fuck the club up

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"Move onika! Damn!" Lauren huff pulling my legs I tried to kick her but she just slapped my legs,

"Stoppppp, kross look! Your mom is killing me" I dramatically gasped and saw kross running towards us and instead of helping me he started to throw small punches on my stomach,

"That's right baby! Go get your auntie because she wanna be a ho so much" I rolled my eyes and push them away. I told lauren that were going out tonight and they already knew why I wanted to go out, were going to this club and beyonce will be there and it's been a week since I last saw her. I missed her fineass,

"Y'all two are short, y'all can't beat my ass"

"Okay 5'2 leprechaun" Jatavia walks in holding a bowl of ice cream sitting besides me,

"Excuse me I'm 5'3 not 5'2 bitch" I heard Lauren snickered making my eyes roll

"Okay" jatavia shrugged, I snatch the bowl from her and ate her ice cream,

"What y'all going to wear tonight?" I gave her the bowl back wiping the side of my lips they both chuckled and I mugg them

"Who told you were going out?"Lauren stated grabbing her phone, and sitting on my lap,

"PUHHHHLEASEEEE! I don't want to go out alone what if beyonce is actually there and she force me to have sex with her??!"

"Girl bye- before that shit even happen she will beat your ass first" jatavia laugh and I smacked my lips

"And you might even like it if she actually asked you to have sex with her" jt added shaking her head,

"Righttttt shit, onika gon' be crazier" Lauren cackled, I hate them for real. I stand up and grab my purse, they didn't even stop laughing and just keep adding some jokes like I'm going to be crazier or I might kill myself if beyonce ever denied having sex with me.

"Y'all talking about me like I wasn't here" I mugg them, I'm literally standing Infront of them with my hands over my hips. They just don't care, I whined

"Pleaseee let's go out! I promise it will be fun" I pouted we all both turned our head when we heard the front door opened and solana walks in holding a paper bag.

"Lana comeeee hereee!" I whined stomping, she rolled her eyes but did as I told,

"Tell them we're going out tonight" I smiled making her look at me acting confused

"Where are we going?" She asked looking at them then back at me,

"Ughh y'all are annoying as fuck!" I stomp my foot and they all laugh, see! Annoying.

"Chill nini, yes we're going out. You force us remember?"

"Well I'm going home to get ready, let's all were black. I'll see y'all later" I kissed them and left driving back to my house

I groan, holding two dresses in my hands. I don't know what to wear, I kinda want to impress bey because I feel like she will be there. She love clubs, I don't want to wear long dress because I kinda want to show my titties, sighning I settled on wearing a short black fitted dress and it's also see-through, I did my hair a while ago so I'm just finishing up my make up, my phone rang and I answered face timing my hoes,

"Bitch! You took so long!" Lauren yelled making me smack my teeth, they were in a car, probably solana's car.

"Beauty takes time, y'all look good." I smiled, they rolled their eyes at me so I rolled my back,

"I don't want to go anymore"

"Shut the fuck up, I'm done already. Come get me" I stand up and grab my purse and hang up on them, I put my heels on and made my way downstairs, and just a minute later I heard a honk, I immediately leave the house and I was right. I saw solana's black roll royce,

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