"If you think Rick is the problem, I guess you don't know what I'm fucking capable of you asshole." - Rhea Dixon
"I guess I do have more balls even than you Shane." - Rhea Dixon
"I'm a Dixon. And I've been through a lot more hell than any of you ev...
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The next day, the Dixons and Xander were standing by a truck. Daryl was sharpenig his knife, Xander was cleaning his sword, while Rhea was cleaning her arrows, when Tara walked towards them, holding her arm.
"Hey." She greeted them.
"Hi." Daryl greeted her back.
"It's been over a day. Still not sick. Doc says I'm cool." Tara told them.
Rhea smiled at her, she knew she was going to be okay.
"That's good Tara." Xander said with a smile.
"You're a tough son of a bitch." Daryl commented, still sharpening his knife.
"Daryl, it just means that Dwight shot me with a clean arrow." Tara told him.
"Or it means you got lucky. Could be anything." Daryl told her.
Rhea nodded "It's not like a bite Tara. Sometimes nothing happens."
"Guys..." Tara trailed of.
"Look, if Dwight knew, could've warned us, could've sent us a message." Rhea told her.
"Well, maybe he couldn't." Tara told them.
"He let a whole day go by while our people lay around dying. Everybody else in the battle who got injured got sick." Daryl pointed out to her.
"That can't be an accident." Tara told him.
"So he just gets a pass? Is that it?" Daryl asked her.
"Maybe." Tara commented "Look, you said that we might need him, and we might need him now more than ever, and what I'm saying is that if I had killed him, maybe I would be dead right now." Tara explained to them "Look, do what you gotta do. But know it's just for you. I'm out." She told them before walking away from them.
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"If the Saviors are coming back, we'll have 10, maybe 15 minutes heads-up,"
Rhea heard Rosita, when she and Xander walked into the office.
"And our ammo?" Maggie asked for the update.
"Bout what we thought. Not enough to fend off another attack of that size," Dianne answered.
"Well, maybe we don't gotta worry about that no more. At least for now. Maybe going hand-to-hand's our only option," Daryl offered his idea, as he walked in.
"You think they're low on ammo?" Rosita asked.
"Well, they must've gone through a whole bunch of it getting through them walkers at Sanctuary," Xander said.
Dianne seemed to agree "And there's not a lot of places to find more."
"Mierda," Rosita hissed under her breath, Rhea's head snapped to her "They have our billet maker. They can make more."
"Damn it I forgot that they have the bitch with them." Rhea hissed.
"You think the saviors have what they need to make them?" Maggie quizzed.
"If they don't, I know where they'd find it."
"So that means we've got to make our way there?" Rhea asked, folding her arms over one another, arching a brow.
Maggie's eyes darted between her people as if weighing out who should go. However, if it were to be Rosita, Rhea, Daryl and Xander that'd be fine.
There were more than enough of them to handle themselves.
Perhaps, getting the items that the saviors needed would be an easy task if the outpost wasn't going to be guarded like the others due to the fact that they were at a constant battle.
They could only hope.
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The four got into a car in the dead of night, driving over to the location that Rosita had assumed that Eugene would be making the bullets for the saviors. They'd hide out in a building not far.
Daryl scanned over the place "Looks like you were right. The place is up and running." he said to Rosita.
"Yep." She replied "Buckets of casings for Eugene to turn into hundreds of bullets."
"Let's do it now."
"Go in?" Rhea asked.
Rosita paused, looking to her "No, I got something. We don't take out the machines. We take out the man."
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