Come in!

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Lorey knows something is off. But what? She can't place her finger on it and decides not to worry too much. No, she can't permit herself to worry as she's already caught up in more turbulence than she wished for. Said turbulence is waiting for her again at the end of the street by the way. She sees the vampire already tapping his foot on the dirt road as he's waiting for his daily whining at her.
"Why can't you just tell me what you do in there? A girl your age, playing in a funeral home doesn't make any sense!"

He's been bugging her for the last two weeks since he discovered she's the source of his misfortune with getting Chris away from Hyuna.
At first he tried to scare her. Showing her his fangs and claws whilst pulling up his red irises, but all she did was look at him and compliment his nice looking teeth, not impressed with his scare tactics at all.
"Chris is a lot scarier when he's angry without the whole vampire act," she snickered at him, patting his head and walking away.
Han had to do a double take with what had happened and rushed after her till she slammed the door to the funeral home in his face again.
His next tactic was to threaten her he would hurt her, suck her dry or bite her till she screams. Yeah, she laughed at those threats as well.
She couldn't picture the cute looking boy killing her in cold blood and with the sucking dry part she simply pulled her shawl to the side, showing him tiny scars where Chris had bitten her a long time ago.
"You won't," she said with a serious face. "Only those who are starved or plain cruel can suck a body dry. Looking at your behavior, you're not a new vampire, so no need for much blood. Now let me go to work please."
He had stopped mid-walking and stared at her while she went to work. She knew she was too loose lipped with what she told him, but she was not afraid of him, just like she wasn't of Chris.
Rather, she was low key amused and curious about this newly met vampire. Although she still didn't like the way he tried to meddle in with her best friend and his lover.
And now he resolved to wait up for her and bug her with questions until she arrived at her workplace. He tried his hardest to gain her attention, but she stayed calm and collected, frustrating him to the max as he was fishing for that same look when she showed him her bitemarks.
"Gotcha!" he grins, pulling her bag off her shoulders and holding it hostage in his arms. Without it, she would for sure need to stop walking.
But Lorey huffs and continues walking away.
"H-hey!" the vampire stutters and waves her bag in the air. "Don't you need this? I have all of your belongings!"
Lorey rummages in the pockets of her jacket and holds up her phone and keys in the air. "Living in the city. Rule number one, never place important belongings in your bag!"
She hears him scoff without looking back and hears how he zips open her bag.
"Leave it on the porch when you're done, alright?"

"Weird boy still there?" Radhi greets her.
"Hmm, nothing new."
Radhi gives her a smirk whilst handing her her stuff and nods at the door. "We can always call the police if he really bugs you, you know," he remarks.
"Nah, don't mind it," she answers, following her path downstairs. She has to prepare for a new body coming in tomorrow.

Around lunch time she feels her stomach rumble. Her lunch is in her bag and she dearly hopes the vampire hasn't chucked it out somewhere. Although she has her most important belongings with her, she still carries her daily essentials in that bag. Not only that, it was her old school bag from her college days. A gift Chris had bought her when she got the news she was accepted into the school of her liking. It holds nostalgic importance. Sentimental value so called.
When she walks up to see if the vampire is still loitering around the premise she notices her bag outside. Carefully placed in a way she can't miss it when opening the door, but not too much in sight it would gather unwanted attention. She picks her bag up and sees a sticky note on the outside.
'Sorry for snooping. Hope this makes up for my behavior. Han Jisung.'
She opens her bag and smiles a little upon seeing two blueberry muffins placed on top. Peace offer accepted!

Back to the current presence, Han Jisung is bugging her again, wanting to know more about her instead.
"Come on, yesterday you fooled me saying you are a certified hearse rider while I know you have no drivers license and the day before you let me believe you live there while I see you go back home to that basement apartment every day! Can you please tell me what you do at a funeral home?!"
His rambling is funny to her. He's easy to fool and at least this way he's not busy forging ideas how he can get rid of Chris.
"I bleed them dry," she vaguely replies and Han Jisung exhales loudly, looking up to the sky.
"You are so not funny," he replies. "I know you're a human!"
She chuckles at his cluelessness. "Did you know the nails of dead bodies keep growing for a few days after their death?"
Han Jisung turns his head to her unamused. "Everybody knows that fact," he nags at her, clearly distracted from his previous question. Another thing she secretly enjoys about this vampire. He has the attention span of a squirrel.
"But did you know their ears and noses also can keep growing? Like, cartilage tissue doesn't stop growing throughout life as well. That's why oldies always have those big noses and ears."
Han Jisung stops walking and looks at her with big eyes. "They grow after death as well?!" he gasps, making Lorey smirk.
"Nah, only the nails. Although hair can keep growing as long as a body has enough resources to make new cells. And no, no rapunzel or those weird Japanese doll things."
"You mean ichimatsu dolls?"
The vampire is quick to engage in her words and tells her how he once read a story about Okiku, a Japanese girl who died and how her spirit possessed an ichimatsu doll, making her hair grow even if chopped off. He rambles on and Lorey listens intently to his words till they arrive at her work.
"Aw," Han Jisung pouts when he notices how she opens the door. "Now I need to go back to disturb that friend of yours."
"Don't you dare, Han!" she warns him, but seeing the big smile on his face she knows he's joking.
"Sure sure, mystery human," he replies before walking off.

Drain me [SKZ fanfiction] Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now