fun yay

382 31 19


"Yo! Put that shit back!" Beyoncé yelled. I shook my head hearing her curse, we were making a cake today because the kids wanted to make one, they even wanted to make one for tina and im thinking about putting a rat poinson on her cake but i remember im trying to gain beyonce and her trust.

"Please stop cursing around them," i mumble, mixing the icing that we're going to use.

"Nah, they're bad as fuck! Aint not stopping—yo kyria if you don't put that damn bowl down!" Kyria laugh, i think she love pissing Beyoncé and i. She even influence mara and now she bad too.

"Please kyria put the bowl down," she listened and Beyonce mug us, i gave the plastic bowl with icing on kyria and told her to carefully place the icing on the cake. She listen and did what i said,

"Up!" I turned my head and saw mara reaching her arms out for beyonce, she lifted her up and immediately mara wrapped herself around her,

"What do you want bad ass lil' girl?" Mara shook her head before laying her head on bey's shoulder. I smiled they look so cute, were literally look like a little family.

Im still thinking about adopting mara, but i wanted to adopt her when everything between bey and i are good. I just think it will be better if beyonce and i are back together,

I walk towards them, pecking mara lips. She smiled showing her small little teeth,

"Hi pooh, you tired?" She nodded i reach my arms for her, she did the same so beyonce gave her to me. Wrapping her arms tightly around me, i gave her another kiss and she snuggled more into me. She's really heavy I don't even know why i carry her ass.

"You're so heavy big girl" i whispered, i heard Beyoncé groan and turned my head to see kyria jumping on her back..

"You lilttle—""don't fucking curse beyonce." I gritted at her, she turned to me fully. Hands on her hips,

"Girl you just– you know what lets just finish this bitch so i can leave y'all assses" we finish the cake silently, i had to put mara down because she's heavy as fuck and and she's almost taller than me.

"Here put it inside the fridge" beyonce nodded grabbing the cake, kyria and mara followed me upstairs and i helped them to take as shower. I asked them if they want some help putting their clothes, kyria said she can do it by herself so i just help mara instead.

"You look so cute bumbum" i kissed her cheek before i zip her onsie. She smiled kissing my cheek back, she's wearing a pink bear onesie while kyria wear a brown bear. They look so cute,

"Y'all are clean?" We both turned and saw beyonce with wet hair, they nodded giving her a thumbs up,

"Go shower onika" i smiled, if the kids aren't here I'll definitely make a nasty joke. And beyonce knows that,

"To where?" I smirked as i stand up, still looking at her.

"I have a guest room"she said, i rolled my eyes,

"I go shower on your room"



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