Kiss Me Again

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The wind soared through my hair as I ran through the meadow, my little girl running ahead as we were chased. We giggled happily as we ran together."I'm coming to get you!" He laughed, pretending to roar like a monster. My heart raised as he neared and my grin stretched further across my face. I tripped and lost my footing, collapsing onto the grass. "Mommy, mommy quick! The monster is coming!" She giggled, a bright smile on her face as her curly pony tails swayed in the breeze as she slowed slightly to run beside me. She reached out her tiny hand towards me and I interlaced our fingers together, running joyfully. I turned around seeing an evil grin on his face as he neared us. My stomach flipped excitedly as he ran closely behind. In all my life I'd never been so happy to have these two people in my life. Suddenly my hand became cold as my daughters hand was pulled away from mine, as the monster swooped her up in his arms.

"Mommy mommy help!" She cried as she giggled uncontrollably, the monster tickling her. I admired the loving scene for a few minutes until I was snapped back to reality. He took my hand and pulled me to his side, wrapping an arm around me and holding our daughter around his waist.

"Give me a kiss mommy" He winked, placing a finger under my chin and tipping my head so our lips met. He brushed them lightly before planting a firm, heart racing kiss on my lips. I could kiss him forever, just live in this moment always. He made me feel so happy and as long as I had him and our daughter, nothing else mattered.

"EW mommy, the monster gave you cooties, yuck!" She said disgusted, wriggling free from her daddy's arms and running as fast as her little legs could take her.

"I love you so much Summer Roberts" He declared, holding me protectively in his arms.

"I love you too Austin Roberts"

My eyes slowly flickered open and I blinked rapidly trying to see clearly. My eyes focused and I was surrounded by blank hospital walls. I looked around to realise I was not alone, Austin was by my side, his hand clutching mine as his head rested beside our hands. His eyes were closed and he looked so peaceful and contented, fast asleep. I rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand and a small smile grew on his face. He started to stir in his sleep and my heart raced frantically in my chest as he awoke.

"Summer" He whispered huskily, inching closer to me, his hand still holding mine only tighter and kissing it. "Thank god you're okay"

"What's happened to my baby? Please tell me she's okay Austin" I started to panic a small tear escaping.

"Relax, she's fine. It was a false alarm. Fake contractions or something like that the doctor said, you passed out because of the pain but he said you could go home whenever you woke up" He explained.

"If I passed out now what the hell am I going to be like when I really am in labour?!" My eyes widened in wonder and Austin laughed.

"You'll be fine, I promise" He murmured, placing a hand to my cheek and caressing it, our eyes meeting. His amazing eyes bored into mine and he held our gaze. I longed to know what he was thinking. Was he thinking about me, like I was thinking about him? Did he like me as much as I liked him? Would he ever see me as anything other than a friend? His head moved even closer to mine, so the tip of our noses were touching. I stared at his lips, hoping he'd just close the distance and kiss me again...and again and again.

"Summer..." He choked out.

"Y-yes" I stuttered.

"You're awake" Callum stated obviously as he strolled into the room. Austin shot back into his chair, an embarrassed blush rising on his cheeks and mine too. Callum's eyes drifted between us, like he knew there was something between us, history. I wriggled my hand free of Austin's and scratched the back of my head nervously.

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