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Real love's hard to find,
So she don't waste her time..
So she don't waste her time, oh
You ain't gon' catch her cryin'
She ain't gon' lose her mind

I throw my head back and closed my eyes, tears glossing my brown orb as i gasped and grind against him harder. I can feel his hand on y waist as he held me tighter against his buff body,

I reached for his arms, raking my nails on his sweaty body.

"...harder" i whispered, his gripped tightened as we both feel oit orgasm approaching—i lift my head and stare at him biting my lower lip, i wrapped my arms loosely on his neck as we both moved in sync,

"You don't have to leave" nasir said behind my back, i glance at him—he was sitting on his bed with his duvet covering his lower part, even though he looks good i really need to leave,

I put my jimmy choo heels and fixed my hair into a messy bun, "onika" i sigh hearing him calling my name again. I let out a exhausted sigh and turned my attention to him,

"Yes nas?" I said, he slid off his bed and wrapped his body with his versace robe and walk towards me, "what's wrong?" He asked, placing his hand on my waist—i grab my purse beside me and slowly remove his hand on my body,

"Look— i really need to go, I'll see you?" He sighed and nodded his head, i stood on my tippy toe to peck his lips. I turned around ma left his room before making my way out of his penthouse,

I walk inside the elevator and look at my reflection on the closing door—fixing my hair and my dress more. I pressed the lobby and realised a breath while rubbing my temple,

I wasn't supposed to be here but nasir called saying he was back for 3days so i stayed with him for a 3days straight, i have to go back to grab mara on my momma's house 'cause that girl doesn't want to leave,

She loves to stay on her Nana's house especially hearing that beyoncé and kyria stayed there all the time, it's not like i want beyoncé to be with my daughter 24/7 but mara loves her so much and i can see that she's happy whenever she's with them and i couldn't just take her happiness away,

When the elevator finally ding,—i stepped out and ricky lead me to my car, he opened the door and i let out a small 'thank you' before closing it myself,

"Where to, ms maraj?" I slouched on my seat and put my purse beside me, "my mom's house" james nodded his head and i clicked the partition on,

I didn't get the chance to take a small nap it feels like a small ride. Because when i was about to close my eyes my car stop and i peek with one eye and groan to myself when i saw that i had arrive,

I open my door for myself and let ricky to help me out of the car, i held my purse and put my gucci shades on before entering my mother's house,

I can smell her cooking so i went to her kitchen and just like i was thinking, she was there cooking her ass off like she doesn't have any maid.

"Hey momma" i greeted, kissing her after placing my purse down on her marble counter, as i expected beyoncé is here.

It's been like 2 weeks since the we saw eachother and i swear she's always here. At this point she might as well live with my parents and claimed them as her parents

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