fuck it up

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I'm about to put my hands on onika today. She was here in my house, in my property causing a scene.

"So you really fuck that bitch?! In the house you letting kyria and mara sleep!?" She was yelling.

"Girl, get the fuck out of my property. Before i call the cops." She look at me, she tried to walk inside my house when she saw heaven. I grab her arms tightly snatching her up. I dragged her towards her car and pushed her, leaving a hand print on her arms.

"Why you doing this beyonce?" She was crying now, she tried to touch me but i push her.

"Don't touch me. I'll kill you, you really are delusional" i gritted getting on her face, her eyes look into mine as she cried. Her body tensed when she felt a metal on her side.

"Why is she in your house? Did...did you fuck her?" I rolled my eyes, she's really pissing me off.

"It's none of your fucking business."

"It's my business! I love you!" She yelled, crying on my face. I laugh shaking my head.
" Girl, Leave. Before i shoot you, don't come back here. Ever. " I let her go, leaving her alone.

⋆˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆

Onika is crazy, she's been causing a scene in my property. And she went to jail for five times. I'm not letting her see kyria even mara, they aren't her kids.

"Bruh, aren't you tired?!" I yelled, she was here again. Smilling like she wasn't in jail last night.

"Bey—"get the fuck out of my property onika. Im getting tired of this i swear, I will beat you to death" i gritted, she wasn't listening. She tried to touch me and that's it. I don't have neighbours so when i pushed her i grab her by her neck slamming her hard against the wall of my house, her head hut the wall.

"Why can't you just fucking listen! You're fucking crazy bitch!" She gasped when i grip her neck tightly she was scratching me. I was so pissed i was hitting her, u didn't even care where my fist is landing.

I felt someone yanking me, i turned and saw robyn and the crew behind her. I heard onika cried as she tried to once again touch me and i kicked her

"Yo! Beyoncé stop!" Chris was pulling me when i saw his gun, i pulled it. I didn't know where the shot landed but after that i left. Walking back inside the house.


Onika cried as her mom yelled, she was in her home because she doesn't want the media to know about what happened to her.

"Look at your fucking skin!" Her mom yelled, onika wipe her eyes. She was shot on her stomach and was lucky she didn't die.

"Can you please leave?" She sniffed, her mom face softened, walking towards her. Carol held her hand, rubbing her thumb on her daughter's soft palm.

"I'm sorry onika, i just worried" she completely understand but she's a grown woman. She don't care how mad her mother at her. It wasn't beyonce faut, it was hers.

"Please momma leave" she begged, her mom nodded and left her room.

She cried herself to sleep that night, blaming herself for everything. she wanted to see beyonce, wanted to talk to the blonde.

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