Four tiny holes

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Felix stills a moment while Lorey points at her neck. She points to the two visible scars he knows belong to none other than the person she tries to forget the most right now. He hesitates a moment. Is she sure? He glances over and tries to read her face.
She's determined. She's in pain and wants him to overwrite the memories.
Felix knows the consequences. They will overstep a boundary if he continues. She will be filled with ecstasy, forgetting her sorrows and pains for the time being, but at the stake of being even more vulnerable than she is already. And although he has no doubt he will stop drinking in time, it will mean he'll taste her blood. There will be possibilities like she decides to give him her life, begging him to bleed her dry while she's in a bliss or even become addicted to it and giving up her free mind to follow him blindly. There's no guarantee with each human being so varsely different from another. The reaction to their venom is unpredictable and he has experienced all bad outcomes before in his long years of being on earth.
"If I sense any danger, I will have to leave you alone," he warns her.
She gives him a weak smile and nods. "I know."

It is the weirdest she even felt. She's a bit awkward at first when Felix scoots over to her and places his right hand on her left cheek to tilt her head a little so he has a better sight of the two tiny scars on her neck. She expects him to immediately bite down like how Jisung did on her wrist, but she gets surprised when he places a featherlight kiss on them first as if caring for the memory before replacing it with a new one.
Her breathing halts and all she can see is how he lowers his head, obscuring her sight with his hair and then feels not two, but four, sharp canines puncture her skin.
At first it burns and she tries to hold back her whimpers, but then the tingling feeling disperses through her body and brings down the veil over her mind. She knows it's the venom and her body relaxes and her breathing steadies. Finally, her mind calms down and she's blissed with the reduced voices and the warmth and calmness she experiences from his venom. That's until he moves his mouth a little and takes the first sip.

Fuck. Fuck! He's in trouble. Never would he have expected this reaction in his own body.
With all of his canines piercing her skin and injecting his venom he could feel her relaxing in his hands and he had exhaled relieved when he noticed there were no concerning signs of her throwing a fit or becoming too emotional.
He had bitten so many people in his vampire life, this was nothing for him. It had become a second nature to him. He had no troubles extending all of his canines, knew how to use his willpower to stop him from injecting too much venom or draining his victims to death and he had perfected his control over the hundredths of years. He had tasted all different kinds of blood and could distinguish the smallest details in them. He could go for weeks without it but also could drink as much as he wanted without getting drunk of the liquid.
He was one of the first of the thirds generation and therefore one of the oldest alive in his generation. He was what was called the epitome of a vampire in control.
And with one taste of her blood he knew he was done for.

With the first drop touching his tongue he feels how she shudders under his hands. He should've stopped there and then, but for the first time in almost a thousand years his curiosity wins over his consciousness. This was no instinct, he knew he could detach his lips whenever he wanted, but at this moment he wants to taste more.
The small sip he takes from her goes straight to his groin and he can't help but groan softly at the unexpectedness of it. Did he just?
Normally it's the other way around, but he gets aroused whilst swallowing her blood and it makes him snap out of it within a second.
He pulls back and almost falls off the couch, grabbing the side and piercing it with his nails, ripping the fabric in the act. He's panting heavily and swallows the deliriously good taste away.
Lorey blinks at him and Felix looks at the four holes in her neck where out of the first two trickles her blood as he had sucked there to bring the blood to his mouth. She cups them with her free hand and the redness stains under her fingertips. She looks at them when she pulls her fingers back as if deeply fascinated before looking back at him as if in sort of a trance.
Felix watches how she comes closer with her hand stretched out to him and places her index finger on his lower lip. She wipes her blood on his lip and when she pulls her finger back Felix can't help but let his tongue dart out to lick his lip clean. He can't help but shiver unwillingly from how good it tastes and before he knows it, she throws herself in his lap and kisses him.
He did not see that coming and in a reflex he goes along with it, his non beating heart fluttering like crazy and demanding him to give himself completely towards the girl sitting in his lap. Oh gosh, she's amazing!
No, he can't do this! His consciousness is warning him he should stop. She's under the influence of his venom and he should comfort her, not riling her up all for his own goddam pleasure! Why is he even reacting like this? Yeah, he likes the girl, but she's heartbroken and still processing her grief over the never blooming love between her and her best friend! And here he is, kissing her while she's dangerously close to him.
He pulls his head back whilst grabbing her by her waist to keep her upright and both stare at each other, panting, with swollen lips and blown out pupils.
"L-Lorey," Felix swallows, trying to regain his composure. "Uh— I— We should stop," he mutters, trying not to look at the tiny droplets of blood rolling down her collarbone.
She on the other hand shakes her head.
"I don't want to," she mumbles back.
"Well, we should. I-I wasn't planning on doing this."
"Me neither," she says without averting her eyes. "But it feels... Good."
The way she stares at his lips makes the grip on her waist tighter and he immediately releases her a bit when he feels his sharp nails against her skin. God, what is she doing to him?!
"It's the venom talking," he swallows at her. "Do you— Did you experience this before?"
She blushes deeply and shyly nods. "Only if I give in. I got Jisung to stop when it got too... sensual."
She looks up at him with her last word still lingering on her lip and inwardly he whines at the beautiful sight in front of him.
"You don't think this is wrong?" he mutters at her with an unsteady voice.
Her intense stare almost makes him believe she's the one using her gaze to captivate him and he knows his eye color is flashing between shades of red and his human eye color. Since when is he losing control over his abilities?
As if she notices his mental tug of war she grabs both his hands and brings them back to her waist. His now cold hands create goosebumps on her skin and he quickly tries to warm them up with ease now there's a tiny bit of fresh blood inside his veins.
"So thoughtful," he hears her mutter before she captures his eyes again. "Please, Felix," she begs him. "Let me forget things for tonight. I trust you."
Yeah, but he doesn't trust himself, he thinks to himself.
She lowers herself again and captures his lips for a passionate dance.
He kisses down her jaw and neck and as soon as his lips touch the trickle of blood his consciousness and willpower get thrown out of the window.
Holy fuck, he's a lost cause.

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