Miami meet.

388 23 3

6years ago

"Your ass is all out nini" solana slapped my ass as I smiled and bend a little to see my reflection on the full body mirror, after rubbing and smacking my lips i smiled to myself and placed my lipgloss inside my purse,

"I'm shaking ass tonight" I giggled when they start cheering for me. It's our first vacation with just us, he heard a lot about miami so we decided to go here.

"Please don't bring anything that is unnecessary"" we can't leave Lauren I guess" jt cutt what solana about to say and  we all laugh accept for lauren,

"You guess?! Bitch. Y'all can suck my dick" she mug ass flicking us off,

"I don't suck small dick" I scrunched my face and solana and jt agreed, when we were done arguing for nothing we all decided to finally leave. We already went on some fancy restaurant while walking down the street a while ago, and then something pop up on my mind and told me that we need to try some of the club here,

I love it here. We start from drinking different type of liquor to dancing and shaking ass on one another,

"Open!" Lauren yelled over the loud music as she held my jaw, I giggled and opened my mouth for her as she started to pour liquor inside my mouth, scrunching my face as I swallowed the strong liquid.

"Damn! Bitch what is that?!" I yelled, I heard her giggle before she raised a bottle of something I couldn't pronounce.

"Where the hell did you get that?!" I laugh and slaps her arm, she pointed to a section full of people and giggle,

"Come with me solana and jatavia are having fun with them." I didn't even get the chance to answer her as she dragged me. Once we get close I examine the people inside the section, they were all black, some of them is light skin though. They looked like they we're having fun,

"Hey! This is out friend onika!" I rolled my eyes because of her yelling. The music here is different from the music on the other side of the club,

Putting a smile, I greet them and let us sit on their section.

"Hi I'm Beyonce" a girl said moving closer to me, she smiled with her pearly white teeth showed and a gold gril on the side of her teeth,

" Stop looking at me 'fore I think you're eye fucking me" my eyes widen at her boldness as I feel my cheeks heat up, immediately I scrunched my face and rolled my eyes at her.

"I don't really like pussy" I said and rolled my eyes once again at her, I heard her laugh and moved her face closer to mine,

"Yo, move a little. I don't really fuck with studs" I pushed her by her forehead and saw her frown,

"I wear a cropped shirt?"I laugh, she's funny.

"Okay, moved a little baby girl"

"What's your name?" She immediately changed the topic after she heard me called her baby girl.

"You'll know if you listened a while ago." I said with attitude and turned to my friends. They are really having fun and i can see that they already like the people Infront of them, i smiled and listened to them conversed.

"But I want to hear it from you" I rolled my eyes, she thinks she cute.


"Because your voice is pretty, y'all are not from here?" I just nodded my head,

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