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Days passed by, I'm still trying my best to get beyonce attention. I still love her and I still feel guilty for whatever shit I did years ago. When she heard i cheated on her even though I didn't mean to, I never heard about her best friend again. Of course I know she did something bad but I don't want to question her because she already hate me, sometimes I go to her house and bring her some food that always ended up on some trash can. I love her so I didn't think much of it.

I pulled infront on beyonce's house, as I stepped out opening the door to the back seat of my car to grab the food I cooked with my mom awhile ago. I didn't tell my mom that the food is for bey, I don't want her to be mad because she hates beyonce. Walking towards her door, I knock and wait for her to open. when she did she rolled her eyes at me with her arms folded over her chest. I smiled she looks beautiful, she's wearing some jogger and a cropped sleeveless shirt with her hair tied in a messy bun,

"I bring you some food," I said lifting the container, she smacked her lips and rolled her eyes again.

"I can't believe you still doing this shit, you literally saw me yesterday throw your food away." She sassed,

"Please, I just want to make sure you're okay" she sarcastically laugh at me, grabbing the door handle behind her back.

"Move, I'm not eating your food."

"Just please, my mom cook this." I whispered, pleading with my eyes, I just want her to accept this. I missed her a lot and accepting my food will make me happy. But all she did is shrugged her shoulders making me sigh

"Your mom doesn't like me, so get out." She slammed the door on my face, I don't want to cry because I don't want my mom so see me with puffy eyes when I get back home, so I went back to my car and just sit there. I couldn't even stop myself so I cried, wrapping my arms around me as I sobb. Shaking my head I grab my phone and call nasir i don't know why I called him, but every time I'm with him I just feel so comfortable and safe. He answered before the line end


"Hey, can I go to your house? I cook something" I heard him scream like a little girl before I heard a thud,

"Sorry.. awww you cooked for me?" I playfully rolled my eyes even though he can't see me,

"I'll text you when I get there." I hung up and drove to his house, It didn't take me long so when i arrived to his house i texted him that I was outside. A minute later he came jogging towards my car with a kiddy smile on his face, I unlock my door from the inside.

"Hi" he smiled closing the door of my car, I chuckled and reach for the container on my backseat.

"Here. Taste eat" I heard him squeal and opened the container grabbing the plastic spoon he immediately stuffed his mouth,
"Boy slow down,"I laugh,

"Yo! This shit is fire!" I smiled thanking him,

"My mom cooked that," he nods his head. Clearly busy stuffing his face, so I get myself busy with my phone while he eat. When I heard him finished his food he turned to me and smiled

"Thank you for the food even though I need something to drink" I rolled my eyes, putting my phone on my lap.

"Uhm I gave you a free food and still asking for something," he only laugh,

"Chill. What happened to your face? Crying?" He leans in rubbing my cheek with his thumb, I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Beyonce again?" I nodded again, I don't have to lie to him, cupping my face, he gave me a small smile.

"It's okay, I wish I could give you a kiss,"

"Do it" he moved away, laughing.

"I'm serious" I said pulling his face towards me. I leaned in and look at his lips. I wish beyonce was here to see me kissing someone but I know she wouldn't care.

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