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3years later

i snatched the Debbie Wingham Diamond Stilettos off my feet and let it drop on the  floor and walk towards my bathroom while unzipping the balenciaga fitted white dress with Swarovski cristal that fit perfectly on my body. I let out a breath after dropping the expensive dress on my bathroom floor,

I decided to take the shower instead of my bathtub, turning the switch for the shower i stepped in and sigh when i feel the warm water hitting my naked body,

I massage my head, rub my body and cover it with soap before rinsing it and rubbing another set of soap and bubbles on my soft skin,

When i finally stepped out the bathroom filled with fog, i did my hygiene and skin care before walking to my walk-in closet outside the bathroom,

I humm to myself as i searched for a clothe to wear,

After feels like hour i finally settled on a silk pink dress that stop mid-thigh it also show a perfect amount of my perky breast,

I covered my body with shiny glitter and softly placed the jimmy choo smoke pink heels on my feet, my toes are done with white polish on them it was cute and simple and it definitely fit my feet,

I put some gold accessories on my body too, and sat on my vanity to put a natural make to complete the outfit, i also sprayed some chanel on my neck before looking at my outfit on my full body mirror,

I smiled to myself, i look stunning. Grabbing my chanel pink purse and throw some haus lab lipgloss inside and made my way downstairs,

I can hear the television playing loudly on my living room, some music video blasting on the tv screen and saw mara sitting on the couch while binx cuddled up on her

I smiled and took a quick picture,

"Baby are you ready?" I asked as i walked towards them, she nodded her head i dont even have to bend to get to her height, she's almost taller than me.

I adopted mara after 6 moths of me being here in newyork, i worked on her papers and finally she's with me in newyork. I get to celebrate her birthday with her and now she's 11 and she's growing fast sometimes she think she grown but still act like a baby.

"Where's your things baby?" I asked, looking around the maids helped her pack her things yesterday because i couldn't get home early i got alot of last minute photoshoot yesterday and last night luckily i packed everything i needed,

"Outside with ricky" she said as she stood putting binx leash, ricky is one of my guards here in newyork. I turned the tv off as we went outside,

James my chauffeur helped mara and i inside, we put binx in a large cage and make sure he's comfortable before we finally left the house.

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I let them put out things, while ricky helped mara inside out private jet. Her and binx immediately ran inside grabbing some snacks while i sat on a small bed outside, there's also a room inside of my jet but im too tired to go there so i stayed here, i remove my jimmy choo heels i sigh lowly to myself and layed there covering my lower half with a soft fur comforter

"Don't move too much while eating baby" i softly said, she swiftly nodded her head and flopped on a sit with binx hot in her trail,

Actually i don't have to go back to houston, i just wanna stay my ass here forever but i have a long project that unluckily needs to be done in houston, at first i decline the offer again and again but after hearing that they're going to pay me 15million for a 5 moths photoshoot i couldn't disagree.

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