Chapter 94: Worth

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The two Dixon's, the Grimes boy and Rosita snuck behind one of the large metal doors to the outpost building, when it swung open and Eugene came out with a man

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The two Dixon's, the Grimes boy and Rosita snuck behind one of the large metal doors to the outpost building, when it swung open and Eugene came out with a man.

Rhea quickly loaded her bow and pulled the string back, before letting the arrow fly right into the man's eye. Killing him.

Rosita got rid of the guard at the rear.

Daryl aimed the cold barrel of his gun against the back of a fearful Eugene's head.

And the four started dragging him somewhere.

At that moment, the man they used to be friends with looked like he knew he was facing his uncertain demise

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At that moment, the man they used to be friends with looked like he knew he was facing his uncertain demise.

Xander and Rhea enjoyed seeing him fearful for what he'd done to them. Switching up sides was costly. Not to mention that Carl could have died peacefully at his house, but instead he was in the sewers.

And that was Eugene's fault, also the attack at Hilltop was his fault too.

Rhea and Xander were pissed off at the man.

Xander took out a rope from his back pocket that had been saved for this very moment, tying it around his wrists as Daryl led the way upfront, while Rhea, Rosita and Xander were behind with Eugene.

"I can't suspect that the reason I'm being take alive is, despite... what completely warranted bad blood exists between us, you still harbor a vestigial nostalgia for our erstwhile camaraderie." Eugene rambled on. Rhea gritted her teeth together, trying very hard to hold herself right now not to kill the fucker. "And in light of that, I'm willing to just shut my grub flap and give you your space until you see such a time as you're ready to break the ice one traveling companion-"

In a split second, Daryl had snap, causing him to whip around with the tip of his hunting knife pressed against Eugene's throat. "Shut your mouth before I cut your tongue out!"

"Dad!" Rhea called for him, making him look at her as she shook her head at him.

"Daryl we gotta keep moving." Xander told him coldly.

Daryl gritted his teeth together before he let the man go.

"They could be out looking for him right now." Rosita informed, scanning the perimeter with her eyes.

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