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Nasir sighed. holding onika, laying her small body down, onika whimpered holding him tightly.

"Please, don't go" she whispered her eyes shut tightly and her lips quivered.

"I'm not going anywhere onika," he whispered back rubbing her side, slowly onika let his body and slowly opened her eyes.

"Hi" nasir said, smiling.

"Hi, I'm sorry I asked you to have sex with me"

"It's okay, you're drunk a while ago and I'm thankful that you sobered up a little." He said, onika nodded she can feel her eyes heated and her lips quivering,

"Take off my clothes please"

"Uh are you su-" onika cut him off reassuring him with a small nodd

"Yes please" nasir sigh and did what i told, carefully unzipping her dress and her heels leaving her with only her undergarments.

"What happened to your stomach and your neck?, I saw a little knot on the side of your head too" he said concerns laced his voice, onika broke down as her tears freely left her eyes. She pulled nasir hugging him tightly,

"I'm sorry, I just need a little physical touch" she whispered, burying her face on his neck, he only nodded. Rubbing her   side,

"It's okay. Do you want to tell me what happened? Is this about beyonce?" He asked, onika loosened her arms around him. Pouting,

"It's always about her," she said letting another batch of tears to left her eyes,

"I'm gone for 2 years and you're still begging for her?" He asked a small chuckle left his throat making onika's pout deepened,

"Stop, you know I loved her" she pouted.

"I know chimp, did she do this to you?" He asked still looking at onika's bruised,

" Yup," she shrugged, rubbing his hair,

"Chimp you gotta stop letting her do this to you. You're beautiful onika and you deserves better." He said slowly backing away,

"I want her". She shrugged her shoulders again helping nasir to take his shirt off, they wrapped each other with their arms and legs. Onika lying her head on his chest.

"If you need help call me onika I can gave you some therapy if you want, I know someone" he whispered, still rubbing her back. She slowly nodded, she took a deep breath letting a single tears to fall from her eyes, for the first time in five year she felt comfortable but in someone's arms— she's craving this every night—when she cried and when she felt like no one will love her.

"Thank you for this—i never thought about being held again." She whispered looking up at him. Nasir smiled pecking her forehead,


"I can believe you beyonce! I told you to stop putting your hands on her!" My mama yelled, right now she's being dramatic she doesn't even like onika to be acting like that.

"She's pissing me off ma." I said. Sipping from my coffee, she mumbled something and turned around to shake her head at me,

"Beyonce," she said disappointment laced her voice as she put her hand over her hip, I shrugged my shoulder. That bitch deserve every bit of what I did to her, we argue more until we both heard the front door open and solange walks in.

"Y'all here arguing, onika is with nasir." My head snapped towards her direction, she smirked at me and sat beside me.

"How did you know?" I asked, I actually don't care but I still want to know. She shrugged her shoulder still holding those smirk.

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