Great! Unbelievably great. What other cliché you've got for me?

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Chris warned her so many times not to wander around late at night on her own, but the last thing she needs right now is his face popping up in her mind being concerned when he has his main interest finally confessing her feelings towards him.
Every moment she thinks back to their kiss she can't help but ball up her fists till her nails leave crescent imprints into her palms. She promised herself not to be the villain in their story, but these wretched feelings don't help at all.
Deep inhale, holding her breath for a few seconds before letting out and relaxing her shoulders. She's hungry and tired from her long day and wants nothing more than going home and falling to sleep in her bed. But she has no idea if Chris and Hyuna already have left and not wanting to run into them when she's like this she decides she better get herself some food before returning.
There's a small stall with street food still open in the park and when she walks over she's a little lost with what to order. Looking to her left she sees someone scooping up a Gunbam and carefully blowing at the roasted chestnut snack. Are they already selling those? She turns around and orders a portion together with some chicken skewers and a kimbap to take home.
And of course the first thing she manages to do is sit down and throw one of her Gunbam on the ground. She closes her eyes, exhaling through her nose being so done with everything.
"Here you go," a deep voice says and when she opens her eyes she sees how the person who had ordered before her gives his last two Gunbam to her.
"Oh no, you don't have to do that," she hurriedly says, but the stranger only smiles at her before walking away. She feels a bit embarrassed that the stranger must've seen her drop her snack.
"Thanks," she mutters under her breath, picking up the given snack and putting it in her mouth.
Does she want to cry? Yes. Is it because of the delicious taste after a long day of hard work or is it because of her emotions getting the best of her? Both.
She enjoys the nutty taste in silence and gobbles her portion up within a few minutes of sitting outside in the cold. It should be okay to go back home now.
She waves at the food stall owner before throwing away her trash and makes her way back through the park. She's having the feeling someone's watching her again, but she's too tired to focus on it, or rather, she doesn't care at all. Emotionally drained enough already from bottling up everything.
Arriving at her home she manages a small smile to her landlord who shuts the blinds on her again and with a heavy sigh she opens the door and lets herself in. Already preparing herself to be faced with a mess left by the workers she'll also have to clean after today's adventures. At least she's home, relieved from the not so comfy hotel bed and unfamiliar boring white walls she had stared at way too much these past few days she had to camp outside of her own comfortable place. Home.
Her eyes first meet the organized pile on her coffee table. All the bills she still has to pay neatly placed down with her favorite book next to it as if saying; Finish these and take some time for yourself.
It could've been either... No. She shakes her head and banishes out the thoughts of Chris.
"To whoever's there, thanks," she mutters, falling down on her couch with the pile in her hands, ready to be paid so she can shut her mind of worrisome stuff.

"Are you serious?!"
She can't believe her ears. He is out of his mind and she feels her ugly side rising up with every word he speaks. She had wanted to thank him for cleaning up her apartment, but he dropped a bomb out of nowhere.
"It's a good thing, right?" Chris talks. "I won't have to bother you at your work anymore and I only need a tiny bit at once this way. Hyuna and I talked about it a hundred times and she's the one who proposed the idea. You don't have to worry about draining bodies for me anymore. That's great right?"
He doesn't see how she's slowly shivering from anger right in front of him. Not only is he dropping this bomb on her after not showing up for a good four days where she needed his comfort more than ever after having these rough times but he's cutting her off. Disguising it like he's doing her a favor with a bright smile.
"I know you're worried about it, but I swear this is something we both agreed on."
"Without first consulting me?" she scoffs, crossing her arms.
Chris lifts his eyebrow and looks at her. "I just did?"
"Consulting and dropping this on me are two different things," she tries to explain calmly, but he can see her flared up expression.
Chris steps closer and grabs her upper arms to make her look at him. "Hey, hey. I thought you would be happy about this," he sternly asks her. "Hyuna offered to be my donor. She's consenting to it and I'm not like how I was when you offered to me in the past."
She averts her eyes thinking back to the early days she had let Chris feed off her out of desperate measures before she became an embalmer. Chris didn't have enough willpower to stop drinking in the beginning due to being new to the whole vampire thing and they had to take some debatable measures to make him stop in time.
She had lied when she told Han Chris never had the urges. He didn't have the urges to kill, but he definitely didn't know when to stop and the scars in her neck were proof of his unskillfulness at the time.
"It doesn't matter if you got better at controlling your intake," she breathes through her nose, shaking his hands off of her. "You're bluntly telling me you don't need me anymore. Any idea how that feels?"
Chris steps back with his hands falling down his sides whilst looking at her all confused.
"I'm not saying that?"
"Oh no, but saying 'Hey Lor, I have a girlfriend who's offering me better stuff' is?"
She knows she should keep calm, futile at this point as her ears are only filtering selectively what she wants to hear.
"Are— Are you angry at me for accepting a better offer?" His dumbfounded expression only triggers her more and the desperation in her heart yearns to cling onto him.
"No I'm not," she seethes through her teeth. "I'm angry you decided on this without talking with me first."
"But I am!" Now it is Chris who seems to be angry at her. "I am right now!"
"You're not!" she's surprised with her own raised voice, but continues. "You've already decided! If you really wanted to talk with me, you would've read the message I sent this morning asking if I should prepare another batch and reacted immediately to that, telling me it wasn't needed and that you wanted to discuss why. Not showing up at the end of my workday, barging in after I had a grueling twelve hour shift and lightly mentioning I'm not needed anymore!"
Her yelling is now loud enough for others outside of her workplace to hear and she's more than grateful Sunye and Radhi already left, trusting her with the keys enough to let her work till the late hours of the evening.
Her mind is racing and she can't believe he can't understand her side of this argument. He's with his head in the clouds and not even looking at something simple as a text, driving her abandonment feeling insane.
"I never asked you to do those things in the first place! How should I know you had a long workday?"
She scoffs and throws her hands in the air. "I dunno, maybe talk to your friend instead of occupying every damn minute of your time with your new lover?"
"Leave Hyuna out of this!" His voice is now equally loud, but she can't care less.
"Quick to defend her huh?" she laughs. "Admit it, Chris, you're hopelessly in love with her, so much you forget to look around you. But I get it, Why—," she gets interrupted with his ringtone.
Chris dares to take his phone out of his pocket and looks at the screen to pick up within a second. "Honey? What's wrong?"
He looks towards Lorey whilst focussing on whatever Hyuna is telling him on the other side and his angry face quickly turns into a concerned one. "I get it. I'll come over now."
He hangs up and Lorey looks at him in disbelief.
"I'm sorry, Lorebee. But Hyuna needs me right now. Family matters," he excuses himself and she can't believe her ears again.
"Get out," she seethes with a trembling lower lip, pointing towards the door. "Get out. Now."
Chris seems to be contemplating between his options, but she already knows his answer. He told her loud and clearly tonight. While she still has some say in this all, she better uses it.
"I'm sor—,"
Chris is gone with an eyeblink and it takes her two seconds before she slams her hands on the stainless steel worktable in front of her. She lets out one heartbroken scoff before blinking at the ceiling lights to keep her emotions in tact.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
It has been a long time since she spoke out her mind like this and it feels good. A pained laugh escapes her throat.
"Freaking ten years of caring and he replaces me for a chick he has met only a few months ago?! Fucking fantastic!"
She balls her fists and bites her lower lip. She should've seen this coming. It's the most clichè out of all clichés in vampire romance lore. Not only will they share multiple sweet kisses under the moonlight, she will nourish him in the last moments of her life. And after that? Did he even think about that? No, she'll welcome him back like the loser she is. Like how she did all these years. Fuck, why does it hurt so much?

Drain me [SKZ fanfiction] Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now