Her Smile Took My Breath Away

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As my due date came shooting around the corner it felt like everything was starting to work out for me. I had all the support from my friends who were there for me 24/7 and a caring boyfriend who worshipped the ground I walked on.

Oscar truly was a great boyfriend. My parents adored him and couldn't believe how mature and responsible he was. He couldn't wait for 'our little family', as he called it, and was always at my beck and call whenever I needed something.

And some how, it still didn't feel like enough. Sure, it felt amazing to finally have my friends back in my life but weirdly, I felt like a part of me was missing.

I hadn't stopped thinking about him, about Austin and that day. Wondering whether I'd done the right thing. I couldn't bare to think back to that day in the park, virtually accepting defeat and saying goodbye. Although I knew I would obviously see him again when I went back to school, I had to accept that this was it. He was out of my life and my little girl's.

I thought back to that night when he kissed me on the big wheel, the sweet guy who took me out to cheer me up and was there for me when others certainly were not. How could I push him away like that? The only guy I'd ever had true feelings for.

As I lay awake in bed, the palms of my hands caressing my bump, I couldn't help but wonder what if...What if I had never slept with Austin? What if we had never met?

What if Austin ever knew or found out that I was Arianna?



The beat of Eminem's music sang through my ears as I pushed my earphones in and started my workout on the treadmill. I started off steady with a light jog, building the speed up after a few minutes. I needed something to take my mind off her.


Her beautiful face, her smile and those oh so perfect and familiar eyes, shinning in the moonlight.

Stop it!


You're doing it again, you're thinking about her!

So what?

So? There is obviously something there!

Don't be stupid!

My conscience argued with itself over and over. No, I didn't feel anything for Summer, I never have. Shaking my head I turned the treadmill up a notch breaking into a run, getting faster in pace. Sweat dripping down my face.

Just admit it fool, you've actually fallen for a girl

Me? Austin Roberts? Never!

Why can't you admit your feelings?

Because I don't have any feelings towards Summer!

You're a liar, she's the only girl you've ever truly had feelings for and all you've

done is treat her like crap

She deserves someone better, someone like Oscar

Oh yeah, goody two shoes Oscar, she doesn't feel anything for him and you know it

She's better off with him

You know you're wrong, you know you're saying goodbye to the girl you have

deep feelings for...maybe even love

"No!" I shouted aloud.

Everyone around me turned their heads, looking at me as if I was crazy. I turned off the treadmill and whipped the warm sweat off my brow.

Why is this girl driving me so crazy? She's just a girl. Sure she's beautiful, smart and ten times better than any girl at our school and even with a baby bump she positively glows.

Grabbing my gym bag from the locker, I headed towards my car. Another hardcore fitness session completed and still my thoughts lingered on her. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself that she was just a girl, it couldn't stop me thinking about her. The way her lips curled into a smile when we were together and showed her pearly white teeth. Her smile took my breath away.

I fumbled for my car keys in my short pockets and pressed the unlock button, slinging my bag onto the back seat. Across the lot was a set of stores and as I squinted my eyes I noticed someone strolling across the street.

Summer. Of course.

My heart began to race as I watched her gazing into designer shop windows, her little feet barely carrying her big bump. She positively radiated and even being heavily pregnant she looked amazing. I'd lost count of the days I'd last set my eyes on her and right at that moment I couldn't remember why.

My legs set into overdrive as I jetted across the lot towards her.

"I'm sure they do maternity clothes darling" Oscar shouted as he jogged towards her. Immediately I stopped in my tracks and watched as my 'oh so perfect' cousin placed his hand into Summer's.

"Yeah right, plus I wouldn't look nice in any of their clothes, I couldn't pull those sort of outfits off. Come on I'm getting hungry" She sighed rubbing her hand over her bump.

My heart rate started to return to normal and I watched Oscar lead the beautiful Summer into a cute bakery at the end of the street, holding the door open for her as she walked inside, kissing him on the cheek.

God I wish that was me

You're doing it again, thinking of her! This state of denial can't go on forever you know

Pushing my hair back I shook my head. I seriously need to get my head back in the game, I'm Austin Roberts for gods sake.

And I don't get tied down, or attached...to anyone.


Hey guys, I know its been a very VERY long time since I updated. This was a half written chapter up until this week. I've not really been able to focus on writing but I knew I had to finish this chapter. I apologise for the long wait, I know how agonising it is when a writer just wont update! I hope it was worth the wait!

Comment/Vote and follow me! Thank you fans

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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