Cocktail fool

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Which brings her to another weird undercover encounter. Not wanting to meet the girl herself, she told Chris she would take a walk around the park before going home while in reality she took the opportunity to observe them again to see if she could detect any danger from the girl.
Yes, it is a bad thing to do and she honestly hates the fact Chris is so caught up with his girl he doesn't even see her sit not even a hundred meters away on a bench, but on the other hand, it helps her gnawing heart to calm down.
The two of them sit with their backs turned towards her and she sees how they laugh and coo at each other, totally caught up in their own world. So much so, they don't see the suspicious figure hanging around them.
Lorey observes how a certain fellah seems to give them glances over and over again. The man - or should she call him a boy with his young looking features- walks past for the fifth time and almost burns holes in the back of Chris's head with his intense stares.
Lorey focusses on him and notices his peculiar odd behavior. She knows. Her gut is warning her, this boy is a vampire. She can't pinpoint any clues with how he looks, but she just knows with his tiny demeanors which are oh so familiar to her from her years of being around her best friend. Should she warn Chris?
The boy doesn't seem to do anything bad other than glaring at Chris. Maybe they're in his territory and he wants to make sure Chris isn't preying on the girl? Or maybe he is preying on the girl and now hesitates seeing Chris being with her.
She doesn't know and decides to keep observing. When she notices he keeps dwelling around and her patience spreads thin after a good half an hour, she takes matters in her own hand and scans her surroundings to see what she can do to interfere without bringing herself in danger.
She sees a dog chewing on a stick near the place she's sitting and grabs it to throw it in the boy's way when she thinks he isn't looking her way.
The big dog barks and rushes after his stick, startling the guy and scurrying off when he notices people looking at him while the dog barks happily at him to throw the stick again.
Lorey can't help but smile whilst also walking off in the opposite direction of the stranger. Whatever his intentions were, with his broken focus her best friend and his crush should be alright.

"Are there other vampires living near the park?" she asks Chris a few days later when he comes over for a quick shower.
"Why?" he replies and she hums whilst looking at her nails.
It's never a simple 'yes' or 'no' with him, always questioning why she needs or wants to know things.
"Thought I might have seen a hostile one when you went out for that picnic. Not sure though."
Chris turns off the water and grabs the towel she throws over the shower curtain. Being in the bathroom together like this is nothing to them. With the black and white butterfly designed curtain they can't see each other and so it doesn't count as being naked around each other. Lorey lays the last hand on her mascara before humming happily with the results. She has to attend the funeral of one of her clients by the family's request and they get paid for their attendance. Radhi called in sick, so she has to help Sunye as his right hand for leading the ceremony.
"There are no hostile ones living near as far as I know. Did you see their eyes? Did they look hungry?"
"Too far away. Don't think it's something to be worried about. Just keep an eye out if you go out with Hyuna again."
"Noted," he muffles whilst ruffling his hair dry and pulling back the curtain with the towel now wrapped around his waist.
"Yah, have some decency!" she yells at him, turning her make-up mirror down to spare her eyes from his naked torso. "I know you have no problems walking around butt naked, but you're courting a girl. What would she think if she knew you showed off your goodies to another girl?!"
Chris snickers and she hears him shuffle around and pull on clean clothes.
"As if showering at your place isn't worse though. But don't worry, I told her about you, she doesn't mind."
He puts too much trust in her, or the girl puts too much trust in her lover, Lorey can't decide. When she turns around he's wearing a button up and a pair of jeans and she shows him her face.
"Whaddaya think?" she asks with a thick accent and he gives her a beaming smile.
"Gorgeous! Are you sure about the mascara? Not afraid you'll bawl your eyes out?"
She shoves him out of her bathroom and grabs her purse off the table.
"I'm a professional. Besides, Misses Goodbrown lived till her eighties. Nothing tragic about dying of natural courses like old age. I can handle it!"
Chris chuckles and hands her her coat and shawl before opening the door for her.
"Good luck!" he says, patting her shoulder and she gives him a forced smile.
"Have fun," she mumbles back, knowing he's off to see Hyuna this evening. Otherwise he wouldn't have dressed up.
"Huh? Ah, you got me. I'm taking her out for a light dinner. Her doctors said it would be okay, as long as it wouldn't be too fatty."
She wants to roll her eyes at him, but instead squeezes his ice cold hand.
"Call me if you feel nauseous after eating. I know you haven't had blood for quite some time now and I'm trying to see if I can get you some this week, okay?"
Chris only nods before letting go. Eating human food as a vampire can't do much harm as far as they know, but whenever he hasn't had human blood for some time he can get rather nauseated if consuming the wrong things. If vomiting blood seemed bad, you should see a vampire barfing up complete undigested meals. Fun!
With a swift move he's gone and she closes the door behind her, shivering from the cold air on her legs. The thin stockings aren't the biggest help, but hey, she has a funeral to attend!

"Come on, let's get something from that vegan place across the park," Sunye appeals to her when they wave the last guests goodbye.
She rubs her cheeks from the mourning face she had to give the attending people. Although laughing is way more draining for her, trying to keep your face in a sad expression isn't that easy either. Sunye is a master at maintaining the right balance of the sadness, empathic and caring smile for years and everytime she sees him hold a funeral she can't help but have mad respect for the man.
"Sounds good. Although I can also go for some fried chicken right now," she mutters, stretching her arms above her head and quickly pulling down her rising dress.
"A girl in that kind of dress should be taken out for a proper dinner. No midnight snack," Sunye laughs at her, gathering his belongings to close the funeral home. "And no, I'm not asking you out for a date. Just a simple meal as coworkers, thank you."
She snickers and takes the offer of his outstretched arm, knowing all too well her boss isn't one scoring for her side. Not that he ever mentioned, but she noticed it after working together for all those years.
"Noted," she hums at him with a big smile. "You're not my type anyway."
He rolls his eyes and opens the car door for her to step in.
"Not the fact I could pose as your father, no, she turns me down for not looking like her preferred prince charming. Good to know."
They joke around a little whilst driving to the restaurant where he asks the server if there's still a table available.
It's after they sit down and she takes her first sip of her water she almost spits it out upon discovering Chris and his crush sitting a few tables away from them. From all goddamn places, he had to choose the place he knew was her favorite! Well, at least he took the advice of the doctors seriously as this place is known for its healthy options. Nothing fatty or greasy!
Sunye lifts one eyebrow at her when she's staring hard at Chris and Hyuna sharing an appetizer. She has to physically tear her gaze away from them, noting a certain figure sitting at the bar while she looks away.
What is it with her wanting to be the invisible side character and life throwing ridiculous scenarios at her so she has to react either way!
Sunye orders them two ginger ales and a vegan carpaccio to share before scraping his throat, gaining her attention.
"Everything alright? An acquaintance?" he nods at the person at the bar and she exhales with relief he doesn't point at Chris.
"Sort of," she mutters, taking another sip of her water, this time swallowing through the right hole in her throat. "Just a familiar face."
Sunye hums at her response, not digging further before asking her if she already knows what she wants for her main course.
She tries to gather her attention to the menu and chooses her favorite, a good curry with a fresh salad on the side.
Their appetizer arrives and she and Sunye chat about mundane things, trying their best to stay off the funeral topics as they know the people dining around them won't be too happy hearing them discuss whatever intestine she had to remove this week.
She's in luck Sunye is an easy chatterbox, as being a funeral home director he needs the skill of communicating in delicate ways. She mastered some of the talking for when she has to assist him on days like these or whenever a family wants to be there for the final process of embalming their beloved ones. Doesn't mean she likes to wreck her brain for good conversation topics. Too bad half of the human population doesn't enjoy comfortable silences.
The vampire at the bar is casually looking over his shoulder from time to time to Chris and Hyuna, but Lorey notices how he also tries to panicky hide behind his drink menu whenever he thinks one of them looks in his way. What is the goal of this new guy? Lorey hasn't met many vampires as Chris had made it his life goal to protect her from meeting others like him. She guesse it is due to the others being dangerous? But this guy looks more clumsy and jittery than a ferocious, bloodloving vampire. Then again, Chris looks like a giant teddy bear himself in her eyes, so maybe looks aren't everything if it is about a vampire being bloodthirsty.
The guy looks at Chris as if he's jealous, upset or even intimidated by him, which makes Lorey keep her eyes on him to make sure he isn't going to hurt her vampire friend.
She perks up when she sees him drop something in one of the two drinks the bartender is making, which the server puts on his tray to walk over to Chris and Hyuna. That goddam, sneaky guy!
Without turning the attention too much to herself, she drops her chopsticks and waves at the server who walks over to her.
"Sorry," she says when the server places his tray on their table to pick up the cutlery for her.
She pulls off her quickest movement and swaps her glass with that on the tray, hoping Sunye will be distracted with the server as well.
Hopefully Chris won't mind red wine instead of the cranberry whatever overly sweet shit he had ordered.
The server tells her he will get her some new chopsticks before walking away and serving the drinks to the other table.
"Wine went to your cheeks already?" Sunye jokes at her and she plays it off by waving her hand in front of herself.
"No," she mutters, before saying; "Okay, maybe it's for the best that I won't finish my drink."
"But you barely drank any of it?" Sunye looks at the full glass in front of her.
"I did! And it made me this tipsy already."
Sunye eyes her drink and she's glad he doesn't offer to finish it for her. She waves her hand again in front of her face, this time as if she's warm and says; "I should go to the loo to cool off a little, splash my face or something before dinner is here."
Sunye offers to walk her, but she makes him sit and wait whilst trying to stay out of sight from her vampire friend and his crush before rushing off to the toilets.
Okay, what now? That new vampire clearly has bad intentions. On the other hand, Chris is capable enough to protect himself!
Or not?
She thinks back to his big heart eyes googling over the girl and it makes her doubt if Chris is really capable of noticing the apparent threat.
She could let things go, not meddle in, let Chris handle his protagonist's life with his new love interest and save the day.
Yeah, fat chance... Even if she told herself time and time again not to meddle, to support from the sidelines, be the invisible side character, she will protect him even if it keeps her involved with his love life.
So, with a stern glance in the mirror and a newfound courage she walks out and goes to the other side of the bar to gather the attention of the bartender.
"I'm sorry," she says with a low and sweet voice, glancing through her lashes and playing on the rim of an empty glass on the bar. "Can I get two drinks please? I'd like a cranberry mojito and a virgin Caipariña."
The bartender nods and gives her the two drinks with a big smile not even a moment later.
She walks back to her table and exhales gladly seeing Sunye is on his phone. She quickly replaces the mojito with the one on the table and mumbles something about getting a glass of water. He doesn't even look up and she walks back over to the bar.
"Uhm, can I ask for a favor?" she asks the bartender, waving to him to get a bit closer. "My date is a bit of an ass, didn't even want a drink. Can you maybe— I don't want to waste a good cocktail as you put in much effort. Hmmm —," she eyes the vampire at the other end of the bar. There are three other people sitting beside him. A guy who's turned away from her and two women with high laughs and colorful dresses " — Give that stranger over there - with the brown hair- this drink? Just tell him it's from that guy over there." she nods at Sunye. "Would make my day."
The bartender looks between her, Sunye on his phone and the stranger sitting at the other end of the bar and smirks at her.
"I love a good drama," he smirks and she's oh so glad she has some kind of radar for knowing when a guy is gay as hell. If the bartender had been straight, she would have had to deal with his flirting. Thank god he's a sport for going along with her move.
She walks back to Sunye who thanks her for the alcohol free drink. Both enjoy their meal while Lorey eyes how the laced drink goes back to its owner who frowns and looks up to their table. She looks away, while Sunye makes eye contact and smiles at the stranger who awkwardly lifts his drink at him.
"Hmmm, maybe a relative of someone we buried?" he asks and Lorey quickly shrugs.
"Probably," she mumbles, seeing how the vampire takes a sip and turns around to give angry glares at Chris again.
Is he really that stupid or is whatever he put in that drink not noticeable at all? She wonders, seeing him drink up his own concoction.
She's halfway through her delicious curry when she sees him pale like how vampires are portrayed normally and hurriedly walks out of the restaurant. Taste of his own medicine.

And? Any guesses who the 'new vampire' can be? 

Drain me [SKZ fanfiction] Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now