《 Matthew :Ghost Possession pt.1 》

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Written on: Thursday, 4.04.2024

Words: 491

Matthews's POV
I'm in hotel room as I just came out after bathing searching for clothes. You might think where are we ? We are in our hotel room as we came abroad to filming an episode for zbtv. It was a horror special.

We all gathered in the living room as Hanbin hyung called us to tell about the shoot.

" So guys we all need to go to the shooting location as Manager hyung called us there." Hanbin hyung said.

"Yes Hyung !!!" Makane line got too excited and left their room picking up their phone, mask and hat.

Hyung line just chuckled at their excitement and and left the room taking their stuffs.

Still Matthew's POV
After 35 minutes, we all arrived at the location and first I was shocked that we are gonna shoot at a haunted house but my fear was gone all of sudden. I felt a bit weird cuz I'm a little bit scared of horror stuffs but still don't think I'm a scaredy cat but I like horror stuffs and place.

Zb1's POV
We all saw the place and we were scared that we were gonna shoot at a horror place but then we looked at Matthew. He wasn't scared at all!!! Although he is little bit scared of horror things. This was weird but we just shrugged it off and started listening to our director telling today's topic of zbtv.

"So guys today's topic of zbtv is The Treasure Puzzle. In this you will be divided in two teams. I will tell you teams later. So in this game both teams will have their own puzzle and have to go around rooms and find pieces of puzzles and make the puzzle. Two puzzles stands will be on entrance door." Director said.

" Yesssssss" All of them shouted.

"So, Hanbin, Hao, Gyuvin, Ricky and Matthew in team 1 and Jiwoong, Taerae, Gunwook and Yujin in team 2." Director said.

Matthew's POV

I went inside the room and found a piece of puzzle on the corner of the sofa and I was about to go to the entrance to put puzzle piece on the puzzle stand until I heard some type of haunted sound.

Right now, I was a little scared but I was still having the courage to follow the sound so I followed the sound and it lead me to a small bedroom.

I went inside the bedroom snd saw a small table on the bed on which a small old crinky type of book was kept. It was a bit mystery type of thing for me so with so much of curiosity. I went near it and opened it. As I opened the book highly sensitive light hit my eyes .....


~Your Author-nim

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