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Chris and Hyuna are peacefully enjoying their evening on the couch, watching TV, hands entangled. Chris rubs tiny circles on the back of Hyuna's hand and she coos at his soft display of love for her. She's too cute! Chris peppers her with tiny kisses and rubs his face content in the crook of her neck. Fuck manlyness for a moment, with Hyuna he can be as affectionate as he wants. She's his safe haven and the best thing ever happened to him.
Hyuna plays with his hair and leans her cheek on his crown whilst softly humming an unknown melody. Her voice sounds soothing and Chris exhales in content.
He knows he has to let go of his thoughts of the arguments he had with Lorey. She clearly showed him she was fine. Heck, she told him to go away. Only because he got worried.
He's been confused with her behavior over the past few weeks. Not only did she befriend Hyuna's brother, she obviously was courted by that weird new vampire boy. Felix she called him? The boy didn't look older than him and it made Chris look down on the boy. How could she like such a babyface? Then again, Lorey always preferred innocent looking faces. She told him once when he jokingly told her he could be her boyfriend and she stuttered and pushed him away saying his face threw her off. He was only a little bit hurt, knowing his face looked a little older than he was, but he hadn't dwelled too long on it.
The problem was, she was pushing him away and he didn't have a clue why! He thought it could be the classic trope of the best friend not liking his love interest, but she had gotten along fine with Hyuna. He knew he was wrong for claiming she was jealous, but he did not know what else it could be that made her push him away.
Hyuna pampered him the whole day after he came back from being told to get out of Lorey's apartment and he finally managed to set his troubles aside to enjoy the time with his girlfriend.
Chris closes his eyes for a moment, enjoying her warm hand against his cold cheek and her other hand playing with his cold fingers. One of the perks of him being this cold, he could keep Hyuna's fluctuating temperature down. With the sudden fevers she could get when her immune system shut down he was a blessing for her. And when she needed the extra heat, he easily took the time to wrap her up in extra blankets. She is his precious and means the world to him. And right now, he's more than happy spending their valuable time together, simply watching some old rom-com playing on the TV.
"Is Chris here?!"
He shouldn't be surprised with Jisung barging in at random. The vampire lives in the same house as his girlfriend and even if they're still not on the best terms, they had buried the hatchet in favor of their mutual interest; Hyuna.
"Ji, learn to knock," Hyuna nags at him while she lets go of Chris to give him space to sit up. "Why can't you go bother mom or dad or something?"
Jisung looks out of breath which is worrying Chris if he's up to something again, but Jisung interrupts his thoughts.
"No, they're out of town—, That doesn't matter! Chris! Chris, do you know where Lorey is?"
His blabbering is focussed on him and Chris suddenly sits up right hearing his best friend's name.
"No? At home I think? Why? What's the matter, Jisung?"
Jisung inhales deeply with fear shown in his eyes as he looks up to them.
"The sons. I saw them wandering around her neighborhood."

Without being able to teleport as both Chris and Jisung refuse to leave Hyuna alone, they have to run over to Lorey's apartment. It's not even a ten minute walk and running it takes them less than five before they spot the back door of the landlord of Lorey's apartment being wide open. Jisung glances at Chris who leaves his girlfriend in his hands before carefully walking over to the open door.
"Shit," Chris mumbles when he sees the body on the ground. Already drained to its last drop. He scans the body to see any signs of struggle when his eyes land on the ring with keys being held in the grasp of the man.
Chris shoots up and runs past Hyuna and Jisung still standing outside. He doesn't hesitate and teleports inside of the apartment.
In the two seconds he's there his non beating heart shatters at the sight of the scene.
There's three people surrounding the fourth he recognizes as the boy he met this morning. The other three people emit the aura of importance and Chris immediately knows these are the council's sons. But his focus is on what they say.
"Yongbok? What are you doing here?"
Chris's world stops when the vampire slowly turns around. The Yongbok. Yongbok the Observer. The vampire he feared the most as it meant immediate danger towards his best friend. The eon old vampire known for giving the council information on vampires going out of line or finding humans endangering their species. The man he read about in old history books tipping the most brutal vampires to slaughter those who he deemed a danger. The Lee Yongbok.
And Chris's limbs begin to shake with fear when he sees who is in between the hands of said vampire.
"Felix?" Her voice is almost a whisper when Chris witnesses how Yongbok releases his fangs from her neck to swallow and gives her one glance after he makes eye contact with the three in front of him and with that to Chris who's behind them. There's blood dripping from the corner of his mouth and his grip tightens.


The sound is ear deafening and it's as if the world falls away from under his feet. There's a haze blurring his vision when pure fear and anger take over.
"You monster!" he growls with an ear piercing scream and all three of the council's sons turn around to see him.
Within the next seconds hell breaks loose.
The oldest of them notices how Chris is set on lunging towards the vampire holding the limb body of his friend in his arms with the intent of killing him and blocks his way by pushing him back. He's no match for Chris who feels his blood boil from the monster holding Lorey.
He snapped her neck. He snapped her neck like a twig! All whilst maintaining eye contact with them! He needs to die! He's a monster! She trusted him and he sucked her dry and killed her off like mere prey. He has to die!
Chris takes one step back from the push and immediately sets off again. He ducks under a flying claw aiming for his chest and returns the favor with a good aimed punch to one of the sides of the long haired vampire in front of him. The guy gasps for air and his bulkier friend tries to spare his way by using his full body as a shield.
Chris gives speedlight punches with most of them being blocked by the bulky fellow, but also dodging any attempts to disarm him with the three council sons trying their hardest to not reach for his target.
"I'll murder you!" Chris screams over their heads towards Felix who has dropped Lorey on the ground. Her body lays lifeless next to his feet.
Chris loses it when the vampire dares to break out in laughter. It's a high pitched laugh not even lasting a second before he glances behind Chris.
Chris manages to knock the bulky vampire to the ground and wrestles on top of him while the lanky one tries to claw him from behind.
"Get back!" the vampire yells and Chris feels the nails dig in his upper arm.
With a groan he releases his grip on the bulkier one, but not before giving the vampire a good punch in the face which makes the latter grasp for his nose and stay on the ground. Chris jumps up with his hand clasped around his wounded arm and kicks the other vampire in the shin. The vampire falls shrieking to the ground with the unexpected move and the older vampire jumps in front of him as his last barrier before he can reach that abomination who killed his best friend.
"Christopher Bang Chan! Stop this nonsense right this instant!" he thunders over them.
"Never!" he growls back, lunging forward when the guy doesn't step away.
Chris and the older vampire brawl until Chris gets the upper hand and manages to give a nasty side punch, making the other double over. He kicks him out of his way and is now fully focussed on Felix who, to his disbelief, is not even taking on a fighting stance.
This angers Chris only further.
"Why?! Why, you monster!" he screams, throwing his fist forward to his face.
The monster looks unmoved, his expression stone cold. He grabs Chris's wrist out of the air and slams his arm down without much movement.
Chris falls to the ground and quickly scrabbles up to claw at him. Felix slaps his hand away, making him stumble and with not even lifting two fingers he pushes Chris back. He falls on his back and feels how his lunges get squashed from the impact of his back making contact with the concrete floor.
"Leave," Felix almost whispers without breaking eye contact with Chris who feels his anger make place for pure fear.
He's strong, he knows he's strong enough. He brought down all three of those weak ass council sons. Why? Why wasn't he strong enough to even hurt a hair on that motherfucker. He doesn't even look remorseful! Chris doubts the vampire feels a spat of guilt. He killed her!
"She trusted you!" he screams at him and Felix eyes waver for the tiniest moment. But when he hears one of the vampire sons groan, his face hardens again and he lifts his chin towards Chris.
"Go," he demands of him and before Chris can do anything else, he feels two pairs of arms grab him from behind, beginning to pull him away from the scene.
"No!" Chris stretches out his arm, but gets pulled back.
Behind him he can hear Hyuna yell and Jisung grunt when they try to get him away with all their might.
He's too late. He's too fucking late and now she's gone. He wants to protest, but his broken attempts bring him nowhere when Jisung pulls him up the stairs and drags him away far enough.
"Chan! We have to go! It's too late! We'll be in danger if we stay," Hyuna cries beside him, clinging to his arm to get him out of his rage.
His brain goes on autopilot seeing her crying face and without looking back he grabs her hand and the three of them run off back to their home.
When Jisung slams the front door behind them and grabs his hair with both his hands to pace around with heavy breathing he lets himself come back to the here and now.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He hears Jisung curse while Hyuna still cries out loud and slouches down to the ground.
Chris stands there with trembling limbs and his throat shut close with the whirlpool of emotions trying to claw their way out of him.
Images of Lorey losing consciousness and falling to the ground like a ragdoll spook in his mind and the snap rings in his ears. The ear deafening snap.
He looks from Jisung to the girl sitting on the ground in front of him. Hyuna heaves with shocking shoulders and her hands pressed against her face. She must've been horrified seeing him like that, but when she looks up to him -tear streaks running down her beautiful face- he can see she's crying for him, showing not a spec of fear, just deep hurt.
He sees how Jisung slams his fist against the wall, making an indent into it. His jaw is clenched and his eyes are brimming with tears as well.
Both Han's are showing their emotions and he's standing there, his mind dysfunctioning.
He lost her.
After seventeen fucking years his nightmares became reality. He lost her to the thing he feared the most; his own species.
And with it comes the bitter truth. Realization.
He lost her because of his own carelessness.

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