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She's early for their meeting. Like, an hour too early because of her jittering nerves and incapability of accepting to arrive late. She's at the park near her house and wanders around to kill time before she has to return to the spot she and Chris had agreed to meet at. She texted him this morning asking him if they could talk and he agreed. It seemed like the right thing to do after their argument.
That good night of sleep ended with her staying awake far longer than anticipated and her eyes only got tired when the clock read around three in the morning. She kept muttering what she wanted to say to him. How she wants to clear the misunderstanding and show him she knows what she's doing without him being some sort of weird helicopter parent around her.
Why oh why is she not surprised when she spots two all too familiar people standing in the distance, hands folded together and staring at each other as if they're the only ones existing. Of course she had to walk in on them and of course he met up with her before coming here. The main characters of the story, the lovers in their bubble, Chris and Hyuna.
Her first thought is to turn around and walk away, but after the countless times she has already sneaked herself in their background, she can't help it. She stands still and observes, as if pulled to the scenario by some undetectable thread.
"Are you for real?!" she hears Hyuna squeak, folding her hands in front of her mouth to hide her wide grin.
Lorey closes her eyes and subconsciously grabs her chest with her balled fist upon hearing Chris confirming his question.
"Of course I want to be your girlfriend!" she makes tiny jumps before throwing her arms around his neck and giggling with that tiny bell sound making it oh so cute to hear her.
Lorey hears how Chris giggles just as happily at her and pulls her up in a hug to twirl her around in his arms.
Lorey sighs deeply whilst trying to unclasp her fist from her chest. Why did she have to be around hearing these words? Them becoming official makes everything so... Real. Definitive.
She's not really paying much attention to their conversation anymore until she hears the last bit of their talk.
" — promise to kill me then?"
This makes Lorey open her eyes, seeing how Chris longingly looks at Hyuna who just finished her sentence. She can already fill in what she missed and what he's about to answer.
"I will," she hears him say and she can't help but feel her eyes become watery.
She quickly wipes away her starting tears and grits her teeth together. Yeah, his face says enough.

She walks away from the scene, all the way back to her home. Goddamit, she was supposed to talk to him, not getting all sentimental and pained! But that look! He's planning on turning her. She knows for sure.
He had given her the same exact look when he asked her when they were younger. But this time he got the answer he wanted.
She frustratedly opens her front door, ignoring her landlord peeking through the curtains and hurrying inside where she slams the door behind her, exhaling out loudly.
He had asked to turn her after they both had an energy draining few days in which they both ended up on the floor of her dorm room when she was still studying. He had looked at her in the exact same way. Hopeful, longing and prepared to give his all. She had refused.
And now he was finally getting his happy ending with the girl who fell in love with him and who he fell in love with. She would finally lose her crush and with that her best friend. If she hadn't already lost him these past weeks.

He appears in her living room two hours after they were supposed to meet up. He immediately looks around to see if she's there and when he spots her, he exhales out loudly. She hears how he comes closer and she closes the book she wasn't even reading properly in the first place to look up to him.
His face shows both worry as happiness and she's already prepared for his words.
"You didn't show up," Chris says.
"Sorry," she answers.
He sits down opposite of her on her tiny dinner table and grabs the book from under her fingers, reading the title.
"Wasn't this the one you had to read back in college?" he asks.
He remembers. She nods.
"You weren't a fan of it back then. Why did you keep it?"
Because it reminds me of you, she wants to say, but she keeps her mouth shut.
He sighs again, staring to the wall with his smile slowly creeping up on his lips.
"I asked Hyuna to be my girlfriend," he says.
I know, she wants to say.
"Congrats," she replies.
He looks up to her, noticing the lack of enthusiasm in her voice.
"Not happy?" he hesitantly asks.
"No, I am. I'm happy you finally asked her," she answers, trying to pull a smile to her face.
Chris stares at her.
"What's wrong?"
Who is she even kidding? He can see through her like he always does. She inhales and doesn't meet his gaze.
"Nothing. I- I just miss the old times," she eventually murmurs. "I miss us hanging out like normal."
He frowns at her. "And we can't anymore? I don't get it."
She keeps looking down, her brain tells her to put up her calm demeanor, but her heart feels broken.
"Is this about me getting in a relationship?" he asks and she tries to shake her head, but Chris scoffs at her which makes her look up. His eyes are cold.
"I get that you miss our time together, but I didn't pin you down as someone being jealous," he then proceeds to say.
This widens her eyes as she processes what he just said.
"Jealous?" she mutters, not believing him.
"Yeah. You've been nothing but negative about me and Hyuna being together since the start and when I finally tell you she's my girlfriend you can't even muster a real smile."
Her mouth falls open and she closes it after a full two seconds.
"You're not even trying anymore," he continues. "You even distanced yourself from me and turned to befriend another vampire! As if you're replacing me! Why can't you try to be happy for me?"
" — I try!" she interrupts him with a slam of her fist on the table. "I try damn hard to be happy for you and your lover. I know I should try harder, but don't you dare talk about me replacing you in any way, Christopher! You have no idea how hard I try to cheer for you!"
She's trying her best to control her feelings, but at this point she's lost. She did try to be happy for them! For him! She stayed in the background and tried cheering them on! She tried to take on the fairy godmother role instead of being the evil queen, but she's tired. She's tired of him keeping her in the dark, saying he's protecting her while he's running off and forgetting all about her while being too occupied with his protagonist, his happiness. She's tired of acting like the support. She's tired of it.
"Well, you don't try hard enough," he scoffs, standing up, face filled with thorned emotions and his fists balled up. "I thought my best friend would be there for me. But I guess I got that wrong."
Yeah, that's the last stab in her heart she needed. He disappears in an instant, leaving a whirlwind behind which scatters stuff all through her room.
The emptiness he leaves behind feels the same as in her heart.

Lorey Pattens, twenty six year old female, finally gets her heart broken by her crush of over ten years. 

Drain me [SKZ fanfiction] Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now