sweet & liquor

457 30 21


"I can't believe you named that dog binx," I smacked my teeth,

"Shut the fuck up Lauren" I stressed, we're living because they wanted to go out and I can't leave binx alone in my big ass apartment so I decided to bring him to my parents house, he's potty trained and he likes to wear a diaper all the time.

"Lauren is right, why did you name him binx?" I heard them laugh, as I placed some of the things that binx needed,

"Can we please!, mommy! You need to listen. Binx is allergic to leather so don't remove his clothes even his socks and please pat his back and he loves his paci" I said,

"I heard the name binx from hocus pocus" jatavia walks in holding kross her arms, Kross is having a sleepover with his grandma and grandpa for a week because of Lauren going back to filming and she doesn't trust nannies, binx walks towards me with his tail wagging I smiled and lift his little body up and placed him on my lap, binx is a black Pitbull, he's sweet and gentle and I'll make sure that no one will put their hands on him,

"Yeah! That's the little kid that turned into a black cat because of his sister stupidity. Tryna save her and shit" Lauren said as she stood, once again I rolled my eyes. The hell is wrong with my dog's name?

"Y'all are so invested with his name!, I'm about to go home and left y'all" I crossed my arms over my chest as I mugged them.

"Because your dogs name is lame?" I gasped as I put my hand over my chest, I feel offended.

"Bitch?!" I immediately stand up to hit Lauren but she ran off hiding behind my mom


"Stop snitching on me nicole!" I yelled I heard and smack sounded and Lauren's whined before she walk back holding her arm with a pout, I snickered as I saw a large spoon print on her arm, mommy hit her. I stick my tongue out and grab my ourse

"Let's go now, solana is waiting for us in the car" jatavia said, holding her phone up. I nodded as I look down and pouted,

"Bye binxy boink, I love you baby" I spoke kissing his little nose. I put him down. I don't want to leave him I'm already attached to him and he's my baby.

"We're leaving now! Take care of my son" I yelled and closed the door, jatavia is right solana is already here sitting inside her car, I smiled as I saw what she's wearing. All of my bitches is pretty like if  I'm not inlove with Beyoncé or if I'm single i will literally wife them all,

"Damn, are you done eye fucking me nini? Get in the car" solana smirked making my lips smack as I rolled my eyes . I step inside her car and sit besides lauren,

"Me. I'm not done eye fucking y'all" Lauren smirked placing her hand on my thighs making me cackle she always act like a man like she's not wearing a short ass dress,

"I would love to have a foursome with y'all," I laugh. Shaking my head I heard jatavia pretend to gag as she passed me a bottle of alcohol,

Drinking from it, I shook my head. Still laughing, "rightt, like imagine it me toping solana and jatavia toping onika"

I had to laugh.

"BITCH! I TOP HOES!" I yelled, hitting the back of Lauren's head,

"Ewww. I'm literally taller than you, and I'm not gay so it's going to be a threesome, little gremlins" jt said, crossing her armsm I raised my eyebrow 'cause who she talking 'bout 'little gremlins'?

"BITCH WHO YOU TALKING TO?!" Lauren  yelled, rolling her neck at her. Jatavia is sitting beside solana and lauren is behind her back, so its not hard for Lauren to yank jatavia by her neck,

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