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Felix tried his best finishing his main dish, but she still had to help him steal a portion onto her own plate and refused a dessert, opting for a nice cup of tea instead. When they were done she tried to fight him over the bill, claiming she ate more than him and should be the one paying.
"No!" he told her off, handing over his own card to the server who -unlike the sales clerk in the bag store- enjoyed their bickering with a fond smile. "Call me old fashioned, but I'll pay!"
"Old fashioned?!" she scoffed with a smirk. "I'm gonna call you fossil like Jisung does if you keep this up!"
"Well, too late for grabbing my thighs, I've already handed over my card," he smirked back, making her gasp and blush.
"Stop reminding me!" she tried to shush him up, only gaining an even bigger smirk on his face when he leaned over.
"You weren't having any trouble with it last night."
It made a shiver go up her spine and she widened her eyes at the dangerously alluring looking man in front of her.
"Your card, sir," the server interrupted them and they both sat up right.

"You are not driving," she tells him, standing next to the vehicle with her hand stretched out to him.
Felix tries to play strong, but she notices the small trembling in his legs as soon as they start walking from the restaurant towards the car.
"I'm fine," he answers, trying to get to the car door.
"Felix, you ate a lot and those two sips of blood you had yesterday are for sure not enough to help you digest it. Let me drive you so you can puke everything out in the comfort of your own home."
He looks at her with a pouting face, telling her he was all but comfortable with the idea he would've to show her his pathetic side. Lorey sighs and bends her finger at him to hurry up with handing over his keys.
"If it's with you, I don't mind being sick," she repeats his own words and he groans at the tone she gives him, handing over his keys without putting up another fight.
"But we're going to your place. My place is too far away," he replies. "I'll promise to clean up the mess I make."
She's already content with the idea of going to her place, but his remark piqued her interest. She steps into the car and waits for him to sit down on the passenger's seat, texting Sunye in the meantime she's on her way back home.
"Want me to keep a window open?" she asks him, but Felix shakes his head and simply holds both his hands over his stomach.
She drives off and after a few minutes she asks him; "Where do you live, Felix?"
It's both a way to keep him from being too focussed on being sick as well as a way to satisfy her curiosity.
He turns his head towards her and stays silent for a moment before he starts speaking.
"All the way to the south," he answers with honesty. "The most southern bit of our country. I bought a small plot of land there when I was around a hundred and fifty years old. I stay there from time to time to wind down and relax. There's barely any people living around and the internet connection is terrible. The last house I had built there looks a lot like the place you work at."
She knew what his silence meant before he spoke. This was not something he simply shared with anyone. Sharing where you live as a vampire could mean endangering yourself. She hadn't expected him to actually answer.
Chris never tells her where he lives or stays when he isn't using her house and she never heard Jisung speak of his home or address either. Telling her, a simple human being, means a lot.
"Does it have its own garden?" she asks and she can see him softly smile from out of the corner of her eye.
"A garden, gazebo and even a tiny pond with frogs living in it. Gardening was one of my hobbies some years ago."
"Sounds lovely," she softly mutters, already picturing him in some overalls with a piece of grass stuck between his lips, a tiny garden shovel in his right hand and a sket filled with flowers in the other.
She parks the car on the end of her street and together they walk towards her house.
"Are you able to get in on your own?" she asks him and he nods and disappears in front of her.
Lorey inhales the night air deeply. She hasn't felt this relaxed in ages. Being out of her comfort bubble helped immensely and reminds her why she treasures her humanity so much.
The air is chilling, but her body feels warm after the filling dinner. She looks around and sees her landlord isn't looking at her from behind the curtain. The lights are off and she wonders if the man finally has found another hobby to fill his time with instead of spying on his tennant every day.
With a small smile she shakes her head and descends the stairs towards her front door, walking in and dumping her coat and shawl together with her shoes and placing her new bag carefully on the ground near her coat rack.
"Felix?" she asks. She hears sounds from out of her bathroom, followed up with a small 'I'm okay' from him.
She walks over when she hears him flush the toilet and without knocking she enters to rummage through her bathroom cabinets to hand him a spare toothbrush and some toothpaste.
"Thanks," he murmurs, still looking pale for his normal complexion before popping the toothbrush in his mouth.
She also takes her toothbrush out of its holder and together they stand in silence beside each other. Both trying to not laugh whilst brushing.
"Pleh, you're the worst," she spits out her toothpaste and sloshes some water in her mouth to erase the minty taste.
When he follows her example she spots his still trembling hands and when she grabs them she notices how cold they are. His eyes are also flickering between their normal 'human' color and their equal red part and she can't help but feel a little guilty.
"You really ate too much," she reprimands him and he tries to shake his head.
"It'll go away in a bit," he tries to smile at her and she groans at his stubbornness.
"Here," she pulls him over to the kitchen to make herself some tea while she unbuttons the top two buttons of her blouse to lend him her neck.
"Lorey," he whines. "I don't want to."
She rolls her eyes and pulls him closer. "After all of your flirting and courting tonight?"
He whines and tries to keep her in her place with both his hands around her waist. She only uses his closeness to tilt her head a little to capture his lips into a kiss. Without the sadness of yesterday plaguing her mind right now she feels on cloud seven.
Felix turns into putty as soon as she wraps her hands around his neck to deepen their kiss and when they let go of each other's lips he groans out loud before trailing a path of tiny pecks down her jawline towards her neck.
"Why can't I say no to you?" he mumbles against her skin and she giggles tilting her head some more to give him space. The initial pain of his four canines piercing her skin is hot and burning and she can't help but let out the tiniest groan of pain before she feels his venom numb some of it while he takes a generous sip of her blood. She at first smiles and leans into his arms while he drinks a good amount of blood from her, until she feels him still and a waft of his venom overwhelms her a lot more than she anticipated.
"Fe-Felix? Your venom—," she mutters. "Too much."
His hands grasp her tighter and she can hear sounds coming from behind them.
"Felix?" she asks again as her head starts to hurt from blood loss when Felix keeps sucking her blood out. She tries to push him away, panic taking over when she tries to look behind herself to no avail. Felix's hand travels up to her neck and she whines out loud, her limbs feeling heavy without energy in them. The grip on her waist gets stronger and he finally releases his mouth from her. One look. One last look at his eyes.


Drain me [SKZ fanfiction] Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now