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Im about to call the police, i can feel my blood boiling as i stood holding the handle of my door while looking at beyoncé. I don't know why the fuck she's here, standing on my porch like a kid on a halloween

"Get the fuck out of my porch, how can you still gets in here?!" I groaned, glaring at her. She fidget with her fingers and rubbed her neck,

"I just want us to talk, please?" Look how the table turns 3years ago she wouldn't even let me near her and now she's here begging for talk, i pettily rolled my eyes. And i was  about to close the door on her face when  she put her feet on the way making me smack my lips,

"Get your feet out of my door" i gritted, i will put more securities in this fucking house if she keep coming back in here, mara obviously wasn't here because she wanted to see her grandparents and i let her as long as ricky is with her. She also bring binx with her so im a little bored and even though my daughter is here i will never let her get near my child,

My meeting was done hours ago before this bitch came knocking on my damn door.

When she finally pull her feet away, i rolled my eyes hard. "I just want to talk nic" she said softly, i chuckled dryly and raised my middle finger at her.

"Talk to my finger bitch" i said slamming the door on her face and called my security on her ass, she need to stop coming here demanding to 'talk' like everything is happy and rainbow. Fuck her,

My phone ding when i sat on my couch, im bored as fuck and being alone in this big ass house is not helping.

I lift my phone up, opening it with my face id,

:r u coming 2night?

I rolled my eyes at lauren, they wanted to go out tonight because they haven't seen me in years and i actually agreed with them.

U know im comin:
What time?:

I watched the three bubbles popped up while humming to myself, she send me the time and i still have a hours to prepare so i stood and made my way upstairs.

I immediately went to my room to look for some clothes to her as i walk inside my walk-in ckoset, i flipped through expensive clothes and settled with a black sleeveless dress, it stops mid-thigh and it was simple, no design. Its a black tube-dress that will perfectly hugged my body, i grab a pair of christian louboutin black heels.

I put it in a rack and decided to take a long shower, today drained me. I wasn't really expecting beyoncé to come to my house begging to talk to me like when i left here she doesn't care so why the fuck is she on my door banging and demanding for some talks? She can kiss my ass,

I actually fell asleep inside the tub, and when i finally woke up i drained the water and wrapped my body with clean white towel.

I got my hair done before leaving new york so that's not a problem, i just did my make up, moisturize my body and sat naked for a little while. They're not bothering me because they knew i always comes late,

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"Beyoncé is here" lauren whispered as we walked, i immediately stopped and was about to turn when she grabbed me.

"No, hell no. Im going home," i said. Why the fuck is she here? I ran my hand on my dress and mugged lauren, why the fuck they didn't tell me?

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