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The sun shines through the window reflecting a beautiful light to the floor of kyria room. We decided to changed her room because she wanted it to paint it white and decorate it with white lights, we're still not done painting her room and now were sitting on the floor waiting for onika to bring the snacks here.

"And then we have to put a bed under my bed!" Kyria explained i scrunched my face not getting her,

"A bed under a bed?" She sigh, rubbing her forehead.

"Yeah, like a bed that you can pull out. So mara can sleep here anytime she wants"

"Why not sleep with you? On your bed?" She shook her head and sat besides me,

"We can sleep on my bed and sleep on the bed under my bed" she smiled, i just nodded my head and we both heard a feet running followed by giggles,

"We back!" Mara hop happily holding a tray of cookies with a bowl full of fruits.
She placed it down on the floor and sat beside kyria while onika sat besides me placing the juice besides the tray.

"What took y'all so long?" I grab a cookie, glancing over onika. She was looking ok mara with warning eyes, i raised my eyebrow turning my attention to mara she was smilling showing her little teeth,

"What took yall so long mara?" I asked her, she giggled shaking her head making her ponytail moved from side to side.


"I can't say it beybey! Nini told me not to its our secret!" She laugh and onika laugh with her, my face scrunched up.

"I'll get you the candy you want from target?"i said, i saw mara put her fingers on her chin. Thinking. She looked back to onika who now looking at her,

"Nini is talking to someone on her phone so we took long" she said, i heard onika groan.

" I thought that was our secret?!" Onika whined besides me, mara shrugged her shoulder biting her cookie,

"Who she talking to mara?" I asked, im just curious really.

"Why you asking so much?" Onika spoke, i turned my attention to her raising my eyebrow,

"I can't ask now?" She huff, crossing her arms over her chest

"You just want to be nosey" she's kinda right but still,

"Girl i do not care if you're fucking someone" i rolled my eyes and heard her smack her teeth,

"Stop fucking cursing around them! The fuck is wrong with you?!" She's pissed just by hearing from her voice, i know she's trying to stop herself from putting her hands on me because she knows I'm gonna fight her back. Hell i barely fuck with her she knows that,

"You just did dummy" she huff but didn't say anything. We continue to eat and decided that we just gonna finish the rest of the wall tomorrow.


"Kyria put that shi- put that down!" Onika stop herself from cursing and snatched the vase from kyria. The two demons is stressing her out,

"Ghad im not even a mother yet and y'all is making me stress!" She yelled and snatched mara from jumping down the island, they just laugh at her running towards me,

"You two stop!" I said trying to pull them but they just ran off,

"KYRIA, MARA STOP FUCKING RUNNING!" I yelled, i feel something hit me on the back of my head,

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