Work, home...ah...forgot to give my name!

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Being terribly tired from work, her argument with Chris and the small talk with the unknown vampire made her emotional bucket filled up to the brim.
Just another fifteen minutes of walking and she can finally collapse in her bed, all to wake up to her alarm in the morning to repeat the grueling workload she still hasn't finished. Great.
Lorey blinks a few times to hold in the tears she's not planning to let out right now as there was no need for them in these past hours, so why now? Deep breath, upright posture and go. Maybe she should draw a bath when she arrives home. Her sore shoulders surely could use it right now.
Being deep in thoughts about how she should proceed her evening she doesn't hear the hurried footsteps nor the groans, until a figure literally collapses in front of her against the wall of a shop she passes.
"Jisung?!" she shrieks, seeing the vampire slouching down with his hand clasping around his right arm and on his face a horrified and pained expression.
She immediately crouches next to him to grab him by his other arm, but the vampire lets out a pained wail, trying to escape from her grasp.
"The hell happened to you?" she whispers with shock in her voice as the vampire opens his eyes filled with tears to see who's talking to him. When he recognizes her face the tears fall down and his trembling lower lip shows her he is in clear distress.
"I-I'm such an idiot!" he yells whilst whimpering and grabbing his arm tighter whilst balling himself up against the wall.
Lorey looks around her and sees how there are few people out on the streets looking at them. Shit, she has to do something before people will meddle in with them.
"Han— Jisung, can you look at me?" she hurriedly asks, trying to catch his eyes. "Tell me what happened and let me help you get up. There are people watching."
His darting eyes focus on her and with a small nod he lets her pull him off the ground.
"It hurts," he keeps whining and now he's standing, she can see how pieces of skin under his draped on jacket look like they're burned in some way.
"I'm so— sorry. I was angry and acted on impulse. I— I— It hurts and it's all my fault."
She calms him down and makes him look at her again, saying she's not angry and will listen to what happened.
"Hyu-Hyuna t-told me she of-offered him h-her blood a-and I got angry. I h-had a flask o-of holy water hidden a-and and—,"
His stuttering amplifies while he tries to finish his story, but Lorey can already guess the outcome.
"Did you try to hurt him, only to hurt yourself?" she sighs and Jisung nods with a guilty looking face.
"I'm sorry. I-I s-shouldn't have done that, b-but why? Why would s-she o-offer?"
Lorey can only agree with his words and hums to comfort him. When she tries to stroke his back he winches again.
"I-I was planning on dumping it all o-on his head, b-but then I saw Hyuna smile s-so happily I he-hesitated a-and stopped. B-but I lost my balance a-and the flask fell. I had to shield them a-and managed t-to break the cap."
Jisung keeps rambling on and she places his arm around her shoulder to help him keep his balance while she makes him walk with her.
Her poor, poor shoulders are protesting under his weight, but her instincts are telling her she can't leave the wounded vampire alone.
After she arrives at the staircase leading to her basement she stops and glances over to the side window of her landlord. Thank god, the lights are off already.
Jisung is still wincing and groaning beside her while she helps him ascend down the staircase. It's until she pulls her keys from her bag he notices where she's dragging him off to.
"I-I'm not allowed into strangers houses," he mumbles and Lorey huffs at him.
"Well, I'm inviting you in. I need to look at your wounds and you need to be away from prying eyes and I believe your house isn't an option right now, huh?"
She gives him a raised eyebrow and Jisung manages to give her the biggest pout she has ever seen.
"Are you really letting me in?" he questions with a tiny voice and she pushes open the door to give him space to enter.
"Yeah, now hurry up and get inside," she nags at him.
He manages to limp on his own towards her couch and Lorey doesn't hesitate throwing her shawl and jacket on the ground in favor of hurrying over to him and helping him pull off his own jacket.
"Ow ow ow," he whines when the fabric touches his sensitive skin.
It's not the prettiest to look at, but she's seen burn victims before in a much worse state -the death state- so seeing the scorn and blistered flesh isn't that bad.
"Should we rinse the water away?" she asks him and all he can do is nod.
"It's better if I shower it off," he grimasses. "Although that will probably hurt even more."
He takes a few breaths before pushing himself up and Lorey quickly grabs his upper arm to help him walk over to her bathroom to turn on the shower.
Jisung doesn't even bother taking off clothes and steps into the bathtub with even his shoes on and clenches his jaw when the lukewarm water soaks him.
Lorey can hear a weird sizzling sound when the holy water mixes with the water of the shower and the diluted stuff leaves red lines where it washes away on his skin and disappears into the drain.
"That stuff is effective," she mutters, already grabbing her first aid kit and a big, clean towel for the soaked vampire.
"Fucking hurts," he groans, opening his eyes out of the stream and looking down at the damage.
"Don't you have some wicked regenerability powers?" she jokingly asks him while he's observing his wounds closely.
"You know about that too?" he replies curiously, even though his voice sounds pained and tired. "Only works when we've had fresh blood. Thought you knew that with that vampire friend of yours?"
She scoffs and bites her lower lip. She was joking... Damn, what kind of information doesn't she know after being with Chris as a vampire for over ten years?
"Chris only fed on animals and blood I brought him. He was never wounded when he had fresh blood in his system, so no, we didn't know."
Her voice sounds sour and she curses herself for letting her true emotions seep through. Jisung stops the shower and steps outside of the tub, creating a small puddle of water dripping out of his clothes and shoes on the tiles on the ground. He's shaking and even paler than before, but at last his wounds aren't sizzling anymore.
"You okay?" she unsurely asks and he tries to nod, but then shakes his head.
"I don't feel so well," he replies and she has to use her quick reflexes to catch him when his knees begin to shake so hard he can't keep up his own weight. The rush of adrenalin must finally wear off and now with just the open wounds and him standing here the pain catches up with him.
"F—Shit, Let's get you down," she huffs while she lowers him to the ground and holds him in her arms while the water clinging on his body soaks through her clothes. He's as cold as Chris normally is, but the pale expression on his face worries her.
He needs strength and quickly if she wants him to stay alive— death — undead, whatever. Internally she curses at herself for throwing away the blood she was planning on giving to Chris, but also remembers the stranger's voice telling her it would only satisfy. Not counting as 'fresh blood'.
Lorey scowls out loud, making Jisung shriek with her sudden sounds.
"Here," she says, holding up her wrist in front of his face.
Jisung's eyes get big and he shakes his head furiously, making him dizzy in the process so he has to stop and grasp his head.
"C'mon, I can take it," she ushers him, but Jisung refuses.
"I'll just endure it," he almost whispers. "I can't ask that from you after all I've done. You've already endangered yourself enough by letting me into your workplace and home."
She groans and rolls her eyes, not removing her wrist in front of his face. Why is he being this stubborn while she can obviously see how much pain he is in?
"Not the time to be the remorseful vampire, you little shit. Now hurry before I go searching for a knife to force feed you."
Jisung glances three times from her to her wrist, mumbling a tiny 'sorry' before grabbing her wrist with a trembling hand and bringing it to his mouth.

She clenches her teeth when the familiar feeling rushes through her. Keep your brain straight, Lorey, she thinks to herself. Unwanted flashbacks wilt up in her mind of the last time she experienced this.
Chris and her had indulged into it, but she knew all too well it was nothing more than that. An indulgent between adults who were horny and stupid at that time. She had cried silently when he had left the next morning and he had told her a week later that he wouldn't feed off her directly anymore as she got accepted at her current workplace. It was like a line drawn and even though Chris had explained over and over again why he didn't want to use her as a blood source because he cares for her and was terrified one day he wouldn't be able to stop, thus killing her or taking away her humanity which she so desperately wanted to keep, her brain had filtered it as excuses for the real reason; He didn't like her the same way she did.
Too afraid to taint their friendship she never spoke her true feelings out loud, always being there for her friend but still silently hoping one day he would see her in another light.
Futile thoughts, of course...
"J-Ji?" she stutters, trying to keep her mind clear with his mouth around her wrist. "Stop...S-stop injecting venom."
Her mind gets foggier and the pleasant tingling through her spine warns her she will tip over to a rapture if he doesn't stop.
Jisung looks up at her and sees her blown out pupils and quickly drops her wrist.
"Oh! Oh shit! Sorry!" His voice sounds a lot stronger than earlier and she can see his paleness being replaced with a healthy blush.

Drain me [SKZ fanfiction] Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now