and slapped lauren hard on her shoulder for taking a bite of her mochi, I snickered.

"Bitch! You fucking ate my food!" Thank god we're in a secluded area of the cafe.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jatavia joined in, I'll joined in later to their small argument.

I played with the rest of my food with my fork as my eyes darted somewhere.

Pink elephant plushie

A small little girl is holding the pink elephant like her life's depend on it, the other girl is holding her hand tightly. The girl  is smaller from the other with black curly hair and left dimple and black doe eyes, the other one is taller and looks older with freckles all over her face, her hair is curly and brown she have  dimple on her right cheek with brown eyes,—they look so  familiar

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