Chapter 87: How it's gotta be

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They got Siddiq settled in the sewers, at least until Rick comes back

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They got Siddiq settled in the sewers, at least until Rick comes back. A few hours later, Rhea was sitting on her bed reading her book, when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." She called out. The door opened and it was Carl. Rhea looked up at the younger boy with a smile "Hey Carl. What's up?"

"Nothing I just wanted to spent some time with you." He said with a smile and sit down on the bed and she looked up at the boy with a smile. Carl looked at her stomach with a smile "Have you though of a name?"

She looked at him confused before she followed his gaze towards her stomach "Ohhh, ummm no we didn't. Why?"

Carl blushed a little bit "I might though of names."

"Really?" Rhea smiled softly at him. The boy nodded his head with a smile. "What names do you have?"

"Well If your baby is a boy Lucas. If it's a girl... Corina." Carl said with a smile.

She thought for a second before she looked at him with a smile. "Lucas Dixon- Grimes. Corina Dixon- Grimes. I love them Carl, I'll talk with Xan."

Carl smiled at her, before he leaned foward and hugged his best friend. Holding her tightly like it was for the last time.

A little later that night, Carl, Xander and Rhea had finished settling in Siddiq

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A little later that night, Carl, Xander and Rhea had finished settling in Siddiq. The three had heard Michonne calling to them and approaching them. The three of them looked to each other and kept silent about Siddiq.

"I've been lookin' for you. We're about ready to head out. What are you doing?" She asked.

"We're helping someone. A traveler." Carl answers.

"In the sewer?" Michonne questioned them with a strange look.

Before either one of them could reply back, there had been a sound of something hitting the bars outside of the gates. Then, Rhea heard the disastrous voice, she hated hearing through a freaking megaphone.

"You may be wondering why the hell your lookouts didn't sound the alarm."

Her's eyes widened. How the hell did they get out?

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