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He'll face the ultimate penalty.

Felix ignored one of their oldest rules. The rule of equality. To maintain balance in this world between vampires and humans.
"When a new vampire is created, their creator has to die."
Minho's words ring in her ears. Jisung and Felix had explained these exact rules before. There couldn't be made new vampires without consequences. Thus the whole reason for the existence of the councils in the first place.
She had lost focus as soon as he told her that after he finally got her to calm down.
They had brought Lorey to a vacant house on the edge of the city. The original owners being away to god knows where -Lorey even suspected Minho and his two lackeys of plainly murdering the couple for convenience matters- leaving enough space for them to use their home as a temporary place for her to turn.
Because that was what had happened. She had been turned into a fucking vampire against her will and there was nothing she could do about it.
She was robbed of her humanity and now suffered the same fate as Chris, Jisung and Felix had.
"There must be a loophole,' she gasps after she tears away her gaze from the empty pack in her hands.
Minho blinks baffled at her and stares at the drained blood bag being handed back to him.
"No seconds?" he asks and she growls at him, surprised with her own sound, but too focussed on their conversation.
"I don't need it. I know this much should suffice for another two weeks at least. So what about the loopholes? There must be something like a vampire died without being one created? Can't I fill up the quota that way?"
Minho stares at the empty blood bag in his hand and scoffs out loud.
"If that were the case, I would've turned my whole family before they died of old age," he deadpans without looking up. "And two weeks is for a vampire who has passed the five year mark at least. You don't feel any murderous intent or something?"
She scoffs back and balls her fists, leaning back to the headboard of her bed. "Only to a certain asshole not respecting my damn wish to stay human."
She stares at the door, knowing all too well Felix is listening behind it. With her newly heightened senses, she can finally pick up on even his swiftly movements.
Minho follows her gaze and whistles, impressed with her good hearing.
"I already told you to stop blaming him. He panicked when he heard us arriving and did what any of us would've done in his positioning. He sacrificed himself for you."
She lets out a hollow laugh. "Sacrificed?!" she hollers. "No, he was being selfish! I was perfectly fine with dying at that moment! And now you tell me I get to live this unwanted life while he's supposed to die?! And why did he panic in the first place? You guys are friends as far as I noticed upon my arrival here!"
She hears Felix whimper from behind the door and she exclaims out loud, letting the back of her head hit the wall behind her with her eyes closed.
"For gods sake — Felix get in here! I can hear you eavesdropping!"
Felix appears within a second out of the shadows with that guilt ridden face she contemplates punching right now, but doesn't with the knowledge her newly awakened body is strong. Especially now it's sated with blood.
"I'm sorry," he mutters under his breath, not even daring to look up to her and she suddenly feels a small pang of guilt inside her chest.
Her words are harsh. It is absolutely how she feels, but that doesn't mean they don't harm him. And even if her stubbornness is yelling at her he deserves to know how miserable she is with the new discovery of her current status as an official undead, her now non-beating heart tells her to forgive him.
She brings her attention back to Minho who stares at them with his mouth a bit open as if contemplating what to say next.
"They're not my friends," Felix mumbles and that snaps the other vampire out of it.

"The heck? We are!"Felix flinches and Lorey stares up to him with confusion. Minho exhales deeply and rubs his face frustratedly. "Stubborn—," he mutters, but interrupts himself from continuing his string of curses. "I know you're still hurt when we decided to become part of the council here without talking to you, but it has been three hundred years, Yongbok! We've known each other for at least five centuries! To think that lowly of us really hurts!" Minho's nagging attracted two other vampires now apprehensively peeking through the ajar door. Lorey can't hear any other movements in the house and concludes these are the only people in this residence at the moment. The two walk in when Minho nods at them and they stand beside their older looking friend."Is that why you did it?" the tallest of them asks Felix. "Because you thought we would take matters in our own hands if we found her?"Felix avoids their faces and nods once, keeping his eyes trained to the ground. The broad built one of them crosses his arms and scoffs at him."Seriously? You think that, upon seeing how protective you are of this girl, we would toss our friendship out of the window and hand her over to our fathers like it's nothing?"Lorey doesn't follow their conversation completely, but she gets the gist of it and eyes the three vampires in front of her. "So, you were going to let me live after you found me instead of taking me to your council or killing me on the spot?"Their silence is saying enough and Lorey grumbles under her breath. "Thought so. Next time, come up to your 'friend' and talk to him before—, I don't know, corner him at the moment he was feeding, giving him the wrong impression and turning his friend."Her cynicism is loud and she can see all three of them flinch a little. Felix finally lifts his head and catches her gaze, but she's not done yet with her rant."And before we go off on some sappy reunion between you lot of fossils, I need answers. Why are we still in the city when he literally broke one of the few rules you seem to have and why are you still here instead of killing off your 'friend' to fill out your orders? I mean, I'm not the human endangering your society anymore and he's a clear fugitive if I get your laws. I don't understand.""She's rather sharp for a newly turned," the tall one remarks and Minho snickers at that."I can see why you fell for her, Bokkie."Felix immediately pulls up his lip and growls at him while simultaneously stepping closer to Lorey who dumbfoundedly looks at his protective stance."Stop that!" she sneers at him, swatting the held up arm in front of her away, making Felix whine again and rubbing his limb when she used a tad bit too much force. Stupid new body. "I'm sorry!" he yelps back. "Can't help it, You know I like you!"She grunts. While her now non-beating heart flutters with the words finally spoken out loud, her head isn't having it at this moment. Not now, maybe later."I still haven't forgiven you, Lee Felix," she hisses and he finally backs down. "Now," she turns back to the three. "Talk."Her head is dizzy from the chaotic explanation they tried to give her about why they had to stay here and why she had to be hidden from others until the coast would be clear."We're planning on asking our fathers to take that friend of yours, Bang Chan, to become a co-ruler over this city with us," the tall one -called Hyunjin she learned- tells her."And why would this council thing agree with you three ruling a city like this instead of a country or something?" She rubs her temples and stares at the colorful map laid down in front of her. Hyunjin taps on the large splotch marking Chris's territory."Our sole reason for coming here was to take over this city so we can learn how to manage bigger area's. The side quest was to get—,""Rid of me," she fills in and he looks at her with a small pang of guilt in his eyes." — Dispose of Bang Chan as he gathered too much territory in such a small time, simultaneously finding you to... Yeah... get rid of as well. But plans changed! We want to propose the co-ruling by showing them Bang Chan is both capable and willing to do so."She can only picture the ridiculous setting where they all walk up to Chris to simply say 'Oh hi! We're that murderous looking people you fear so much. Wanna co-rule with us?' and Chris happily agreeing. She scoffs and smacks with her already dry feeling tongue before crossing her arms and looking over to Minho."And why do you think he's willing to do so?" she asks."Well... Because of you?" She has to blink a few times to process that before she starts laughing which confuses the three in front of her. What a joke. The Chris of the past would've jumped at the opportunity to do anything to protect her. But he thinks she's dead for sure. That and he made it very clear in their last conversation his priorities lie with Hyuna and not her. Yes, he would consider giving up his territory so she can walk around freely on the streets, but it would take more than that and with what they told her earlier -their plan to fabricate the story Chris killed a vampire in revenge for turning his best friend so Felix would be out of the picture- she doubted Chris would be in on this story to protect the guy who he thought killed her. Yeah, even if they would tell him she was alive -although not in the sense he thought - he probably would be itching to fight Felix anyways. She wasn't that certain about the plans."Good luck trying to convince him," she snickered bitterly. "At least it's sweet you try to win back Felix's trust by putting yourselves in danger.""That's why we need you to stay here for a little while longer until we figure out how to bring him aboard. We'll go tell our fathers tonight about our co-ruling plans before speaking of you in case they're not supportive. You think you'll be fine with Yongbok tonight?"She's still not that fond of his real name and it shows on her face as she scrunches her nose and nods. Although the churning anger of him turning her has cooled down a little, she made it clear she needs time and will talk to him when she thinks she's ready. With the council sons leaving, they almost present her the opportunity on a silver platter to talk to him and she knows they're doing it on purpose. Well, she better muster up her calmness and straighten her back, because she's planning on forgiving him, not forgetting things and for her to stay sane without wanting to cuss, kiss or scream at him she has to maintain her posture. 

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