pushing your limits

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"are you okay?" I sigh nodding my head,

"Here put more ice on it," jatavia said bringing me more ice pack for the knot on the side of my head and for the bruised on my neck.

"Damn that's a big ass knot," Robyn walks in, touching the knot on my head. I smacked her hand and push her gently,

"Not as big as your forehead, stop touching it!" I hear jt laugh making me chuckle, Robyn left us after rolling her eyes at me.

"Should I talk to her?" I asked putting the ice pack down and rubb my neck.

"Hell no, she already put a knot and a bruise on you" jt said putting her hand over her hip. I sigh I just want to talk to her and maybe if she saw my face she might forget that she's mad at me.

"I missed her." I can feel myself tearing up, jt move closer to me cupping my face,

"Hey listen, I know you missed her and it's been five years. Let her go onika, can't you see? She doesn't care about putting her hands on you"

"You don't understand. I love her" I heard her sigh putting her forehead against mine.

"I understand nini but you can't bring the past although it's five year but you don't know how much it hurts her," I nodded my head, rubbing her side to calm myself down

"Do you hear me?" I nodded my head. Pouting

"Yes I hear you" no I don't, I can still feel that there's still a chance between me and beyonce.

"I need to go now." I whispered, she moved back and smiled at me, I love jt so much she stayed with me even with my ups and downs and I'm thankful for her,

"Anyways before I go...what about you and robyn?" She raised her eyebrow looking at me,

"Huh? What about me and robyn? What do you mean?" She asked, she's not good at lying. I smirked,

"Girl I thought you're not gay?"

"And I'm not" she said shrugging,

"You fucking her?" I whispered, she laughed nervously. See liar,

"No- girl get out my house" she said pushing me, I laugh hugging her and giving her a small peck on her cheek before I left.

I'm not going home, I want to talk to beyonce and luckily I still know her house. It's a 5minutes drive so I don't actually got a time to think of what should I say to her.

My car stop Infront of her house, I left my car and walk towards her house. Knocking on her door,

The door opened and it's not beyonce that i expect to open the door,

"Where's beyonce?" I asked, trying to look inside the house, I heard her clear her throat,

"Uhmm who are you?" She asked, hands on her hips. I raised my eyebrow, this is not the time to fight bitches.

"Her girlfriend. WHO ARE YOU?" I asked, she laugh shaking her head.

"Oh the crazy one? Alright let me call beyonce" she said still laughing. She left as I about to pull her hair,

"Bitch just wait till you come back here" I mumbled, turning around and clenching my jaw.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I jump as I turned around and saw beyonce, I smile small. With love marks all over her neck.

"I want to talk,"

"No-" I cut her off, placing my hand on the wooden door.

"I'm not leaving." i heard her laugh before she mumbled something under her breath,

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