chance ?

449 29 17


I will kill onika i swear, she's out here acting so comfortable sitting beside me. Like she literally have her feet on my lap while mara is sitting on her stomach, i know she can see me 'cause im literally glaring at her but she was here laying and smiling like a child.

"Bruh move your feet" i tried to push her feet down but she just lift it and placed it back on my thigh, i smacked my teeth and saw mara turning her small head towards my direction. She have her arms folded over her chest and a mean mug on her face. She would prolly look like onika if she just came out of her but it doesn't matter because they already act a like, just bad as fuck.

"Dont be mean beybey" mara pointed her index dinger at me, how am i being mean? Im literally sitting here doing nothing except pushing onika feet away,

"Huh? Y'all are literally squeezing me in this big ass couch like can yall move little?" They didn't pay me no mind.

"Onika," she didn't listen, didn't even look at my way as she kept her attention on the television that playing a random cartoons, mara moved a little and layed her small head on onika chest,

I saw a small smile crept on onika face as her hand rubbed on her small back, honestly im happy that mara is comfortable around onika, and i knew onika is going to be a great mom,

"Are you hungry mara?" She nodded small and onika tapped her butt so she could sit up, a comfortable sigh left my mouth when she finally pull her feet off my lap,

"Go get kyria" mara nodded and stood up, running away. Once she was completely gone onika stood up, and stretched her arms,

"You need to stop acting like my feet stink" she said, i rolled my eyes

"Stop acting like were like this" i raised ny hand placing my middle finger on top of my index and placing my thumb over my ring finger and pinky. Creating a crossed finger.

I saw her rolled her eyes but didn't say anything. Like yeah that's what i thought, she walked out of the living room prolly to make a snack for onika and kyria,

I let the three of them stay in my house, it's weekend and mara wanted to hangout with onika and it's actually a good start so they can create a bond. And kyria is staying with me, she's actually grounded because of her punching a boy in school and breaking her school bell. She's staying with my parents because of her mom passing away; my mom's sister. So she stayed with my parents and because of her acting out they decided why not making kyria stays with her badass cousin?

"Bey" i turned my head and saw onika standing Infront of me, i didn't even notice that i zoned out.

"Robyn and the crew wanted to hang out in your house, they wanted to meet mara too" i scrunched my face thinking about them. A house full of people acting like a child? Sounds like a bad idea,

"Hell no, tell them no. Three is already enough" i said, i heard her giggled.

"BOO!" i jumped, holding my chest tightly as a hand pat on my shoulder roughly.

I stood up and punched robyn on her shoulder, "bitch get the fuck out of my house!" I grumbled, they all laugh as i sat back on my couch and they sat besides me.

"We brought some food" lauren said flopping on my beanbag,

"Anywaysss soo why onika is here?" Robyn asked, i groaned. Im hapoy that onika is now gone she prolly leave to get the kids,

"Mara wanted to hang out with her, as well as kyria" they hummed, squinting their eyes at me.

"You know we kill for onika?" Jatavia, squinted her eyes hard at me and i just have to throw a couch pillow on her,

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