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The warm water hit my feet as I walk in the sand usually I'll be irritated at the feeling of sand sticking to my feet but right now the calmness, the sound of the waves relaxed me. The thought of watching the sun slowly fade make me feel all cozy and warm inside, I heard my name being called so I turned my head and saw jatavia sprinting and robyn behind her.

"ROBYN STOP CHASING ME!" she yelled and run in circles, we're in vacation somewhere california, Lauren suggested that she wanted to go here.

"Girl give me my phone back!"Robyn yelled behind her, still chasing her. They both stumbled and fell but it didn't stop them from running again,

"NO! STUPID BITCH, WHO THE FUCK IS KYLA?!" I know jatavia is jealous I can hear it all over her face, their relationship is complicated, one day they can't leave eachother alone then the next day they wanted to kill eachother.

"ONIKA GET YOUR BESTFRIEND!" Robyn yelled, she stop just to point jt and mugged me, I rolled my eyes ignoring them it's not my fault that robyn likes to be a whore, I went back to our tent and saw beyonce eating something we literally begged her to come with us and I'm happy that she's here. I wanted to sit with her but instead I sit besides nasir, still stealing glances at her. She's really pretty and her skin is glowing, she's literally the definition of femmasc, like she's masculine but still feminine.

After I steal some of nasir's food, he left to do his things so its just me and bey. Smiling I stand up and sit besides her, peeking on her phone, and of course she's texting some bitch.

She turned her phone off and rolled her eyes,

"Why you looking at my phone?" I look up to her and smile sheepishly,

"I didn't even see anything, who's kiana?" She smacked her lips and stand up,

"See. Fuck outta my face" I tried to grab her but she kept moving her body, I stand up Infront of her I tried to reach her, she mugg me hard

"Stop touching me bruh. I swear I'll hit you", i don't give a fuck though, I grab her and again she pushed me this time harder causing me to stumble back, her body turns towards me and she held a deadly glare.

"Are you really that dumb? And can't understand a simple word. Stay the fuck away from me!"  She yelled pushing me more, I grab her wrist but she yank her hand back. I gasp when I feel her hand wrap around my neck,

"I-i just want to talk bey" I whispered trying to pry her hand, she Chuckled dryly, tightening her grip around my neck,

"I. Don't. Want. To. Fucking talk bit-" she didn't finish her sentence as nas pulled her by her shoulder, I gasp hard, clutching my hand tightly. Panic rushed through me as I saw them tussling, pushing and beating each other up, immediately I rushed to them pulling nas away from her,

"Robyn get her!" I yelled, robyn and Chris sai run to us and pulled her, I moved Infront of him, pushing him softly

"Please stop, that's enough. You don't have to put your hands on her" I whispered lowly,, making him smack his lips

"I can't put my hands on her but she can put her hands on you?"


"No onika! That shit isn't fair, look at your neck! That bitch left a fucking bruise on your neck!" I sigh,

"Life ain't fair my boy, it ain't my fault she doesn't want you. Maybe the dick wasn't dicking" he tried to get to her again but I stand my ground and kept pushing him.

"You letting that bitch disrespect me onika?"

"Please stop nas, can we just enjoy our vacation in peace?" I whispered. I wasn't expecting any of this I just want to enjoy our vacation, I just wanted to be with her.

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