Chapter 109: The calm before

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The fair at the Kingdom had been just perfect

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The fair at the Kingdom had been just perfect. Everyone from Alexandria and Hilltop had made it and everyone seemed to be having blast.

Rhea and Corina stood near Alden and Enid, having fun, but the Dixon-Grimes woman was very consern about her husband and father. It's been too long.

Ezekiel had finished giving his speech and some of the others were anxious because Daryl, Xander, Connie and Henry weren't back yet.

Carol, Kelly, Rhea, Enid and Corina had been the most worried about them all coming back.

Ezekiel headed over to the small group and was greeted by Carol. "Hey, you sounded good up there." Carol told him.

"I should be going with you. It's my duty to go with you. I'm his father." Ezekiel said, talking about Henry.

"Yeah, you're also the king. It's bad enough I'm leaving. If you go, too, everybody's gonna want to know why." Carol reasoned "We put months of work into this fair. The Kingdom needs you here."

"Are we going or what?" Kelly questioned "My sister's out there somewhere."

She was probably the most anxious next to Rhea and Corina.

"And so's my dad." Corina spoke up. Rhea wrapped her arm around the girl's shoulder.

"No, they're not." Magna smirked, looking ahead.

The group all looked ahead and had saw the group of seven coming through the gates along with Michonne and Judith. Connie got out and had rushed towards Kelly and the sisters hugged.

Xander got out next and rushed towards his wife and daughter.

When Corina saw her father she ran towards him. "Dad!" She yelled as she ran towards him, behind her was Rhea, who ran after her to greet her husband.

Xander smiled at them and he crouched down to greet his daughter. Corina wrapped her little hands around his neck hugging him tightly. "I've missed you dad." She whispered into his neck.

"I've missed you too Cor." He then let go of her, as the little girl ran to greet her grandfather.

Rhea walked towards her husband and wrapped her arms around his neck as she leaned foward and kissed him hard. He wraped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him.

When they finally pulled away she looked at him "I've missed you."

He smiled at her "I've missed you too babe." he kissed her on the forehead.

Daryl then walked towards the couple, with Corina on his shoulders. "What about me Rhea?" Daryl asked her sarcastically.

She smiled at him, before she walked towards her father and hugged him.

"Michonne..." Ezekiel walked over to Michonne, surprised that she had decided to make an appearance here.

"I was in the neighborhood, so..." Michonne smiles and slapped her hand onto Ezekiel's.

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