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"What?!" Her question came out a lot louder than she had wanted whilst eyeing the beaming girl in front of her.
Chris apologizes to the people around him with red ears, trying to get Lorey to sit down so they won't attract any more attention to themselves.
Lorey lowers herself down without breaking off eye contact with the girl in front of her.
What's wrong with her?! Did she really just say that in all seriousness?
Hyuna seems amused by her reaction, but also apologizes for being so blunt.
"Sorry, thought he had told you," she glares over at Chris who nervously shakes his head and tries to avoid Lorey's face.
Damn right he is for avoiding her eyes right now! What kind of a sick joke is this? He only told her all the butterfly, flowery and cutesy things about her and whoopsyfloopsy deliberately forgot to tell her this girl asked him to suck her dry to kill her off?
While she had asked him multiple times if Hyuna would be a danger for him for knowing what he is, well, with a girl wanting to die from his hands instead of her illness, she would certainly be a danger to him!
But before she can go on her rampage to reprimand the girl sitting in front of her, Hyuna interrupts her.
"Chan told me no immediately!"
Her pleading eyes to let her finish talking to set things straight makes Lorey comply and bite her lower lip to wait for her to finish talking.
"He said no and asked me if I was in my right mind - which I was, let me tell you - before fleeing from the scene. It took me two weeks to get him to talk to me again to explain my situation and why I had asked that from him," she sighs and squeezes his arm while Chris looks at the table. "We started off a little rocky, but as soon as I told him I knew of vampires and that I wasn't afraid of him, we opened up to each other and talked a bit. He mentioned he had another human friend who also specializes in things around death. He told me how you value your life even if you see so many ways people can lose it in an instance and that that was why you wouldn't want to let him turn you. Chan told me that you once said every death is one of a kind and we should thank nature for giving us that way. It stuck to me and although I still want to die the way I want, it gives me the perspective that I should enjoy the time I have."
Lorey falls silent for a moment with her honest and heartfelt words. Chris talked about her to someone else and her words made an impact on that someone. On the girl sitting in front of her, not fearing death, but now embracing it in her very own way. Still trying to live the fullest before parting. It gives Lorey a clump in her throat she tries to swallow as she looks at Chris who smiles at her.
"She's quite something, huh?" he asks her and Lorey can't help but chuckle while Hyuna slaps his arm.
"Chan!" she whines while he pulls her close by her waist and keeps his arm casually around her.
Whatever villain thought she had about driving the girl off seems to dissipate in the air. With the way the two of them bicker and joke in such a loving way and with her nerves calmed down now she witnesses Hyuna being the sweetheart to Chris she knows she never can be. It still hurts, duh, but still. Who is she to meddle in their blooming love story? Nah, she'll be the fairy godmother.
"Uhm, guys?" Lorey scrapes her throat while the two of them keep talking and they both seem to have trouble focusing on her with their love almost drowning out their surroundings. "Don't want to be rude, but I'm pretty tired. Chris, will you keep Hyuna company and bring her back home? I think I'll pick up some dinner and just call it a day."
Hyuna pokes Chris's cheek when he's staring at the girl instead of hearing what she says and he quickly sits up right.
"Oh, yeah. Right. You're working early tomorrow, right?"
Lorey gives him a tired nod and stands up. "It was lovely finally meeting you, Hyuna. And thanks for uhm... How do I say this?" She rubs her neck awkwardly, while the girl stands up and gives her a knowing smile.
"Taking your words to heart? Yeah, I do. Thank you for that."
She gives Lorey an unexpected small hug before turning her attention back to Chris. Lorey chuckles awkwardly after the sudden contact and grabs her bag to wave to them before fleeing the scene. Yeah, this is okay.

Being the fairy godmother side character is damn hard work, Lorey huffs after she sits down behind her desk at her workplace.
She still has to filter through seven files sended by Sunye about upcoming jobs next week and to be honest she's too tired to be bothered with them at the moment.
Her energy is already drained by the living and undead, especially by a certain brown haired unknown vampire boy who can't get a hint to fuck off from her two protagonists.
She knows the vampire has no real ill intentions, but man, he keeps bugging Chris and Hyuna with the clear intent of disturbing their dates and breaking them up.
That one time at the restaurant was one instance, but Lorey has developed a sixth sense for when the guy will pop up to bring trouble.
Trouble which she tries to deficit in a way nobody notices. She's not stupid, confronting an unknown vampire on her own? Nah, bad idea. Although her fingers are itching right now with how obviously stupid this new vampire seems to be. Stupid or plain clumsy. Maybe both. And an idiot. Good thing mind reading isn't a thing for vampires, she thinks. Or at least, Chris never had the ability, otherwise he would've heard her internally scream at him for being so utterly oblivious of the other vampire trying to play dirty tricks on him.
From innocent things such as messing up their food orders to attempts to separate them by obstructing their meetings, the new vampire tries his best.
Sucks for him Lorey can see through most of his shitty tactics and evades most damage he tries to inflict. And if possible, deficit it to him as if she's karma's second hand.
She must admit, sometimes it's even fun to see the vampire become flustered or clearly confused when something doesn't go his way.
Like how he tried to get Hyuna and Chris drenched when a big vehicle was driving by through an immersive puddle. How Lorey simply had walked past them, turning her large umbrella to the side so the water deflected away and right onto the brown haired vampire.
Or when he had tried to push Chris so he would fall into a bucket of cement workers had placed down where they were fixing a building. She had given a loud whistle, gaining the attention of the workers who in time pulled the tub to the side, only for the other vampire to lose his balance whilst trying to pinpoint the sound and falling with both his arms stretched out into the cement. She had to duck behind a pillar to prevent being seen by the others whilst she tried to muffle her chuckles with her fist pressed against her mouth.
She knew she would eventually be found out. She had the feeling someone was watching her all this time and maybe the other vampire didn't have the courage to step to her instead of the other way around.
Maybe he was afraid? Or maybe he was trying to ignore her? Well, as long as he tried to mess with Chris, she would try to bother him as much as possible in return.

This time she sees him planning on pushing some stuff balancing on a balcony into them. Gosh, is he getting his ideas out of a cartoon? She glances around her and sees a guy playing with what looks like a tennis ball, throwing it up and down in the air without paying too much attention to his surroundings.
"Sorry," she mutters, grabbing the ball out of the air and giving a good aim towards the sun screen of the balcony.
She hits the thing which collapses on the vampire before he gets the chance of pushing off the items at the happy couple walking on the street, them being blissfully unaware of the danger they had just avoided.
She can hear the vampire grunt and groan whilst trying to get up from under the slammed screen while an old lady comes into sight and starts yelling at him for trespassing and breaking her stuff.
"Nice throw," she hears the stranger beside her chuckle and she hurries away whilst pressing her finger to her lips and winking at him.
He doesn't seem that mad about her throwing away his ball as the thing already bounces down on the streets for him to grab.
She runs off to hide so she can follow the couple to assure they'll arrive safely at their destination. 

Drain me [SKZ fanfiction] Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now