There's another story... and it's peculiar...

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Ah! So that's her role in the story!

He follows Bang Chan to what seems like a convenience store where the same girl is waiting for him. They greet each other jokingly before walking inside to gather snacks while he follows them in and scans the cup ramen aisle as they browse through the snacks aisle on the opposite side.
"Are you gonna choose anything?" she snickers, holding up her fourth suggestion he declines.
"Nah, peckish," he answers.
"Didn't get to feed last week?" she casually asks, but he hears the underlying meaning of her words. She knows what he is?
"Too busy," Bang Chan replies while she chucks in her snacks in the basket dangling around his arm.
"Hm. I have a new body coming in on Wednesday?" she mentions and Bang Chan nags at her within a second.
"Can't we discuss this at your place? What if someone hears us talking about bodies?"
Yeah, he thinks. What if someone hears you talking about how the two of you totally don't sound suspicious for talking about feeding and bodies at the same time...
But to his surprise the girl chuckles and rolls her eyes at him.
"Chill out, it's my work. Talking about dead bodies never got me into trouble."
Uhm... She's either a psychopath at this point in his head or one of those quirky gals being 'not like the other girls' in her emo phase or something if she speaks about it like that.
He hears Bang Chan grunt while he follows her to the cashier.
"Still, no one is comfortable hearing these things." He looks up at the cashier who's giving them a weird look before she steps in and grabs her wallet out of her bag.
"Ah sorry, I work at the morgue," she casually mentions to the clearly freaked out cashier.
"Uh... That's an... interesting job, ma'am?" the cashier mumbles before giving her back her spare change.
The girl smirks and turns around to Bang Chan who face palms himself when she says; "See, not trouble, only weird looks."
Bang Chan snatches the bag filled with snacks out of her hand and bows profusely to the poor worker.
"I'm sorry for my idiot friend, sir," he says, gaining a scoff from the girl. "Come on, idiot," he mumbles whilst pulling her with him out of the shop.
After they leave he simply walks up to the cashier to pay for his bottle of strawberry milk.
"Some people huh?" he chuckles, seeing the cashier frown and shake his head.
"Tell me about it," the guy answers back. "But hey, her business. Here you go, sir."
He thanks him before walking out and scanning his surroundings. He follows the two walking back to what seems like an old building with a staircase leading downstairs which the two use to walk to a front door. His home? Hers?
"Get in."
Ah hers, he notices when she uses her keys to open the door and let him in. Their last words are something about picking a movie before the door closes.

He should be observing Bang Chan, but instead finds himself in the midst of what seems like a funeral for a middle aged woman called Kim Jaehe. It's the easiest way to obtain access to the place.
Without an invitation he can't get inside people's homes. One of the clichès that is in fact a truth. Although the invitation doesn't have to be that clear like for this instance.
All he had to do was follow the crowd gathered at the funeral home and follow to the doorsteps where the host -a young man with a dark complex - asked them to come in and to wait in the big entryway to lead them to the adjacent room where the condolence would be held. Child's play.
Now he can come and go into the - impressive- house as he likes.
This funeral home reminds him of the good old times. He had loved the Victorian age with its elegance and macabre ambiances. Even lived in a home like this for some good years before it got demolished and replaced with modern architecture.
Taking in the beautiful details of the handcrafted beams and tastefully painted murals he gets caught up in the moment before an old lady to his left starts talking to him.
"She was such a sweetheart. Right, my dear?"
He gives her a small smile whilst trying to seem sorrowful and sad, nodding at her.
"I'm happy we can see her one last time. The funeral people really did her justice, don't you think?"
He looks at the open casket where the deceased lays with eyes closed and hands folded as if in a deep slumber. He has no idea who this lady is or what she would've looked like living, but the photo on the end of the casket tells him the body has been preserved nicely and in a way so it still resembles her.
"They did," he mumbles with a low voice to which the old lady smiles and dabs a falling tear from the corner of her eyes.
"Sorry, dear, I didn't catch your name. Are you an acquaintance of Jaehe?"
He quickly thinks of a small lie to feed the poor old lady who seems genuinely grieving over the dead person.
"Something like that," he assures her, giving a polite bow towards the body before turning around and saying his goodbye to the old lady who waves at him before turning her attention back to the casket. It's a good thing there are lots of people coming in and out of the place.
When he passes the exit he sees the host who let him in, speaking with none other than Han Jisung, refusing to let him enter.
"But I need to speak with my friend," the young vampire whines to no avail.
"And your 'friend' told us not to let you enter, sir," the host smiles at him politely.
He expects the vampire to throw a tantrum, but instead he turns around and stomps away, mumbling "Not fair" like a small child.
Nodding to the host before leaving, gaining a small and compassionate smile back he maintains a good distance from the other vampire who doesn't even seem to know someone is walking behind him.
As soon as they're back on the streets, he turns around to the funeral home and uses his ability to map out the place and choose a room where he wants to go. With a simple whoosh he gets where he envisioned himself and immediately obscures himself with the shadows of the small hallway leading downstairs. Too easy.

It's Wednesday midday when he follows Bang Chan towards the funeral home. Apparently the vampire had gotten access to the place like he had and with that he decides to not infiltrate the main room, but the small adjacent office next to the morgue room. He easily conceals his being with the surroundings and peeks around the corner to see how Bang Chan walks up to someone decked out in protective clothes.
"Chris, how many times have I told you to not come in when I'm still working?" she scolds him, but the vampire snickers and sits down on the free space at the counter, not minding the body bag laying on a brancard.
"Sorry not sorry, didn't have anything to do," he grins at her. "Want me to help?" He nods at the body bag and she huffs, fogging up her vizor before nodding.
"Gloves," she nags at him when the vampire already wants to spurs into action.
He observes how the other vampire helps her with placing the body bag onto the metal table and rolling the brancard off to the side. So she is the embalmer of this place. Quite young if you ask him, but he has seen people younger than her not being famished by death.
"Will take me some time," she says to the vampire who curiously eyes the body bag without touching it. "And I warn you, it's not a pretty one to look at apparently. Died with euthanasy."
They both wonder what that means, but the question gets answered as soon as the bag gets opened and he hears Bang Chan gasp.
"Told you," the girl's muffled voice can be heard while she grabs a clipboard and tries to flip over some pages with her double gloved hands.
He has seen his fair share of bodies. Heck, he created a lot of them back in the old days. And as it isn't that common for him to see corpses nowadays he still shivers seeing this one.
The woman must've suffered from pain if asking for an euthanasy procedure. Her face is small and skin is tightly wrapped around her bones, making her almost look like a mummy. At least the facial expression looks rather calm and maybe even a tinge of happy? He can't tell from where he is standing.
Bang Chan visibly shivers before turning around to the girl. "How long ago did she die?" he asks her.
"This morning. That's why I told you I knew a new body would come in which would be a lot better than last time."
As if she isn't famished at all, he thinks upon hearing the girl speak. She either doesn't have much empathy or has mastered her profession rather quickly. Both answers debunked within the next seconds he sees the girl place down the clipboard, folds her hands and closes her eyes a moment as if praying.
"Wherever your soul finds peace," she ends her little prayer before letting out a big exhale, shaking her shoulders out of her visible discomfort and turning towards her vampire friend.
"Can you get me the tub? Doubt she'll have much, but I could be wrong."
She grabs a small scalpel and tubelike instrument and makes a tiny incision where one of the body's arteries is. Even with the almost mummy-like state of the body, there flows out a good amount of blood which Bang Chan catches into the tub.
When there's a decent amount, she lifts the limb of the corpse and Bang Chan places the tub onto the counter to hand her another weird looking device which she hooks up to a machine. Ah, the replacing of body fluids with embalming ones, he understands when he sees the last of the red fluid going through a tube.
It doesn't take long, especially since the body isn't a big one. Bang Chan helps her wherever he can, occasionally wiping drools from the corner of his mouth as the tub of blood is still there in the open.
It doesn't impact him in the slightest. Opposite to the young vampire, his body doesn't need to feed that often and bloodlust is something he hasn't felt for quite some time. He sees himself being above that. Grown out of the silly puberty trait young vampires go through in their first two to three hundred years.
He observes how the girl works thoroughly and carefully until she's happy with the results. She cleans up the remaining mess, places the body on the brancard -this time without the body bag covering it- and brings it back to the morgue-like wall in the back. When she comes back, she starts cleaning her workplace -ushering Bang Chan to step away when she reaches for the chemical spray- and after that she steps out of her protective clothes, disposing of them carefully and turning back to her vampire friend.
"Good job," Bang Chan cheers her on and she rolls her eyes playfully at him.
That's obvious? She clearly likes the compliment.
"Can I?" Bang Chan asks, looking at the tub with red liquid in it. It has darkened a little in the time it has been out due to the oxygen binding on the iron in the blood. Not the most appetizing sight.
She walks over to her small office, not noticing him standing in the shadows and plucking a straw out of the plastic cup still sitting on her desk.
"Here yah go," she smirks at him. "I'm too lazy to change again. Better finish the batch or bag it up yourself. If you make a mess, I'll hunt you down with garlic."
Bang Chan chuckles at her and takes the small plastic tube to stick it in the tub. He looks like a giant toddler sipping on his drink.
He witnesses how she looks at her friend, keeping a close eye to how he's reacting to the drawn blood and he wonders how often they do things like these.
Bang Chan smacks his red stained lips and blinks slowly at her.
"Like I'm getting drunk? The human way?" He continues emptying the tub and in the end even sits down on the ground with his back against one of the cabinets and his eyes half closed.
"At least better than the puking," she sighs, picking the tub out of his hands and carefully bringing it over to the sink to clean it out. "Has it something to do with the anesthesia stuff?"
Bang Chan hums something which sounds confirming and she chuckles softly, going back to him and sitting beside him on the ground.
"Gosh, I seriously think I prefer the previous batch," he mumbles, grimacing, thinking back to the horrible taste. "Give me ten, maybe twenty."
She takes out her phone and watches the time before nodding and letting him slough against her shoulder.
Bang Chan grabs her hand and gives a weak squeeze with his eyes closed. She watches his hand with the smallest smile on her face.
They... mean a lot to each other, he notices. This is interesting. This young vampire has more admirers than he probably notices himself.
"Remember that time we got drunk after the school gala?" she snickers, trying to engage with him to see how he's doing. "Same feeling?"
Bang Chan scrunches his nose and chuckles back. "You were so drunk. This is nothing compared to that." His words sound a bit slurred.
"Hah? Don't you mean you were so drunk? I was only giggling like crazy, but you were like a newborn fawn!"
Bang Chan opens one eye to give her a reprimanding look.
"Okay, okay, no jokes about Bambi Chris. But we had fun, right?"
"Yeah," Bang Chan mumbles before resting his head against her shoulder, making himself comfortable. "Wake me up in ten, promise?"

They sit in silence. The girl reading on her phone and the young vampire dozing off.
He is fascinated by their bond. Clearly they are childhood friends. The girl definitely knows him from before he had turned and she's clearly not afraid of what he is. No, she went lengths to help her childhood friend gain a source of blood without the need to kill or misuse humans apparently. Although their source is debatable and even he has no clue if what they do is safe, they managed to keep the young vampire alive all this time with the creative way of gathering blood. Though, looking at the state the vampire is in right now, not one without risks.
He clearly trusts her and she values his company a lot. He hasn't seen such a bond in some time and it sparks his curiosity immensely.
He should report her. She knows of vampires and he is sure she's not registered as one of the humans given the pardon of knowledge.
But the curiosity to observe her a little more... Why? Why not? He has all the time in the world and right now she doesn't pose a threat. No, he wants to know more about this particular interesting mortician.

Writer here:

So? Do we know who it is? 
We'll get to know... but not in the upcoming few chapters:) Just know our observer watches from the shadows:D

We'll go back to our Lorey and see how she's holding up her role in the story so far.

Drain me [SKZ fanfiction] Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now