After The Mistake

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The morning after, well it was like I knew something was different. Although I expected to wake up beside Austin in an unfamiliar bed, I was rather relieved to find that I was tucked up in my double bed at home. 

Sitting up I rubbed my eyes, trying to remember the scenes of last night. Getting up, my head was banging, great a hangover

I was just about to grab some breakfast when I felt puke rising in my throat. I quickly made a beeline for the bathroom, hurling myself in and locking the door behind me. Thank god it was a Saturday, I thought as I chucked up last nights disgusting drinks. Why had I let Carrie take me to that stupid party? It was then I remembered what I really had done.

I had lost my virginity to the school's badboy.

Reliving the memory over and over, I felt more puke rising so I quickly pulled my hair away and vomited into the toilet. Once I was convinced I wasn't going to puke again, I headed downstairs for some breakfast.

Stumbling into the kitchen, I was greeted by Leon munching on some delicious looking pancakes. "Save any for me pig?" I asked opening the fridge and taking out the carton of orange juice, pouring myself a glass. 

"These were yours" He laughed wiping his mouth and licking his lips. "And they were delicious" He moaned placing the plate into the sink. He pushed a note towards me and it had Trisha's hand writing written across it.

Summer, I've gone shopping with Helen, left you some pancakes for breakfast. Hope your feeling better, see you tonight, Trish x

"You ate my pancakes? Boy you are so dead!" I screamed chasing after Leon. He bolted into the downstairs bathroom yanking the door shut. I pushed on it with all my strength but it was no use he was too strong for me. 

"You're going to have to come out some time and when you do I'll be waiting!" I threatened, walking back into the kitchen. Leon was my...well I suppose you could call him my brother. 

When I was a baby, Trisha and her husband Henry adopted me because they were told they couldn't have children. I was a newborn baby when they got me, my real mom didn't want me. Apparently I was just a mistake to her and she realised she was pregnant too late and couldn't abort me. 

A month after Trisha and Henry had been looking after me and getting used to caring for a baby, Trisha found out she was two months pregnant. They were both over the moon but agreed to keep me regardless, determined to bring us up together like brother and sister. Of course, we fought just like a brother and sister would but I knew he resented me sometimes. 

I was a lot closer to Trish than Leon was. He knew that she loved him and he was her own flesh and blood but she tried to show me more attention most of the time. I knew she felt sorry for me and I hated it when people pitied me, so I just didn't tell anyone I was adopted. As far as I was concerned, Henry and Trish were my parents. The only other person that knew I was adopted, was Carrie and she never told anyone.

Sitting in-front of the TV with a bowl full of cereal, I switched over to MTV and turned up the volume as I listened to this weeks top music songs in the charts. After a while, when he thought it was safe, Leon joined me in the living room, sitting beside me on the couch. "Go on then, what happened at the party?" He asked.

"What? Nothing happened, it was rubbish actually, I wish I'd stayed here". Lie, lie lie!

"Seriously? I highly doubt that Sum, it was one of Mark's parties. I wish I'd gone but mom grounded me after she found out about my D on the Algebra test" He sighed annoyed.

"Well what have I told you before? You should of studied like I told you!" I said picking up the magazine from the coffee table and opening it.

"Well we can't all be perfect and smart like you Sum" He mocked changing the channel over to the football.

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