First looks

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As soon as both vampires can hear a steady breathing and heartbeat coming out of the bedroom, Han Jisung addresses him.
"Snooping around when there's another vampire isn't that nice," he sweetly says, letting him know he slipped up and made himself known to the other vampire.
"What was it that gave me away?" he exhales, stepping out of the shadows into the dim light in the living room of the girl. He notices how the vampire in front of him blinks twice when seeing his face which doesn't match his low voice at all.
"You're... quite small for a vampire?" he notices and he himself lets his eyes roam over the body of the vampire as well.
"And you have... an acquired taste in fashion?"
Han Jisung's stance falters when he huffs and clicks his tongue.
"Ash, you saw her giving me clothes. These are temporary," he nags when he looks at his belly which is in clear sight with the small top he's wearing, hugging his chest tightly.
"And to give you an answer, I could see you wanting to step in when she offered me her wrist. Are you her protector or something? I thought she had that friend of hers already. That Chris guy."
"Christopher Bang Chan you mean?"
"Whatever. That barnacle attached to my sister yeah," Han Jisung proclaims. "So what are you hanging around human girl for?"
Although Han Jisung plays it off as if he doesn't care that much, he can detect his protective stance as he moves slightly to be standing in the path between him leading towards the bedroom door.
"Lorey Pattens, you mean," he adds.
Han Jisung wants to say something, opening and closing his mouth before changing his words.
"Does she even know you're here?" he asks, seemingly a little baffled that he knows her full name while he only learned her name not even ten minutes ago.
He awkwardly touches the back of his neck and nods, then shakes his head. No idea why he's being honest with this vampire, clearly hundreds of years younger than himself, but the lack of recognition from him towards him is somewhat refreshing and makes him act like he's not that different from his younger opponent. But just to be clear; "And you have no clue who I am?"
Han Jisung's arms fall beside him and for a split second he's afraid his statement makes the younger vampire overthink and thus recognize him. But luckily, Han Jisung isn't that informed it seems.
"No? All I know is that I've seen you lurking around huma— Lorey, without a clear motive. But seeing you haven't jumped on me to murder me, nor her, I believe your intentions are probably the same as mine?"
He lifts an eyebrow at him. "Which are?" he asks on guard.
"She's interesting, right?" Han Jisung replies lightly. "At first I thought she was an annoying human trying to get in my way of protecting my sister, but she's fun to be around with. Not many humans are like her when they have knowledge about us. She makes you feel... normal I guess?"
He's a chatty guy, he thinks. Most vampires would've started a staredown when meeting one another or simply start up a fight, then talk. But Han Jisung seems to be talkative, wanting to know his motives before deciding if a battle is needed. Maybe that's a result of him being brought up with a human parent and sister.
"Well? Care to explain why you're hanging around her in the shadows instead of talking to her like a normal person would do?" Han Jisung ushers him.
Talking... Like a normal person... When was the last time he did that? He always observed, watched and looked at stories unfolding from within the shadows. The only real interaction he has is with the council and their families. And only when he has to. Talking like how he's doing now is already an exception for him.
"Uhm—," he stutters. "I'm... not that used to talking to others?" Well, there goes his confident pose, he thinks with slouched shoulders.
He hears Han Jisung sigh and move his position back to the couch he was sitting on earlier, pulling one leg up and crossing his hands behind his head as if he's not feeling any threat from him.
"Are you a new vampire or something?" he casually asks, glancing at the empty spot beside him on the couch as an open invitation for him to sit down.
He gulps and sits down stiffly at the opposite side, not really knowing what to do for the first time since... forever. He's not used to talking about himself and he's not that eager to expose himself that easily towards the rather relaxed looking youngster.
"Not that new," he softly stammers, earning a snicker from Han Jisung.
"What's your name?" he asks, looking up to him.
His first instinct is to say out his full name, but gives his modern name in favor of staying vague. "Lee Felix."
"Ah, nice to meet you, Lee Felix. I'm Han Jisung, but you can call me Jisung. I'm sensing you're probably around my age."
In human years maybe, but in vampire years? Far off.
"Then call me Felix as well," Felix answers towards the younger vampire.
"Great. So tell me again, why the snooping around gir— Lorey? I won't judge."
Felix wants to roll his eyes at him, but refrains from doing so. Instead he awkwardly says; "Yeah, about that. Can you maybe not mention that to her? I'm just observing her, like you said, she's interesting."
Han Jisung tilts his head at him and gives him a big smirk Felix doesn't really like. It implies something troublesome for sure.
"You like her?"
Felix almost chokes on his spit with the spoken words and quickly looks over to the very smug looking vampire.
"No?!" he exclaims, eying the bedroom door, hoping he wasn't too loud. "I haven't liked someone in over two hundred years!"
Now it's Han Jisung's turn to choke when he hears him talk. "Wait what?! You're older than me?!" He immediately sits up right and bows whilst seated with his forehead almost touching his knees. "I'm terribly sorry for my rude behavior towards you as an elder. Please accept my humble apologies."
Felix is surplexed with the sudden change from him and quickly waves his hands in front of him, asking him to stop bowing.
"Please don't," he says with a troubled voice. "Forget that I mentioned that. My age doesn't matter."
Han Jisung lifts his head to see if he means it and when he sees the sincerity in Felix's eyes he grabs his chest and exhales out loudly.
"Thank god. That was truly terrifying. If my dad knew I disrespected an elder vampire he would've chewed me out. Don't scare me like that."
When he looks up there's a glister in his eyes full of curiosity and Felix sighs before relaxing in his position.
"Just say it. You want to know my real age, huh?"
Han Jisung is practically vibrating and eagerly nods.
"All I can say is that I've been around since the third rise of our species."
Han Jisung's eyes get as big as saucers and Felix can see him do the mathematical counting inside of his head.
"Woah!" he exclaims after figuring it out. "But you look so—," he looks at Felix and quickly swallows his words to which Felix can't help but chuckle.
"Perk of observing a lot of people," he shrugs casually. "You learn how to blend in. If not for my slip up, you probably wouldn't even have noticed I was around. I've had enough years of mastering this vampire lifestyle."
The other shakes his head in disbelief and gives him a look filled with respect, but his body doesn't show any sign of discomfort like how Felix thought he would act when knowing who he really is.
"But, back to the topic," Han Jisung smiles after he's over his admiration for the older vampire. "Your reaction said it all. Why not walk up to our human girl and talk to her if you're interested?"
Felix feels his cheeks flush and quickly disregards it to blame the warm living room he's sitting in. A weak excuse as temperature doesn't do anything for him.
He scrapes his throat and shuffles in his seat. "I don't like her that way," he starts off, gaining a small smirk from Han Jisung. "And I can't just jump out of the shadows saying 'hi, random vampire here, by the way, I've been stalking you for the past few months' right?"
"So you admit to stalking?" Han Jisung smiles and Felix can't help but groan. "Relax, as I said, no judging. But why not walk up to her and just... I dunno? Talk? Worked out for me."
"Yeah, after she already intercepted half of your 'genius' plans to sabotage her best friend and your step sister," Felix scoffs.
"How do— Nevermind, you lurker," Han Jisung chuckles. "I don't see why just walking up to a human and starting a conversation is that much of a problem. There are no rules saying we can't communicate with them, right? As long as we don't go telling every human about what we are without ditching or disposing of them or something."
Felix bites his lower lip. Technically they can indeed form bonds and relationships with whatever human they want, but he has seen enough cases where things ended up in a tragedy because said human didn't know their friend, lover or even family member was of another species. Even if Lorey Pattens knows of their existence, it doesn't mean he should carelessly go beyond it.
It's as if the younger vampire can read his mind. "She's not some random human who just learned her friends are some kind of monsters. She has known for over ten years and apparently never met other vampires besides that Chris guy and me, kept her mouth shut and even helped both of us as you saw. I don't think she's a threat to our existence at all."
Felix slowly nods in agreement to his words. He knows he should report her for having the knowledge about vampires without being registered, but like Han Jisung said; she kept silent for over ten years already. And in the back of his mind a small voice begs him to take this chance. What's so difficult? Observing or interacting. In the end he can still judge and report her if needed.
"To be honest, I'm a little envious of your mindset," Felix admits to him. "I mean, I know walking up to someone to befriend them shouldn't be that difficult, but I honestly have no clue how to do that anymore. Sitting and talking to you -another vampire- is something I haven't done in like, twenty, maybe forty years? I'm envious you've managed to befriend her in such a short period of time."
His words clearly surprise him as Han Jisung frowns at him and scrunches his nose.
"I wouldn't say we're friends," he begins. "She and I... We're more like frenemies at this point. I bug the hell out of her apparently -her words- and she is like the annoying older sister who nags at me but also entertains me with her weird arsenal of facts. Like, did you know they use this weird hooked needle through this soft part under your chin to sew a mouth closed when people want an open casket funeral? I thought they would use some fancy mechanic for that, but no, she hooked it through like her client was a fish or something!"
Felix grimaces at his description and the other can't help but laugh at him.
"Yah. I should say, find a good moment to bump into her and start a conversation. Like a meet cute! I promise you you're capable of making friends that way and impressing her. Just go for it!"
Felix shakes his head with the enthusiasm he hears and his mouth forms a small smile thinking about the possibilities of talking to Lorey Pattens and to be more of a help than him just staying in the dark. Maybe the naïvity of having younger vampires around him could help with loosening up a little.
"Maybe I'll try," he smiles at him. "I did enjoy our talk as well, so maybe I could give it a shot."
Han Jisung stretches himself and looks over at the clock hanging on the wall.
"I enjoy it as well! There aren't many vampires my human age around which are both civil and fun, so if you ever want to hang out again, I'm open to it."
Felix stands up from the couch and makes a small bow to the other vampire who scrabbles himself up and instead reaches out his hand for him to shake.
"No need to be that formal. I'm still the youngest, remember?"
Felix smirks and takes the hand to give a small shake.
"Just hop by if you're bored. You probably already know where I live anyway," Han Jisung winks at him and Felix can't deny nor confirm he indeed knows a lot about the younger vampire. He just smiles and nods, giving one last glance over to the bedroom door before leaving the basement apartment.

Lorey wakes up the next morning to a blaring alarm and a small note next to her phone saying Jisung already left and even took out the trash; 'Cause damn, you pig, clean your house!' as written with a devil face emoji and a wink face behind his name.
She snorts and grabs her phone to see if she has enough time to take a shower before going to work and sees a text from Chris.
'I'm really sorry I had to leave yesterday (πーπ). I didn't mean to make you upset in any way. Can you please forgive me? (╯•﹏•╰)'
She gives out a deep sigh, thinking back to the whole ordeal from yesterday. Well, she would be hypocritical to say she doesn't want him to drink fresh human blood when she so easily offered her own to a vampire he doesn't even know. So she picks up her phone with both hands and shoots him a quick text back.
'All forgiven. Still in for that movie Friday night?'
After a few seconds he replies.
' (O^O) I'll bring popcorn and chocolates!'
She gives a small smile, time to get up. There's more than enough to do.

Writer here:

Yhaay! We met him! 
But Lorey didn't yet, so how will she meet him?

Drain me [SKZ fanfiction] Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now