You're not the boss of me!

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"You kissed my sister? YOU KISSED MY SISTER!" Leon bellowed through the house at Austin. After a perfect night with possibly the sweetest guy ever, Leon had overheard our conversation when I arrived home and was now interrogating Austin. "Man-"

"NO! She's my f*cking sister! And you're a god damn player! Don't come near her again Austin! You're not good enough for her, and I won't let you hurt her!" Leon shouted pushing him out of the house and shutting the door.

"Leon! You're not the boss of me! I can make my own decisions!"

"It's jackasses like him that got you in this state!" He shouted pointing at my stomach. A small tear rolled down my face, he was normally protective of me but never this bad. He was scaring me and I didn't like this side of Leon.

"You're such a dick Leon! You said you were happy for me and now your calling my child, a state!? Leave me the hell alone and stay out of my business!" I screamed in his face frustrated to hell.

"No, you're not seeing him again!" He told me, like it was no option or choice, it was his decision.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do!" I shouted, walking towards the front door. "I'm out of here!" I shouted, opening the door and swinging it behind me. Who the hell did he think he was? It was my decision who I was friends with, who I kissed and who I wanted to be with. Not him. When I got outside, Austin was gone and I felt my heart sink in disappointment that he hadn't tried to stop Leon. Maybe he really didn't like me, he was just kissing me to help me out, make my 'dream' come true. The cold air hit me like a tons of bricks and I wrapped my arms around myself as I stormed away from the house.

I walked for ages, walking through familiar near by streets and finally coming to the public park, about 20 minutes from my house. It looked quiet and empty, so I strolled in, pushing the little green gate open, just like I had a thousand times before. I kicked a few little stones as I walked along, watching as the sky turned black and a few street lights lit the area. I sat down on a bench and crossed my legs over, looking around at the boring, quiet park. When I was younger, I came here all the time. There used to be a play area with a sand pit where Leon and I would build sandcastles with mom.

I snapped out of my little fantasy when a rowdy gang of teenagers, obviously drunk, strolled onto the park shouting and laughing. They all looked around my age and started to walk my way. I put my head down, hoping not to attract any attention. "Hey baby, why the long face?" A tall, lanky looking guy said sitting beside me. He wasn't half as good looking as Austin and I could smell the bitter alcohol on his breath and he sat close to me. I turned away trying to ignore him, but he carried on regardless, his friends laughing. "Baby, why don't me and you go somewhere private, I can give you a good time" He slurred pulling me viciously towards him.

"Get your hands of my girlfriend!" A familiar voice said viciously. My head snapped up to see a familiar boy I'd seem only yesterday: Callum. The boys all cleared off sharpish, cowardly running away scared. "Are you okay?" He whispered as he kneeled beside me with a worried expression upon his face. My face was slightly red and my eyes puffy from crying a bit on the walk from my house to here. He placed a finger under my chin, gently raising my head. "You've been crying..." He stated obviously, resting a gentle hand on my arm. "What's happened?" He whispered, caressing my face with a hand as I sniffled.

"Nothing, I'm j-just upset" I shrugged not wanting to talk about it. He got up and sat closely beside me. "Do you need a ride home?" He asked.

"No" I snapped. "No thanks I mean. I don't want to go home" I admitted, thinking back to Leon being angry with me.

"You can always stay over at mine, I don't mind, my mom is a nurse and has an overnight shift so she won't be there, she wouldn't mind anyway"

"Thanks but-"

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