I thought I could trust you

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"Arianna!...Arianna" Someone shouted in the distance, through the busy crowd.

It was him.


His strong figure struted towards me, his smile widening as his eyes locked on mine. He held out his hand and I placed mine in his, walking onto the dance floor. My arms snaked around his neck and he wrapped his muscly arms around my small figure, pulling me closer. We swayed happily to the music and stared into each other's eyes as if it was the first time. I'd never been so happy with anyone, never looked at someone like this, never felt like this about anyone.

His hand reached round to the back of my neck and pulled my face closer to his, leaning in to kiss me...

"What the?" He questioned when he saw blonde hair appear. My heart began to race as the wig revealed my real hair and Austin's eyes widdened with shock. He ripped the wig away from my head and stood astonished and confused. "Summer!" He shouted. Everyone's head turned, their eyes were on me and I felt isolated in the spotlight.

"It was you all along, I can't believe I ever liked you!" He shouted, throwing the wig to the floor and stepping away.

"Austin please!"

"NO!" He bellowed. "I don't want anything to do with you, you're nothing to me"




"Oh my god!" I gasped, trying to catch my breath. It was just a dream. I glanced over at the time on my phone, 6:50am. Sighing, I pushed my hair from my face and decided to get up and run myself a bath. I grasped my dressing gown, towels and headed into the bathroom locking the door behind. It was two weeks until my due date and I was growing anxious whilst everyone ran around after me, fetching and carrying my things as they asked "are you okay?" Every ten seconds. It was beginning to bug me and I felt trapped in the house. I couldn't drive and when mom and dad were working and Carrie was at her own house, it got pretty boring around here.

Oscar had come around whenever he could, acting like a boyfriend and tending to my every need. Although he hadn't asked me and we had yet to discuss it, he felt like my boyfriend. Mom had no problem with him, in fact she thought he was a real gentlemen and was as astonished as I was when I told her how mature he was. He was literally the perfect guy and I know my dad approved of him, but I couldn't stop thinking about Austin. Oscar had began to force his way into my heart but it always came back to Austin and whether it was a good or bad dream, it was virtually always him.

We hadn't spoke or seen one another in a while and after last time I was in no hurry to see him. His mixed signals were driving me insane and I couldn't tell whether he wanted me in his life or not. Why should I be there every time he suddenly wants to be in my life? He thinks he can just drop me and pick me up whenever he desires? Well I'd had enough, baby daddy or not, guy I'm in love with or not, it was time to try and move on.

It's not like we'd ever been anything in the first place. He was a fling, a one night stand for crying out loud.

Yeah right Summer


You felt that spark between you when his body was touching yours

I have no idea what you're talking about

Yes you do, you feel the connection, the spark, it's there and you can't ignore it

"Shut up!" I shouted clutching my head in my hands as my conscience argued. I relaxed my body into the bath and sat back as I tried to clear all thoughts of Austin.

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