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There's noise near the front door of the abandoned house and with the knowledge the council sons have already left over an hour ago, she can't help but be on her cautious side while she soundlessly moves over to the stairways to look down to see who's talking.
It's Felix to her relief and she holds her breath when she hears Jisung outside.
"Lix, please! I searched all over the place to find you! Everything is a mess and I need to know why you did it."
Lorey almost falters, wanting to run downstairs to hug her friend and tell him everything is alright upon hearing his distressed words, but Felix says; "I can't Jisung. It's dangerous for you to be out here. Go back home and we'll catch up later, alright?"
His voice sounds strained and she notices how he's grasping the door post with his knuckles turned white. He's as stressed as Jisung is and he has to keep her a secret for now, even if that means lying to his friend.
Jisung whines and steps closer with his brows frowned and tears already brimming in his eyes.
"I know! I know Felix. But things are so wrong. Hyuna's in the hospital after we escaped and I don't think she'll make it, mom and dad can't get a flight back home and dad doesn't wanna leave mom alone and now with Lorey gone... I — I don't have anyone to go to and you're my only friend left right now."
The boy is almost breaking down and she can see how Felix has an internal war with himself on how to react to him.
"He— Her liver and kidneys gave out last night and the doctors said if they give her too much morphine she wouldn't be able to come out of it at all. They are literally counting her days, Lix, a-and Chan is being all weird about it."
Lorey instantly focusses on that last piece of information. Chris acting weird? His lover- Hyuna on her deathbed?
She thinks back to the talk she witnessed in the park of Chris asking her to be his girlfriend and her asking him to be turned. Shit.
The puzzle pieces all fall into place and her pounding headache fires back up with the words jumbling around in her head. No. Chris is gonna do it! That stupid blockhead probably doesn't even know about the laws! He's going to turn her and that will have him killed!
Even if she buried that piece of him deep in her heart and finally forgave herself and tried to move on, she can feel it tugging on her with a nagging voice.
Everything shortcuts inside of her, thinking about Minho's words, talking about Felix.
' — and did what any of us would've done in his positioning. He sacrificed himself for you.'


It's eerily silent in the hospital room. The small beeps of the machines the girl is hooked on are the only thing breaking it together with Hyuna's small, but shining smile and weak voice.
"Hi there."
Both of them stare at each other. Hyuna smiles with warmth radiating from her face as if she was expecting Lorey all this time while Lorey looks at her whilst biting down her lower lip and her hands with the stupidly sharp nails pressing against her legs.
Even on her death bed the girl looks beautiful and at peace. Her eyes look tired, but even with the evidence she's clearly on her last end she lifts her hand, asking Lorey to come closer.
"You look pretty," she whispers at Lorey who gently takes her small hand. Hyuna shivers lightly at the cold touch but doesn't take her hand back and instead brings it to her burning forehead. With a relieved sigh she closes her eyes and Lorey dares to rub small, comforting circles with her thumb. She has a fever with how warm her skin feels under her hand, but she doesn't say a thing.
"You know —," Hyuna mumbles. "Chan couldn't stop talking about you when we first met."
She has a small smile on her face. "He kept blathering about his best friend this, best friend that. At first I thought he was in love with you and I got jealous."
Lorey doesn't dare to speak. She almost can't believe Chris spoke about her with the love of his life in front of him.
"But then I met you and I got it. You mean so much more to him."
Lorey feels how her eyes brim with tears she doesn't want to show. She knows.
"You're his family," Hyuna huffs before opening her eyes to look straight at her with a sincere look. "And you loved him."
All Lorey can do is give a nod while she sniffles and wipes her teary eyes off on her sleeve. Where he saw family, she saw something he couldn't ever give her.
"I know why you're here," Hyuna whispers.
The monotone beeping in the background distracts them from the thoughts in their heads and brings them back to the here and now.
"I'm okay. Chan wouldn't be able to anyway. I want to die."
"And he won't survive it," Lorey mumbles back.
Hyuna holds up her arm again and Lorey takes it without saying anything else. She lowers her lips to the frail looking skin of Hyuna's wrist and can see the weakly pulsating flow right under the pale looking cells. He'll hate her and that's okay. She's strong enough to stop.
And with that, she bites down.


There's an alarming sound downstairs at the front desk which Chris immediately picks up as coming from Hyuna's room. In full panic he swifts into the room, not giving a damn if people can see him disappear in thin air. It takes approximately four seconds before he can take in the scene in front of him.
His whole world stops seeing Lorey, half bent over with her lips around something.
He freezes on the spot, doing a double take upon seeing his best friend there.
S-she's here. Why? How? She's dead! He saw her getting snapped in half by that monster! But she's here?!
It all jumbles inside his head as he takes in his best friend's appearance looking both strong and terrifying as well as beautifuller than ever. She's beyond pale -almost as pale as he is - and her posture radiates power. Her long, slender hands with nails looking like he has seen on others of his kind are wrapped around a pale looking wrist.
He gasps when he notices what she's holding and when her pure, red irises look up at him the world dawns upon him again.
"N-No— H-Hyun? Lorey? NO!"
The beeping of the monitors behind them stills for a long, endless sound and Lorey pulls her fangs away from his girlfriend's wrist whilst looking over at him with pure panic lacing her eyes.
How could she?! His mind gets filled with rage seeing her eyes dart over him and how she drops Hyuna's lifeless wrist as if she has a disease. She, she—!
Is the whole world turning against him? Do they want him to go mad?
She's a monster as well!

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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